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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. Wow! This must be the fastest any thread has ever degenerated into a wooly pulling contest.
  2. Hi Joao - I got it from [url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/scratchplate.htm"]Aurora Project[/url] but I think there are several places. I sent them a tracing of the original, just to be sure. It's maybe not as stiff as I would like (ooh err, etc) but looks the business. It was 3 ply BWB. I reckon chrome would look the mutts, too.
  3. [quote name='Huwberry' post='698208' date='Jan 1 2010, 06:15 PM']I do know, however, that I [i]love[/i] the way it looks, and a shallow part of my mind would never, ever allow me to buy an aesthetic disaster, no matter how amazing it is in all other aspects. I hope I'm not alone in feeling this! I'm certain 80-90% (well, a lot anyway) of an instrument's desirability is down to looks alone.[/quote] It is what swung it for me, if I am honest, in a play-off between a USA jazz and the jag. The idea that I have a good quality fender bass that looked a little different from the herd is quite appealing. Mine is black and, with a black pick guard on it, looks even cooler - my Panther! [attachment=39160:jaguarblacksp2.jpg] [attachment=39161:jaguarblacksp3.jpg] [attachment=39159:jaguarblacksp1.jpg]
  4. Paul S

    2009's gigs

    Only 4. Illnesses, holidays, personnel changes, new band.. still, it was 2 more than 2008, which is when I started. Trying to get a demo recorded is #1 on the list for was early as possible, so we can start getting ourselves out there, but sometimes it seems like getting us all free together on the same night is like trying to organise things around an eclipse of the sun. Plus the drummer has just developed some weird medical condition with lack of feeling on her legs. Not nice.
  5. Passive - you get, front to back: neck pickup on/off bridge pick up on/off series/parallel on/off So you can do any combination of those. I sound better with everything off but find it doesn't cut through the mix too well like that Active, you get a 2 band EQ from the little rollers that will cut or boost. These are a little imprecise, IMHO, and the 'flat' position is difficult to guage. Two knobs - volume and tone, which work for both active and passive. When I first played it I used it active only but, now I am more used to it, use it passive only and get the sound I want from the amp. My only concerns about it are how much of the value of the beast goes into the slightly substandard electronics. Given that I now use it only passively, would I have done better spending the extra on a simple passive guitar? But that's just me. I love the looks and the way it plays and sounds, so I suppose it matters not at the end of the day.
  6. My God, Trouble Funk. I saw them in the 80s too - the bassist was HUGE - looked like he was playing a ukelele not a p-bass.
  7. [quote name='Mr.T' post='692110' date='Dec 23 2009, 09:46 AM']One thing that I noticed when I first played a headless Status.... If I didn't pay attention, I would naturally put my fretting hand two frets further up the neck, although the neck is in exactly the same position as my headed Status. It took a few plays to get used to not having the headstock... [/quote] +1 - I had a Hohner B2A and found that a real issue - my brain was obviously wanting that extra bit of wood at the end so moved my hand to compensate. Plus it had 2 more frets than my fender - the combination of the two did my head in, I couldn't get used it it and moved the bass on. Shame really as I thought it looked the business and the whole headless concept seems to make such good sense.
  8. I think I agree - class act! What a singer!! (good bass, too...)
  9. [quote name='simon1964' post='692343' date='Dec 23 2009, 02:14 PM']Depends on the Squier and the Fender![/quote] +1 Well, at least, in my limited experience of them. With no preconceptions I tried everything on the wall in a large local branch of PMT when deciding what to spend my dosh on when upgrading from my 'starter' bass. I was secretly hoping for a Squier of some sort but every single one (I tried about 6 of various sorts) fell short of the mark compared to a USA jazz or, what I ended up with, my MIJ Jaguar. Since then I have acquired a Squier VMJ fretless and it is really good... but still not as good as the Jag. But then it is a lot cheaper.
  10. [quote name='simon1964' post='691733' date='Dec 22 2009, 07:13 PM']Great song, but its called "Rocks" - Our guitarist always calls it "Rocks Off", and I've become completely anal about it! Sorry [/quote] I could be completely anal and say I missed off the 9 from the other tune, too . Funny, isn't it - I get that way about some song titles.
  11. Two that my band do are 'Rocks Off', Primal Scream, and 'Riot in Cell Block' a la Dr Feelgood. Love them to bits.
  12. I recently bought a Squire VMJ fretless and it came with steel flatwounds on it. Sounded great. But I had some Rotosound black nylons fitted to a p-bass that I didn't particularly like the sound or feel of so swapped them around. The VMJ now sounds totally awesome, loads of 'mwahh', buckets more than with the steel flats. It also doesn't feel quite as strange, for some reason (and the p-bass sounds better too). Not a huge range of experience but, for sure, a direct comparison between two sets - one steel flats, one black nylons.
