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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. I've had a quick look at Stringbuster and Stringsdirect and didn't see any listed. Just a thought. For a Hohner B2A. Ta.
  2. So what is this? Turn to Stone, Joe Walsh (or Barnstorm or whatever) Growl, snarl or just simple distortion? Whatever it is, I like it
  3. T'was my pleasure in recently doing business with Dave (goblin), having bought his Hohner B2A. He is a gent to deal with, no BS and a good communicator - plus the bass was better than I expected - and you cannot ever ask more than that. And packed to withstand a direct hit from a cruise missile, too. Cheers Dave.
  4. A Thunder III is good nick would fetch £350 +/- which, when you consider the quality of the instrument, is well cheap. Thunder IIs around £250-300. Thunder IA, with far less complicated controls but no through neck maybe £150, bit less sometimes. Thunder Jet, the simplest of all, for around £100. They are all great value secondhand and I love them, as you can tell from my signature. I use my Thunder 1A more than my other basses - just love how it sounds and feels.
  5. Yup. I am very discerning when it comes to my instruments. They have to be black. Most other things are negotiable...
  6. That Vantage looks nice. Shame it isn't black... Jon, thanks for that. I'll view it with academic rather than financial interest.
  7. [quote name='Bassassin' post='941281' date='Aug 31 2010, 07:39 PM']If you're looking for a black GB7 it so happens I've got one gathering dust - I had it on my Ibanez SR800 which I recently swapped for a Peavey T40, the Hipshot wasn't required. It's in pretty much new condition, I've even still got the packaging somewhere. If it's any use to you make us an offer. Jon.[/quote] Chrome would have been better, I think, as both my Scavenger and Thunder have chrome bits. But I do have a Thunder Jet in that lovely 'stealth' all black - might make sense to fit one on that first and see how I get on with it. PM coming!
  8. Are Columbus any good? There's a do-er-up-er on at the mo currently showing a £30 bid. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130426530953&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]70s Columbus Jazz[/url]
  9. I was wondering which model would fit - possibly the GB7?
  10. You know I am even considering selling my Jaguar to fund more. I keep checking that Vulture on eBay - still only £51, though reserve not met... .... there's a nice [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180550167225&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Washburn T-bird guitar[/url] on there, too.... just like my black Raven... Nooooooooooo!
  11. Five, listed below. Not sure what happened to my 'one in, one out' rule.
  12. You don't have a surplus Trace 1818 cab by chance? I am looking for one.
  13. Excellent stuff. I am not remotely technical, nor do I wander up beyond the 12th fret often, so this will help me immensely. Nice one.
  14. Washburn Vulture just listed, looks nice. Be interested to see how this fares. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1979-WASHBURN-WING-SERIES-VULTURE-BASS-RARE-/160472174376?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]eBay link[/url]
  15. I got mine done at Boots - a fraction cheaper than from Specsavers. Plus I also got one of Mr Hunt's spare ER15s. Much better - I can hear stuff now - 25s were too much.
  16. Paul S


    Never met him, didn't know his name was Si. Not ever had much to do with him, in fact. One time I asked a question about string winders and he sent me one, just like that. I'll never get to buy him that beer, now. RIP.
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='924366' date='Aug 13 2010, 08:51 PM']First gig with gloves ..[/quote] That looks so unbelievably cool. I thought, when the topic came up first of all, it would look just plain stupid, but it doesn't - you pull it off spectacularly well. Of course not everyone could - if I wear all black I look like a pile of lorry tyres. Hey ho.
  18. Just bought a pair of spare E15 earplug filters from John in a totally smooth, BS free transaction. Do not hesitate to deal with him!
  19. [quote name='Paul S' post='917695' date='Aug 7 2010, 08:49 AM']...almost always usually use the pre-shape[/quote]
  20. Well, by way of a small update, I've been living with and using this rig since April last year and am absolutely chuffed to bits with it. It is a bit on the heavy side but worth any effort for the pleasure of using it. I am looking for a 1818 cab so I can pick and choose which to use, depending on my mood!, but the combination of 15" and 2 x 10" is brilliant. I am still finding new sounds, too, though almost always usually use the pre-shape. Also, and I know it is extremely shallow and childish to take pleasure from this, but you always get an appreciative nod of respect from sound guys when you wheel one of these out. Here it is (well, half of it) in action last month, together with a bit of a bass face: [attachment=55938:Stanford...030710rc.jpg]
  21. My pleasure to be the first to add feedback for Bassix. I bought his Epiphone T-Bird and everything went exceptionally smoothly. Well, apart from the traffic that day, when the motorways went into meltdown. But that is beside the point. Liam is a nice fella .
  22. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Washburn-Force-4-Bass-Guitar-/130416623391?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e5d6fbf1f"]A new-ish Force 4[/url] has just popped up on eBay this morning, too, though considerably more dosh for what is probably a not particularly special bass compared to the older ones.
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