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Everything posted by rOB

  1. Sometimes I've matched the guitar/s, sometimes not. Depends on the music style and the parts. Currently my band only plays in standard or drop D so I have a detuner fitted to my E string. Keeps things simple for me.
  2. Ooo yeah that looks interesting. The footswitchable overdrive particularly caught my eye.
  3. I've just come back to using a B1on. Only using 2 patches with the same amp sim and pre amp (just adding another overdrive in the other patch). Loving it so far. I'm finding being able to tweak eq and blend in effects for each patch really useful. I've heard people say that the drive sounds aren't great but that hasn't been my experience at all.
  4. Potentially a basic question but when fitting castors to the bottom of a cab, how do you get access to the inside bottom to thread the plate/nut onto the bolt?
  5. My dignity.
  6. Playing an originals gig in an unsuitable venue and our drummer was struggling with his kit sliding on a tiled floor. Guitarist was trying to help by turning around and putting his foot against the bass drum. A whizzed middle aged lady walks onto the stage, taps him on the shoulder, points to the audience and shouts "the audience is over there can you look at them?"
  7. Worth revisiting this topic? It's been a few years!
  8. I'm a big fan of the mb500 and would love to hear it through a One10
  9. I'm another one in the positive camp and have had one on my main gigging bass for many years. Being able to return to drop D quickly has been invaluable in the rock bands I've played with.
  10. Interesting. What kind of music are they after?
  11. I expect it's mostly convenience for lots of people. For me it's also about security on the load out. I feel there's less chance of anything being nicked if I'm carrying it all out in one go. Maybe I'm paranoid.
  12. For me it's trying to get a rig I can carry all in one go (as well as 2 basses) that gives me the specific (clean and dirty but clear) sounds I like to use in my band. Carrying lots of heavy gear makes gigging less fun for me so I choose not to do it.
  13. Since posing this question I've been giving it quite a lot of thought and I think the main change would be less focus on amp and cab. I'm always DI'd in the current band and it is often convenient to share amps. I'd want to replace the Schecter C4 as close possible given that I don't think they're made anymore. The Omen-extreme-4 looks to be quite similar. A preamp pedal with a switchable drive channel - something along the lines of GK plex, ehx battalion or Hartke bass attack 2 Then into a light combo (maybe bypassing the preamp stage), ideally a wedge/kickback shape for monitoring on small stages. The new Ashdown ORIGINal 1x12 might well fit the bill.
  14. So this might be a fun thought experiment. You suddenly have no equipment. No bass, no amp, no pedals. Imagine a calamity of your choice. What would you buy to get you playing again in your current band/project/situation? Would it be the same as you currently use? If not why not? For the sake of argument, let's say we have to keep to roughly the value of your current rig.
  15. Thread revival. My bass was routed through one of these in a studio the other day. Sounded really good to me but I didn't really get a chance to play around for different tones. I'd be interested in other people's experiences.
  16. Amazing. Great stuff.
  17. Ok here's one of mine. We were auditioning a lead singer for a new originals band I was putting together. A young man turns up but hasn't learnt any of the songs I sent him. Whilst bagging his way through the material, he makes a number of very surreal comments about being a frog, going so far as to ribbet into the microphone. Hmm... It's obviously not working but he goes on about how much he likes the band and wants to be a part of it. He's not driven to the studio so I ask if he wants a lift anywhere nearby (more fool me), he says yes he lives close and a lift would be great. Turns out he lives about 30 mins drive away (opposite direction to my way home). Damn, too late to withdraw the offer. We head off and he tells me about some gigs he's organised in another city (Leeds) that have gone well recently. Being familiar with the city I ask him what venues and hands- he can't really answer. Hmmm... We get to his house and he gets out without a word of thanks. Then he emails the following day asking when the next practice is....
  18. What I do is find notes in the phrase where the vocals and the bass match up (timing wise). Then practice the bass line whilst hitting those vocal notes. Then fill in the gaps. But yes, lots of practice as well.
  19. I write structure notes and we do recordings of the current version of anything we're in the progress of writing.
  20. Me too. Although we recently recruited a dedicated singer so that I can (happily) move to backing vox.
  21. rOB

    Iam new here

  22. I'm currently struggling a bit with something similar. I use the boost channel of the mb500 for foot-switchable drive but interestingly the boost volume control doesn't seem to affect the DI volume causing jumps in volume when increasing gain through the boost channel. Hmmm, might need to experiment with a DI box fed from the line out.
  23. Good luck!
  24. Good luck Hazza! Be sure to keep us updated on how you get on.
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