  13. Thanks but I think they would all be even heavier than something that is already too heavy! [quote name='Thornybank' post='683293' date='Dec 13 2009, 07:39 PM']You are in luck! The only 18-ish ones I have are: An 18+10 (see last summer's famous everlasting thread for the flightcased one for £200 that I didn't buy only becasue I have this one - but now I have an AH350 which is designed to biamp one or a brace of 'em and I am kicking myself, except that where is it legal to even sound check the things?) A 12+15+18 full flight Mark 1? Mark2? silly huge thing that completely does bass beyond bass. A 15+18 which is the partner to the 12+15+18 (he had two?!?!?! what for????) with teh 12" section off it (but still full flight and face off and handle and wheels and all that) so that a single human can shift it. Sorreee....[/quote]
  14. Oh dear. I most definitely do not want, nor am I even vaguely considering, acquiring an 1818 cab. No sir. Not me. Far too heavy. It would be like taking trying to lift a bus in and out of my car. A bus with a black hole sitting in it, in fact. A black hole that had just swallowed a herd of overweight elephants. Even if they have the absolute tone from heaven and makes my humble bass sound like everything I have ever wanted it to. No, at my age I should be thinking of changing to sensible things like Mark Bass or Phil Jones, not adding to my Trace Elliot rig. If, however, you possessed such a thing, er, what would be the relevant information - price, condition etc? Not that, as I said, I am remotely interested, you understand. It is a purely hypothetical question driven purely by curiosity.
  15. I love the groove in most of Down to The Bone's stuff - this one particularly. A pretty obscure band from the 70s, Randy Pie - I love the groove on this: And a rock track that always gets that deep feeling for me, don't know if it counts, Man in the Box by Alice in Chains:
  16. For me it is all about the way a bassline is played - how it fits into the song as a whole - getting the right rhythm, how the runs and fills work without sounding busy or interfering with anything else. That's what impresses me - the ultra-clever technical stuff, be it with with pick/fingers/slap/tap/rusty nail or chopstick, turns me off totally. I have to say that I don't really get the point of using the bass as a solo instrument, either. A good pick player who doesn't just chug the notes but often gets forgotten is Deep Purple's Roger Glover - I reckon he is a star. Another one who got a mention recently on a thread is T Bone Wolk, who plays(ed?) with Hall and Oates. All my opinion, of course.
  17. Slightly OT but I saw Albert Lee last night with Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings at a local gig (I try to see them every year they come down). He is a star of the highest order - superlative guitar player and excellent (if somewhat unique) singer.
  18. I bought one of these a few weeks back - seemed a lot sturdier than the one above: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370264872355"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=370264872355[/url] Works just fine for Trace Elliot head and cab - a bit ricketty over rough ground so I also use a bungy cord...
  19. Danny - is that the standard guitar version or do they do a bass one, too? Looks like an elegant solution, I must say.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something to do with women working in male-dominated professions feeling they have to work that bit harder to get noticed. Which does happen, and is a shame.
  21. Also Status Quo, but in 1972 at the Queen's Club in Westcliff on Sea. I bet they played the same chords, too. Walked in and couldn't believe my luck as there was a space really close to the stage... in front of the speakers. I put that night down to my lack of hearing now.
  22. The Gate in Faringdon, EC1 last night. Traffic getting into the city from the Essex riviera was a nightmare, arrived 3/4hr later than planned. Set up quickly in a tiny corner of the pub on a raised section of the dining area - I was practically sitting on the high hat and was obstructed from any plain view of the audience by one of the guitarists. We played to a small but extremely enthusiastic crowd of city types who were, largely, pissed. I don't recall the band ever making so many mistakes, collectively - not sure where the singer's mind was but it wasn't on his vocals much of the time - but apparently no-one either noticed or cared as we went down a storm and had an absolute blast playing. And some more gigs in the pipeline, too. Life is good
  23. [quote name='sdgrsr400' post='666193' date='Nov 26 2009, 01:18 PM']Used to work round there, there's some really excellent restaurants in the vicinity should you feel like a good meal.[/quote] Our singist works just over the road (which is how we got the gig) and is taking us to a good Italian nearby, apparently. Any excuse for a decent pizza.
  24. Tonight, folks. If anyone is in the city do pop in!
  25. Good Lord, I actually know one or two of those, too! Please keep them coming and I'll print off and plough through the list. Ta.
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