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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. Me too, please - another Essex location here, this time Benfleet.
  2. Just hypothetically, I wonder if it might have been possible to resin the strap lock button onto the screw then turn the button like a giant screw head? Don't know if resin glues are strong enough.
  3. Fender Jaguar also has a skinny neck. As in width and depth. Also a Fender Precision Lyte.
  4. Don't mind at all - shame you have to get shot of it so quickly, especially after my epic snow trek I reckon this is easily a 9/10 condition-wise. Lovely bass, really easy to play - fast neck, great variety of sounds.
  5. Bought Jack's Zoom Q3 - great price, immediate dispatch, well packed. It has been a pleasure!
  6. 'Tis my pleasure to be the first to write feedback for zephead - Mike bought my surplus Gotoh-a-like bridge in a rapid. smooth as silk transaction. Have no fears! Cheers Mike.
  7. Paul S


    Chris bought my surplus hipshot tuner - paid at speed of light, totally hassle-free. It has been a pleasure, sir. Glad it fits, too.....
  8. It is more the look/vibe of the thing really. I'm no Jack Bruce or Andy Frazer, sadly, but both bands I am in have been known to dip into Cream/Free covers occasionally and it is a different looking bass that still fits in with the style. If I am honest I really don't need another bass but, well, you know how it is. As GAS goes this is pretty cheap stuff so i should get off lightly! I might even have a go at a doer-upper - try my hand at a re-fin or something - if the right one comes along. Need to try a shortscale first, though, and see how I get on. I get confused enough playing my headless B2A with more frets than I am used to!
  9. Fantastic, just what I was looking to read. It seems the short scale bass would be the one I would be more interested in but, as I have never played on one, I need to try it out. Gotta love Basschat.
  10. I can answer my own question here - I got a reply from Hipshot and, yes, a BT2.
  11. I sort of fancy one of these and was wondering if it might be possible to do a kind of overview thread - there's lots of stuff dotted here and there about the different models and how they are similar/different, but it would be useful I think to have it all in one place? One thing I remember reading that struck me was that all they had in common was the same approximate body shape. But which ones have the short scale (just the EB0?) Which have through neck/bolt ons? Do any have 38mm neck or are they all precision width? Do they all suffer from neck dive? And what is their USP? What are the ones to look out for - I would guess there are one or two Japcrap gems to be found?
  12. Having already got the wrong one(BT10 is too small!) I want to ask if anyone can confirm - Hipshot BT2 for a mid 80s MIJ Fender Power Jazz Special? Someone has said he thinks this is the one I need and it is the only other one I can see that mentions MIJ. Thanks.
  13. So I discovered... not sure where that information is hiding but I didn't spot it! Thanks for that - so anyone with a small key and 15mm peg head holes want a bargain black chrome BT10?
  14. I bought this on eBay direct from the USA for £41 all in - it is [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270558987735&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT"]this item here[/url] - Hipshot xtender in black chrome with a flat black baseplate, model BT10. It arrived this morning and, when offering it up to my MIJ Fender Power Jazz Special it won't fit. The screws are spaced differently and the spindle is too thin. Nor would it fit onto my MIJ Jaguar, not that I wanted to fit it on there. So which MIJ is it supposed to fit? Neither of mine, obviously. Bass centre sells chrome BT10 for £85 - this is brand new, never been fitted and I would like to get back the £41 I paid. Just check to see if it is the right model for you.
  15. Unsurprisingly there is a Shergold Discussion forum that has amongst it's members some exceptionally clever folks, including an old boy who used to make them and a chap who has recently made (from scratch - cast metal things and wound his own pickups) a bass/12 string/6 string interchangeable double neck Shergold replica! They would be able to help you with any issues that arose. [url="http://www.shergold.co.uk/forum/"]Forum here[/url]
  16. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120665203094&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Here is the listing[/url] Seems cheap for a MIJ Fender.
  17. Been fairly obsessed recently with listening to Undertow, Mr Big. I've just got outline permission from the rest of the band to cover it, so yesterday I started to get the feel of it - I'll have a little bash later today bit probably won't touch the fills etc yet. For me this is a pretty busy bassline - I'll also be playing it with a pick, so it will sound different.
  18. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1069540' date='Dec 26 2010, 11:55 AM']Bit of Christmas for you...always liked this. Surprised me at the time. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGU63KqXuZk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGU63KqXuZk[/url] Cor blimey guv'nor ![/quote] I don't usually read the comments on Youtube clips but this made me smile: 'Clapton was thinking 'fnck me I wish I could play that fast'....and then he stopped watching Dave on the bass and watched Albert Lee!!!!'
  19. When I first upgraded from my practice amp to something giggable I bought new. Then almost immediately I upgraded again and took a MASSIVE hit on the price I had paid. I was uncertain about buying secondhand but using the classifieds here on Basschat is really as safe as you can get IMO. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115170"]This[/url] is what I would buy with your budget. Maybe not fashionable but Peavey kit is by reputation indestructable and reliable. You might just get an Ashdown combo too - there is or was an EBO 300W for sale in the Basschat classified for £200, which would be a steal.
  20. I'd recommend a simple mod of one of these for getting it into and out of your car:
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