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Posts posted by rOB

  1. Very short nails, even have clippers in my gig bag in case I forget to trim before rehearsals or gigs.

    [quote name='gafbass02' post='1223132' date='May 7 2011, 12:59 PM']I sometimes use the flat face of my nail as a plectrum, (I hold my fingers as though I were holding a plectrum between my first finger and thumb, but with no actual plectrum, just strike the string with the nail of the first finger)[/quote]

    Yep I do this too. A useful technique.

  2. [quote name='paul_5' post='1221629' date='May 5 2011, 09:43 PM']Welcome to the forum, it's dead handy for questions on just about anything, also [b]lots of very[/b] crap jokes.[/quote]

    Fixed! :)

  3. Played an outdoor gig on Friday. Was a nice way to get more experience for our newer band members.

    Went ok, few panics about the weather but it stayed dry. Surprising how much more volume you need to play outside.

    Crowd were happier during the evening set than during the afternoon set but I'm thinking a few drinks may have loosened some hips and got people dancing.

  4. Evening all,

    My band "Currently Without Abode" is playing at Lock 42 on Tuesday. Bit of Alt Rock take anyone's fancy?

    Doors are at 8, bands on stage bout 8.30ish.

    Cheers, Rob

  5. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1203293' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:57 AM']I have always believed that the [b]punters will respond to the energy and the quality of an intelligent performance[/b] and didn't need to be spoon-fed 'smooth jazz' or 'the Great American Songbook' to be engaged. What we did last night was 'commercial suicide' in conventional terms and many venues/bookers would balk at the idea of a 'harmony-less' trio but it nevertheless went down a storm. Left with a very big smile on my face.[/quote]

    Well done Bilbo, sounds great. Totally agree with this, glad it paid off

  6. Yes I have one. My bass (Schecter C4) has a non symetrical heal (?) and it works fine. Folds down really small

    Having said that I can't say for sure that the Schecter has the same shape heal as your jazz

  7. no sorry, do it exactly the opposite way round when recording at home (admittedly rubbish demos). Get the bass parts down first as they're the most set in stone/practised. Then program the drums, then guitar, then vocals.

    Having said that, I often use recording as an aid to writing so might do it that way because I tend to come up with bass parts first.

    Good luck with the recording! let us know how it goes.

  8. [quote name='Alfie' post='1198488' date='Apr 13 2011, 06:13 PM']Also I don't really understand the volume argument when it comes to bass amps/cabs.

    At small venues- pubs, clubs, village halls etc, 2x12 with 750W power handling is more than you will ever need.

    At larger venues there is almost always a PA system and the bass amp ends up being used for on stage monitoring, for which a 2x12 with 750W power handling is more than you will ever need.

    Size and weight should really be the key considerations and the SP212 is pretty dense, but portable in one hand if you are young and fit. It is nicely compact.[/quote]

    well put.

  9. [quote name='lojo' post='1182566' date='Mar 30 2011, 06:48 PM']This all seems a shame, the best cabs I ever played through where the Orange OBCs, but there to heavy to take to gigs week in week out

    Is everyone really saying, that those on here who rate these cabs would still do so even if the 210 was only a 1x10 ?[/quote]

    This is of course a biased, humble personal opinion but I really like my SP210. I use it with a Bass Terror , its deep, small, light enough to be a one hand lift (or two for distances) and plenty loud enough for me.

    Whether a high quality 1x10 would sound nicer isn't a question I can answer I'm afraid.

  10. [quote name='lojo' post='1180627' date='Mar 29 2011, 11:48 AM']Saw these cabinets for the first time in the flesh the other day, can they really deliver like the traditional 2 speakers in front cabs, such small boxes ?[/quote]

    If it helps, I happily use a terror and SP210 against a rock drummer and guitarist. Easily loud enough for rehearsals and backline monitoring, its never gone above half on gain and a third on volume (except to see how loud it goes). Fraid I can't comment on how it would cope without PA support at a gig.

  11. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1041076' date='Nov 29 2010, 01:54 PM']Used a thick (cook's) match to completely fill the hole up, then the screws tightened up nicely.

    Worked a treat[/quote]

    As someone who's nervous about all technical issues (for fear of breaking something) I used this fix last night on a wobbly strap pin. Worked perfectly and made me feel all manly for fixing it myself.

  12. [quote name='OzMike' post='1186451' date='Apr 3 2011, 05:43 AM']Welcome to the 'fakers club' - I think it's a big one, and that the best musicians are just the biggest 'fakers' of all. They are so good it seems like they can 'fake' being able to play anything! As a fellow faker, my position is this - if a bass player can play his part, it doesn't matter how long it took to get there or how much work 'out of sight'. When people sometimes compliment me on my playing, I hold back a giggle thinking 'you don't know how crap I really am, and how much practice I had to do to cover it up'. :)

    My first suggestion would be - get a teacher. A good teacher will be able to make an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and direct your efforts towards where it'll make the most difference.

    And what makes you think you can't learn a song by ear? - anyone can do it, it just comes down to how long it takes. If it's a matter of some tone-deafness - I have that too. Often I can't tell the difference between the 'correct' note and one that is 'in harmony' with it (especially if it's not the root). A teacher can help in this regard too. For some musicians learning by ear is easy; for the rest of us, your ear needs some / a lot of training.

    I feel as though I should know more theory, should be able to play better, should know more songs. This is because music is an open-ended experience; it's never 'finished'. This can be overwhelming if you only consider what you can't do, but more helpful is to consider what you *can* do, what you want to be able to do, and how to connect these two points (via practice, learning, listening, band experience etc).

    Don't forget what you know, but perhaps *do* start learning some 'basics' and - eventually - what you know already and the 'basics' will meet.[/quote]

    +1 to all this.

    Don't give up, just think about changing your approach

  13. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1181959' date='Mar 30 2011, 10:46 AM']You're too far away for me to make it..but best of luck.....[/quote]

    Thanks very much. Knew I could count on BC for some well wishing (is that a phrase?)

    pretty nervous as its the first time I've led a band, written all the music, lyrics, recruited the band, singing backing and organised everything on my own (luckily not my first time playing bass :) )

  14. [quote name='scalpy' post='1181126' date='Mar 29 2011, 06:18 PM']If I have any say in the matter, next to the hi-hats. I move quite a bit and this means I can twist away happily without fear of cymbals getting toppled. For some reason I feel like I can lock in on the drum groove better this side, there's probably some science in that somewhere.[/quote]

    Same here, stage left if possible.

  15. Evening all,

    My band "Currently Without Abode" are playing at Lock 42 in Leicester (attached to the relocated Stayfree Music) on 7/4/11. Its our first gig as a band and I'd really appreciate a few friendly faces in the crowd. Would be great to see some BC'ers.


    Cheers, Rob

  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1172103' date='Mar 22 2011, 01:54 PM']It doesn't help that the fragmentation of musical genres has led to lots of silo thinking - i.e. "I'm a metal / punk / blues / jazz musician".[/quote]

    I totally agree with this. I was looking for a drummer (and other band members) a while back and finding the right words to appeal to different musicians without being inaccurate in describing the kind of thing you want is very difficult. I emailed people/had online adverts saying that I was looking for a rock drummer (as well as trying more specific wording) then had conversations with people who hadn't replied because they consider themselves punk drummers. hmmm. I know their different but surely similar enough to provoke some interest?

    luckily I've finally found (after about a year and a half of looking) 3 other people willing and able to play.

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