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Slick Bass

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Everything posted by Slick Bass

  1. Going Underground - The Jam
  2. Just tantalisingly out of my reach 😖 absolute beauty
  3. I think I meant Black Beauties Stew, but consirable cost upgrade in comparison to the bass 😂😂
  4. There may be trouble ahead 🙃 set of DR Black Magics would just set it on fire I reckon
  5. £99! I mean Really???? https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pb_20_sbk_standard_series.htm That is amazing value. Anyone have a PB20? Good / Bad / Ugly?
  6. The Captain was an excellent horseman in a previous life ...
  7. Stand / travel bass
  8. In my limited experience it’s the twangy bits and pups that make the most difference, so a bit of investment in better quality (or hotter) pickups and choice of strings (not necessarily new) can make major differences. Then amp quality! 2006 Squier Affinity Precision bought for £50 has taught me lots about setup and modification and now sports SD QP’s, Copper foiled cavity, Hi mass bridge, CTS pots and switchcraft jack. Retained original strings temporarily so I could register the change in tone.
  9. A glass of wine may have been damaged in the making of this photo 😋😉 #nightinwiththelads
  10. Any luck with your delivery?
  11. At the risk of asking a daft question here! For home use at low volumes is it better to go for an amp fitted with smaller diameter speakers like PJB Double 4 or Roland Bass RX as you will get required drive with volume down. Or will a single 10 or 12 inch like Roland 60XL Markbass Micro fill out better low down? Currently have a Fender Frontman 15B which does sound boxy, but I don’t need anything louder.
  12. Interesting, I didn’t find that thread when I searched, but it is useful in answering my question 👍
  13. That’s a shame, obviously not selling enough of them.
  14. Yup definitely, they look nice in Black too. They have a really nice Natural Stingray as well 😍
  15. #no room for bed 😆
  16. Same question for son with 15th Birthday approaching in a few weeks, hoping after shutdown. Found this thread looking for info. Bedroom size 2m * 3m with reductions for roof and staircase (poor lad, it really is a box room) Current amp - s/hand Fender Frontman w Reverb 38W, but it does sound tinny in fairness. He plays a Maverick F1 and he mostly plays metal / rock. Son’s idea - Marshall DSL20HR Head ..... with Cab unit to follow with any other Birthday money and paid work he can do to fund, like 4 * 12 ... or something!?!?! Our budget £250! My thoughts; 1) I already had to move his desk out to get a double guitar stand in (he didn’t use the desk anyway) 2) I’ve turned into my Dad ... boring! 3) But seriously, would you actually be able use enough volume to drive a head/cab set up like that without blowing the window out / blowing the neighbours out? 4) I thought one of the following might be pretty cool. Fender Mustang GT40 Blackstar ID Core Beam Roland Cube Street Marshall MG50GFX Any thoughts welcome, even if it is to remind me how much I’d have liked a speaker wall at 15 🙃
  17. Yes, that seems to be a popular combination. The simplicity of the P with the smaller dimensions of the Jazz neck making it faster to play, or is there more to it?
  18. Hi All, interested to hear your views on the comparison between these two instruments. The Cutlass doesn’t appear to be a huge seller, but people seem to like them, the Fender P seems to be everyone’s favourite. Apologies if this is a novice question. Cheers, Ben
  19. What amazing craftsmanship, really interesting watching. Be a great acheivement to build your own to your own spec. Think I might have to learn to play a fretless as that looked painful
  20. My step son is learning the guitar, so I thought I’d do something complimentary so I could help him. He’s getting good and I’m not learning so quick, but 6 months in and really hooked. I can’t wait for the family to go to bed, so I can noodle around. I’m also realising why I like some of the music that I’ve listened to for years is around funky bass lines.
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