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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. I looked at the Ashdown but it is too heavy for what I had in mind. Ah well, I'll keep trundling the trolley.
  2. I was kind of hoping that I could do it with something along the lines of a Hartke Kick back 12, which would appear to weigh under 20kgs and not outrageously priced secondhand, maybe. Would 120W not cut the mustard, given that I don't use the trace head at over 3 for rehearsal? That is the bit I am unclear about - whether or not a combo like that can cut through. I guess not.
  3. +1 Google calendar. I asked about this a while back on here and, as a result, set one up for our lot. Works reasonably well.
  4. I don't think I have have been very clear in what I am asking, sorry - I'll edit it a bit so it reads clearer. I currently take the Trace amp and one cab (the lighter 1x15) to rehearsals. I would rather use something smaller and lighter (an easy one-handed lift). Whatever I spend on a cheap lightweight combo I would surely save on osteopath fees. We are a rock covers band and rehearse just loud enough to keep pace with a loud drummer - that is the limiting factor, she has an acoustic kit and doesn't do 'soft' very often. It isn't a case of just turning it down a bit. I do actually own a Peavey TKO 80 but it weighs nearer 30 kg than 20 kg and is not a very easy one handed lift. I guess, cutting all my previous waffle and BS, I am asking what sub-20kg combos people would recommend that can cope with playing rock music in a rehearsal studio with 2 x guitars and an acoustic drum kit. And can be bought secondhand for not too much cash.
  5. I am the happy and lucky owner of a fantastic Trace Elliot rig - AH300X plus 15" (and 2x10) cab(s). Perfect for gigging, love it to bits, just the sound I want etc etc. But it would be quite nice not to have to lug it about to rehearsals. I am considering buying a smaller and more lightweight combo so I can do away with the trolley and carry everything in one hit - so maybe 20kgs max. But what to get? I don't want to spend a load of cash on something like a Mark Bass/ Genz Benz/Phil Jones type thing - budget is a major factor - just something that will do the job at rehearsals without sacrificing too much quality. It would have to hold it's own against a loud drummer - by way of an indication of our volume levels at the moment I have the TE amp set on 5 for gain and about 3 for output - so loads of headroom from my 240W. We use a typical small rehearsal studio room situation, so nothing daft like an old warehouse or church hall. Would something like a Hartke kickback 12 do the job? Or even smaller - Line 6 lowdown 110 (I notice one for sale ATM). I think this might struggle but have no real conception of how loud any of those type of things will be by comparison. Any recommendations and advice gratefully received!
  6. Just trying to think of famous '3 somes' - Cream, Free, ZZ Top, Led Zep (ok a 4-some), The Who, U2, Budgie...er.. James Gang... hmm... must be squillions more.
  7. Hmm, just because you are a legend doesn't mean you have to have clean trousers. 'And that knob there adjusts... dang, hold up, fella - just gotta hitch up ma incontinence pants, think they might be leaking...'
  8. Maybe we should have a mini-Essex bass bash?
  9. 'And, Doc, when you have filled up your shirt pocket you can put all those detachable knobs in your back pants pocket like this' I am going to tell everyone I know that I frequent the same internet space as one of Leo Fender's buddies!
  10. Yes - that would seem ideal, really. I can do that at one end but would probably prefer to keep it longer at the other.
  11. Thanks - I feel more reassured now. I've just ordered some straplocks which I guess takes the strain off the material anyway. For sure it is very comfy - more so than a wide leather strap I have already.
  12. Just got a Comfort Strapp and, on the whole, it looks like a good bit of kit. It holds my new heavy bass nice and steady without the neck dive. Not sure about the leather bits at the end, though - they seem a bit flimsy. Has anyone had a problem with them? Also the Douglas Connector thingy - although i thought I had measured correctly I would ideally have the strap an inch longer - has anyone fixed their strap on the longer hole position for any length of time? Would it benefit from strap locks, in this case? Ok, that is more than one question. Ta.
  13. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='718483' date='Jan 19 2010, 09:54 PM']I'd rather lose my testicles than have my ex around![/quote] I did, metaphorically. Courtesy of the financial settlement. Worth every penny, mind.
