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Posts posted by rOB

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='999581' date='Oct 25 2010, 12:31 AM']It's called a slab body - or at least it is on a Precision bass.[/quote]

    Thanks very much. I knew there'd be a word for it.

    They're not necessarily the most comfy to play but I just love how they look.

  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='999423' date='Oct 24 2010, 09:42 PM']Well that's easy enough - Orange Terror Bass.

    If you haven't tried one, do so. Simply awesome piece of kit.[/quote]

    oo, looks like just the job. Just need to start saving up!

  3. I would like an amp that I can carry in one hand but has the ability to play quiet and loud with enough power to fill a medium size bar/pub and cut through a drummer and 2 guitarists.

    oh and sound like creamy thunder!

  4. [quote name='Alfie' post='997857' date='Oct 23 2010, 10:45 AM']I have played some awful gigs going only through the PA, stage monitoring is a lottery at the best of times.[/quote]

    mm I guess that's the important bit isn't it. Just loved the idea of not have to deal with transporting an amp!

  5. [quote name='LLOYDWT' post='997395' date='Oct 22 2010, 06:38 PM']This reminds me of the lawsuits between Joe Satriani & Coldplay last year (If I Could Fly & Viva La Vida) & Cat Stevens & The Flaming Lips a few years ago (Father & Son & Fight Test). It's obvious and inevitable that chord progressions are gonna be reused song after song & by countless artists, however when the melody & phrasing so closely match, it's obvious that something a little less honest is occurring. If an artist covers a song & releases it commercially, the composer is entitled to royalties, I don't really see how this differs, the girl has already conceded she's "taken inspiration" from it. I doubt Anthony Keidis & Co are too bothered about the song, or in need of the extra royalties, but I do think it lacked forethought and respect from Vickers & her label not to clear it before hand. Hopefully it'll get settled out of court and forgotten.


    well put.

  6. [quote name='Lozz196' post='997822' date='Oct 23 2010, 09:39 AM']Prior to the audition:
    Ask them if they play the songs in the same key as the originals
    Ask if they want yr basslines to be the same as the originals, or if they want fills. If they want fills, just think of a couple of easy additions, nothing too fancy, as you need to hear what the drummer does before you can put yr bits in.
    The audition:
    Be on time for the audition
    If yr "live" rig is head & 2 cabs, take that to the audition - you`ll sound like "you" so play better
    Lend a helping hand with the rest of the band with carrying gear etc
    Tell them what you can bring to the band, as in transport/experience
    Establish what the band is actually about. If its about gigging 5 times a week, and you have a sales job taking you all over the country, or work shift patterns, it may not be right for you/you not right for them.[/quote]

    well put.

    Be friendly, whenever I'm looking for musicians that's first on the list. People's musical skill can get better over time but if you don't get on then its not going to work.

  7. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='711562' date='Jan 13 2010, 05:49 PM']Yeah you can but I dont know how it would sound.

    I always carry a Sansamp with me as a back up in case my amp throws a wobbler. Recently I was gonna use the sansamp and a powered monitor and go through the pa and stop using my bass amp but decided against it in the end.


    Sorry to revive this thread after so long but I'm wondering how many people actually play through the PA wirhout using an amp for backline?

    I've never seen it done but had a go in our rehearsal room the other day using a floor pod for amp modeling and went straight to the mixer. Sounded good to my ears, would save hauling an amp to gigs provided there was good stage monitoring.

    Any thoughts?

  8. [quote name='bubinga5' post='997630' date='Oct 22 2010, 11:12 PM']Try a Fender Jazz, Fender Precision, Stingray 4/5

    Try Try Try..its you who has to like the sound bro...[/quote]

    +1 to this. These are the basses which others are often compared to IMHO

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