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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k85FgA1Bptk"]Rio de Janeiro Blue[/url] doesn't seem to get mentioned much but I think is a lovely latin tune, especially this version by Richard Torrence (the guy who wrote it!) rather than the Randy Crawford version. Doesn't look like he has done too well on it. I keep trying to talk out lot into doing it but I guess it doesn't fit in.
  2. Played my first gig last year at 50 so join the club, young man! My one and only regret in life is not doing this 30 years ago. As mid-life crises go playing bass can work out a bit cheaper than sports cars or mistresses. As long as you keep away from the 'For Sale' section, anyway. Some unsolicited advice from another relative newie - don't be in a rush to get your gear. Listen to and play as much as you can before buying anything expensive. I was in a huge hurry, ignored what people said on here and ended up replacing stuff I bought initially.
  3. That is very good. The harmonic vibrato - I've seen Mark King do something similar and he puts pressure on the string between the machine head and the nut.
  4. Hayman - second cousin to Shergold - made basses in the mid-to-late 70s. Also currently [url="http://www.legraguitars.co.uk/basses.htm"]Le Gra guitars - Bob Johnson.[/url]
  5. I'm 51 and lug heavy stuff about regularly. It's more about how, not what, you carry IMO. I have injured my back several times - but never by trying to move heavy things. If you prepare yourself to move a heavy object - get those core muscles tight to start with - and then carry it properly the heavy stuff is easy. It's those silly bending-over-the-boot-of-the-car moments that do the damage.
  6. I actually think Zoe got her new mate Norman (as evidenced by recent pics of two together) to record that and she is now passing it off as her own... ... I'm impressed. I tried this and gave up, to be revisited in a few years when I have better technique. Question (and with no intention of hijacking the thread) for the panel - I play with a pick and can get the right speed using a pick (even if the notes are kind of muddled). But no way can I play that fast using my fingers. Is it just practice that is required?
  7. I've just moved the other direction from Ashdown to Trace Elliot... I did have an Ashdown MAG C210T -300 EVOII combo with an ABM 1x15 extension cab. Now I have the Trace Elliot AH300-12 head with 1153 and 2103H cabs though I normally just use the 1153 for rehearsals. For my ears this is what I want - the extra oomph from the 15" speaker is just awesome. I suppose at the end of the day it is all down to your personal preference but I have currently hit my noise nirvana
  8. The battery in mine lasted about 6 months, using it for about 10 hrs a week at a guestimate. It went quiet and kind of farty all of a sudden. I quite like the bridge pup in active mode and with switched to the series position at the moment, but I do tend change my mind every week or so.
  9. Hey Rob - must be big to tempt you away from your Sterlings.... go on, you know you want to tell us...
  10. Disclaimer - I've lived with my Jag, but not with a Jazz, so I am not anywhere near as familiar with the Jazz as I am with the Jag. I spent a couple of hours doing a play off in the music shop between the two (it was a MIA Jazz) and, at those kind of limited volumes, there was little-to-no difference in the sound when you played the Jag passively compared with the Jazz. Neck, bridge and both sounded, to me, almost identical. But then you can switch the pickups between series and parallel, and that makes a difference to the tone. Exactly what the technical side of that is, I have no idea. The difference is not something I can easily describe, but it is supposed to make it sound more like a p-bass. I don't know if that is right, all I know is that it is different and a sound that wasn't available on the Jazz. Then, with the Jag, you can switch on the active circuit - a simple but effective 2 band eq. And that sounded nothing like the Jazz - much more ballsy. It is quite possible that fiddling with the amp settings would/could do this - I am not experienced enough to know. But, all things considered, I love the Jag. I guess that's why I chose it. Though I'd probably love a Jazz, too.
  11. [quote name='Linus27' post='510329' date='Jun 10 2009, 04:18 PM']Thats just crazy. Why put magnets in a speaker cab? Don't they know thats just going to make it heavier.[/quote] So you can stick them to the side of your fridge?
  12. [quote name='Sean' post='510720' date='Jun 10 2009, 10:43 PM']Some Great T-Bone in action [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADjW9QVCF3U&feature=PlayList&p=D226625F2E305C66&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=4"]HERE[/url] Great performance, great gig, what a day. Still made about the girl I spent that day with (13/7/85).[/quote] Hall and Oates - same here! Same era (possibly the same gig?) and largely to appease my girlfriend I went to one of their concerts and, by the end of the night, was a huge fan. T Bone was largely the reason why - he must be one of the best bassists I have seen play. Nothing flash but always great. Plus their then guitarist GE Smith - mad as a fish but what a player! And I am still mad about the girl I went with - and she is still my wife (ahh, ain't that sweet) He has been mentioned in passing but I think Roger Glover is also one of my top bassists to listen to/watch. His work during the Deep Purple MkII era especially - Made in Japan is hard to beat as live albums go.
  13. [quote name='clauster' post='508606' date='Jun 8 2009, 09:49 PM']Paul, always nice to meet another Basschatter. Hope it all goes well with the covers band.[/quote] Hi Nic, indeed. I had to get back so I hope I didn't seem too much in a rush. Also, upon reflection, I think I might have sounded rather too negative - I have fun, despite everything!
  14. Now moved on - with Nic. Once again - Wayne - thanks a million.
  15. Mine did that! I played guitar as a youth and it never happened but seemed to develop as I have got older. When I took up playing bass a while back it the first joint in the my pinkie would lock and take a while to click out again. Usually when stretching for a note. After about 3 years of intermittent playing and now maybe 2 years of solid and regular playing it rarely happens, if at all, so I am guessing the finger strength increases and overcomes the tendency.
  16. Stupid question time. If you defret the neck, what do you do about all thin gaps left by the missing bits?
  17. +1000 As everyone has said you will feel nervous and you will make mistakes and it doesn't matter! After 51 years on this earth I played my first gig last year. It felt like a small bit of me that had always been missing finally slotted into place.
  18. All done here. I used her exclusively all last week at home and for 3hrs during last night's rehearsal. More than enough time to reach the conclusion that, for me, there is one string too many on that fat neck. Here she is, just got in from the car this morning, complete with stickers (guess which one I put on...). And I have to say that she plays and sounds better than she looks [attachment=26568:waynebass.jpg] Wayne - thanks a billion. I would never had known how I felt about a 5er without living together and you have saved me a fortune. So - who is next up? can you send me a PM and we'll arrange delivery etc. I'll try and blag a box from a music shop as the current one is getting a bit scruffy. I wonder, if you got a cheap LED fitted, whether the whole thing would glow in the dark?
  19. That's really weird. Ripping someone off a few grand you could almost understand but not that paltry amount. The jack plug has got pretty loose - is it ok if I take the back off and tighten it up? Doesn't look like a complicated job, even for a technophobe like me.
  20. OK, arrived here safe and sound today - looking forward to a good old play around. I'm tempted to use it for rehearsal tonight but maybe that can wait until next week, once I am used to it, so I don't sound a complete nonce. Wayne, that colour is actually quite revolting - what were you thinking?
  21. As a new convert to Trace Elliot gear I particularly enjoyed this - had to send the link to the other guys in the band so they knew why it sounded so good (and why it is green). I'm guessing that is Johnny Walker doing the voice over - certainly sounds like him - he manages that perfect 'constantly near to chuckling' tone so well. For anyone who doesn't know the remote parts of Essex - that 'Secret Nuclear Bunker' sign is for real. Makes me snigger every time I drive by.
  22. Back from holiday now and seems I am next after all! PMs on their way to Wayne and M4L666
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