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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. Harry - yup, thought so. Wouldn't be surprised if the Westone/Washburn necks were almost exactly the same. Ta. Oli - don't tempt me! Pm sent.
  2. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='753527' date='Feb 22 2010, 09:52 AM']The 1A I had felt like a skinny P if that makes any sense. The only reason I parted with mine is that after playing for an hour or so it would make my wrist ache in a way that wasn't good. Aside from that - fabulous basses.[/quote] Skinny p - but not like a jazz. I think I know what you mean - sounds like the neck on my Scavenger, which I am guessing is going to be very similar overall to the passive Thunder 1 with just the one split coil pup. Thanks Harry.
  3. There's a Thunderjet just appeared on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230440053145&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]eBay[/url] - has anyone owned one of these?
  4. Exactly the hands on appraisal I was looking for - thanks Chris! One more question - neck width and profile - skinny or fat?
  5. Some beautiful basses - Geoff, WWRRSS, Krysbass - thanks for the pics. Guitars are nice, too. Jon - the finish on your guitar is gorgeous - how did you do it? yes, I did read that page you linked to - the man has done his research hasn't he! What I was hoping for were some comments like -'oh, the one you should look out for is the III-A - pick of the crop' or 'can't go wrong with the I, nothing ever beat it'. But I guess that kind of thing is always going to be subjective anyway - active vs passive. What would be the advantages of a set neck vs bolt on? From what has been sadi it looks like the active ones have a good range if tone available - do they sound good played passively, too? Did the electrics vary from model to model?
  6. I have never played a Thunder bass, only read about them, and wonder what the differences are between the models when you actually lay hands on them? They consistently get recommended for punching above their weight and, since buying my Washburn Scavenger (and most recently a Westone Thunder 1-T 6 string), I am falling a little bit in love with the whole Matsumoku thing. I kind of get that the I has single pickup and bolt on neck, the II and III have through neck and two pickups of varying configurations and the A models are active. Thunder Jet seems, on the face of it, a cool-looking but retrospective step back to the I? But that is all from reading so might be complete nonsense. So - are there any particular gems to look out for - duff periods, purple patches? And are they all available in black...? Apologies to anyone reading this elsewhere, just casting my net wide for opinions. Ta.
  7. I've been to Bob Johnson before - [url="http://www.legraguitars.co.uk/home.htm"]Legra Guitars[/url]. He is in Leigh. He makes superb instruments and does repairs, too. However I haven't been able to get hold of him recently and am just today trying out a guy called Chris who does the set-ups and whatnot for a few local music stores. His number is 01702 554916 but I can't vouch for his work until about Monday! He is in Thundersley (ish) So not much help, really
  8. My Jag fits in the standard Hiscox bass case (just), so I'd guess yes, too.
  9. Hiscox STD-EDP extra large bass case would do it, and that's around £80 delivered. I fitted my fat-arsed Washburn Scavenger into one. Ask nicely and they'll give you extra pads, too.
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='738872' date='Feb 8 2010, 12:54 PM']So which brand of steroids are you using? [/quote] Whatever this guy is taking, I think. He should have bought Mark Bass.
  11. Vaguely on topic, if only to discount one particular item. I'm on a (I believe pointless and soon to be abandoned) quest for a cheap, lightweight combo capable of competing with drummer and 2 x guitarists purely for rehearsing. Whilst idly eBaying I noticed a Hartke A100 and the seller lives close enough for me to give it a try. I have read that Hartke 100W amps are a 'loud' 100W, and that 23kg is a reasonable one handed lift. First thing I did was pick it up - yes, a one handed lift but a heavy one. I wouldn't want to walk too far carrying it one handed. Then volume. Sounds ok, I said, can we crank it up? Er, it is on max. Nowhere near. I am sure not all 100W are created equal but certainly this amp wouldn't make enough noise.
  12. Speaking as a fretless newbie, I have been played the thing in isolation at home for some months and, er, fretted that I would never get the hang of it after listening to all those recordings by the masters. Taught myself the beginning of 'Wherever I lay My Hat', then did silly Clangers impersonations. Then last week I did exactly as folks here have said - took it along to rehearsal and pretended it was a fretted bass. Much better, and it has cured me of my fear of it. Once you have got your head around the slightly different intonation it is fine - and the difference in tone is lovely. Well, for some stuff, anyway. But as an exercise in getting to grips with it I don't think that approach can be bettered.
  13. I used to own a Hohner B2A and I played that at one rehearsal when nursing a recently clicked into place back after putting it out. One of those 'difficulty getting in and out of the car and body contorted over to one side' type back things - I am sure you know the feeling. Anyway I hardly noticed I was wearing it.
  14. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='737215' date='Feb 6 2010, 02:12 PM']Still thinking about this - could you gain extra room by getting a smaller sofa, losing unused chairs or replacing a dining table with collapsible tv tables? Aha - Mr Skank you have given me the best idea yet - swap the bed for a hammock!!![/quote] Taking this another step - buy a bunk bed and stash the gear under the top bunk.
  15. You'll find in England we are less inclined to push ourselves forward - it's a cultural thing. But I am glad you did 'cos your playing is very good. Hi!
  16. Paul S


    Got to say Hi to a fellow Jagger. Jaguer?
  17. I'm sat here with a huge smile on my face 'cos I know exactly how you feel - well done! I had my first gig aged 50 and wondered what life would be like if I had done it 30 yrs earlier. But for sure the best place to be in life is outside your comfort zone. At least once you look back on it Someone once said 'if you only ever do what you've done, you'll only ever have what you've had'. Or something like that but more eloquent.
  18. [quote name='drewm' post='730090' date='Jan 30 2010, 08:28 PM']Here it is posing alluringly on my bed. [/quote] Yes, I have arguments like that, too, but my wife usually lets me back in again after a few nights. Great guitars - I love the concept but couldn't get my head around it - and a sexy red, too.
  19. Only mildly off topic but there is a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170439226125&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Washburn Falcon on eBay[/url] at the moment. I cheekily asked the guy what reserve he was putting on it and he cheekily told me £500. Seems a bit rich to me?
  20. In my extremely limited experience I don't think that trying something in a shop before you buy is all that helpful. I tried an Ashdown rig in the shop, thought it sounded great, used it and was happy enough for a few months. Then one day, due to a back injury, I hired the rig at our rehearsal studio - a Trace Elliot AH300 - 12. You can see from my signature what happened. That's the trouble - you can't try everything.
  21. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='730020' date='Jan 30 2010, 07:19 PM']How can you say such a thing when you haven't even tried it. Until you can disagree without personal insults I suggest you are a twannick.[/quote] Well, speaking as a former potential string mixerupperer I would say that it definitely might be worth trying. But not in public.
  22. Compromised - one end folded, one end single layer + straplocks. It does do what it says on the tin, though - it is comfy and totally curbed any tendency my bass had to neck dive. Thanks all.
  23. Thanks again. Some stuff to think about for sure. If I can't get what I thought I might want then maybe I need to open up the parameters a bit. Or maybe I'll just keep trundling the TE stuff about. Anyway, time for another think. Cheers all!
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