  14. The Pretender, Foo Fighters. We haven't rehearsed it yet so I am looking forward to that tomorrow.
  15. I don't see why any particular tracks should be considered so sacrosanct that they shouldn't ever be covered. By a top artist or a covers band - if you can capture the vibe of the original (rather than an exact facsimile) or add a slant on it then that's fine by my book. Whether or not I'd consider something too cheesy to play is another matter - it depends upon who is signing the cheque. Covers vs originals thing - I would personally rather play someone else's good tune than my own sh*te one. Perspective is something that most originals bands seem to lack - the music scene is not littered, ankle deep, in talented singer/songwriters so far as I can see. Even taking my own limited experiences into account - over the last month I have either approached or been approached by three originals bands recently in an attempt to do a bit more and, when listening to their myspace tracks, retreated - the stuff was utterly dire. But they all reckon they have big gigs booked, just a sneeze away from a deal etc etc. There is sooooo much good music out there, why settle for mediocrity just because no-one else has done it?
  16. Yes, it sounds like your immediately problem hasn't been caused by the volume of rehearsal but possibly an inner ear fluid thing. But please do look after your hearing. I am 52 and have had to wear hearing aids in both ears for the last couple of years to get anything like a normal level of hearing. I also have reasonably bad tinnitus and what seems to be the start of some other inner ear problems. Postulated by the doctor that it was too many rock concerts without ear plugs when I was growing up. Wearing deaf aids is ok once you shift your mindset and the benefits majorly outweigh the downsides (luckily I am an ugly b@astard so looks aren't an issue) but it would be better not to have to wear them at all just because it is additional crap to add into your life. I've ordered some coloured ones now - better than those horrible pink things.
  17. I won't forget ... but have to say it is looking unlikely - been noodling around with it today and it is an absolute joy to play. The neck is a touch bigger than a jazz - 40mm at the nut and 21mm thick - but it seems to fit the shape of my hand perfectly. Ordered a Comfort Strappppp today to help with the heavy neck and general weight.
  18. Booked my seats last night - excellent!
  19. Hi Jon Hah! No crock of gold then - just a crock! Thanks for that. I'll take it to bits, give it a clean, and see if I can find anything anywhere that is likely to be meaningful. Ta muchly!
  20. Collected the thing today, here are some pics: [attachment=40373:wash1.jpg] [attachment=40374:wash2.jpg] [attachment=40375:wash3.jpg] [attachment=40376:wash4.jpg] [attachment=40377:wash5.jpg] [attachment=40378:wash6.jpg] [attachment=40379:wash7.jpg] For a 30 yr old it is in superb nick - the plate at the back for the electrics still has the plastic cover! The story - the guy I bought it from got it 8 years ago from a lady in Coventry, very cheap, to put into an odds and ends shop for re-selling. He liked the look of it and kept it back, but never got around to playing it. She said it belonged to her son who had a small band before he went to university, after which time it got stuck in the loft until they decided to get shot of it. The timing of this would indicate he bought it new or nearly new. No wonder it is in such great condition! My initial impressions are that it plays absolutely beautifully. You can immediately tell it is a really well built and put together and oozes quality. Extremely heavy (mahogany?) with the anticipated neck dive but, at this stage, not a deal breaker. The thing I need to get used to is the playing position - it sits kind of front on to me so the end of the neck is something of a stretch. Sounds lovely at my bedroom volume so am really looking forward to rehearsing with it - seems to have a growl with it all full on and yet really mellow with it.
  21. It doesn't actually look like any of those in the pics! Here are some pics - pretty self explanatory, I suppose. [attachment=40367:V1.jpg] [attachment=40368:V2.jpg] [attachment=40369:V3.jpg] [attachment=40370:V4.jpg] [attachment=40371:V5.jpg] The body has been shaped. If it was a home job then it isn't bad, then refinished? Evidence of the old saddle bridge. Small ray of hope it might be an interfered with 'Law Suit' guitar, but I couldn't be that lucky - most likely entirely home made! Appreciate your help, chaps.
  22. Not sure if this is the right spot for this question? I have a flying V guitar. It is bright red with a black headstock - no scratch plate or name on the headstock but the truss rod cover says Ibanez. It also has some bits carved from the outer edges of the body - either from new or quite well done afterwards. It looks like it came with a saddle style bridge originally but has had that V shaped through stringing anchor added later on. The neck plate says 'made in Korea'. Other than that I don't know anything about it. I've Googled Ibanez flying V and they are generally supposed to be quite good - this one does sounds quite good - but none look like this. Anyway know what other clues I might look for? I want to put it up for sale but could do with a little background first, if possible. I'll take some pics soon, which will help immensely.
  23. I own plenty of Mexican blue agaves but nothing with Fender on it. [attachment=40264:DSC_0049.jpg]
  24. If your are a bit rock inclined, there's practically everything I was weaned on - Hendrix, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Cream, Free, Budgie, UFO (earlier stuff when old goldilocks first joined them), ZZ Top, a squillion blues/rock artists up to and including Joe Bonamassa.
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