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Paul S

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Posts posted by Paul S

  1. Mine did that! I played guitar as a youth and it never happened but seemed to develop as I have got older. When I took up playing bass a while back it the first joint in the my pinkie would lock and take a while to click out again. Usually when stretching for a note. After about 3 years of intermittent playing and now maybe 2 years of solid and regular playing it rarely happens, if at all, so I am guessing the finger strength increases and overcomes the tendency.

  2. +1000

    As everyone has said you will feel nervous and you will make mistakes and it doesn't matter! After 51 years on this earth I played my first gig last year. It felt like a small bit of me that had always been missing finally slotted into place.

  3. All done here. I used her exclusively all last week at home and for 3hrs during last night's rehearsal. More than enough time to reach the conclusion that, for me, there is one string too many on that fat neck.

    Here she is, just got in from the car this morning, complete with stickers (guess which one I put on...). And I have to say that she plays and sounds better than she looks :)


    Wayne - thanks a billion. I would never had known how I felt about a 5er without living together and you have saved me a fortune.

    So - who is next up? can you send me a PM and we'll arrange delivery etc. I'll try and blag a box from a music shop as the current one is getting a bit scruffy.

    I wonder, if you got a cheap LED fitted, whether the whole thing would glow in the dark?

  4. OK, arrived here safe and sound today - looking forward to a good old play around. I'm tempted to use it for rehearsal tonight but maybe that can wait until next week, once I am used to it, so I don't sound a complete nonce.

    Wayne, that colour is actually quite revolting - what were you thinking?


  5. As a new convert to Trace Elliot gear I particularly enjoyed this - had to send the link to the other guys in the band so they knew why it sounded so good (and why it is green). I'm guessing that is Johnny Walker doing the voice over - certainly sounds like him - he manages that perfect 'constantly near to chuckling' tone so well.

    For anyone who doesn't know the remote parts of Essex - that 'Secret Nuclear Bunker' sign is for real. Makes me snigger every time I drive by.

  6. I also had one of these as my first bass but stuck it in the loft once I got a 'proper' bass. A couple of months ago I brought it back down again and was surprised at how well it played, though the sound did let it down.

    Interested in the mods you have all carried out - is the Badass II a straightforward swap? The pre-amp? Changing the pups? I have never done anything like this before so would be interested to do it as a learning exercise.

  7. For sale as per title.

    I bought the combo 5 months ago from PMT in Southend for a whisker under £400 - you can buy them online for around £380. Unfortunately the 3 yr warranty is not transferable - I checked. It is in near mint condition, as you would expect, but for two very small blemishes on the finish at the front. I have taken a picture of the bigger one. This is the model with the compression, BTW, unlike earlier ones. I have gigged it once, used it at rehearsals maybe a dozen times. Rather than copy and paste all the specifications [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=78"]here is a link[/url] to what Ashdown have to say about it.

    Also for sale is the 'matching' extension cab, ABM 210T which I bought in January this year from fellow Basschatter Rowbee for £200. These are around £280 new. It is not as new as the combo - don't know exactly how old - but is in very good condition. Since I have owned it I took it to rehearsal once - it has lived under the stairs after that. [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=13"]Here is the Ashdown blurb.[/url]

    Both have new Ashdown covers.

    Here are some rather contrasty pictures:

    [attachment=24742:ash1.jpg] [attachment=24743:ash2.jpg] [attachment=24744:ash3.jpg] [attachment=24745:ash4.jpg]

    [attachment=24746:ash5.jpg] [attachment=24747:ash6.jpg]

    At this stage I am not interested in splitting these, nor would I want to post them - collection only or meet within a reasonable travelling distance for petrol. If you pick up of course you can try before you buy, which I would welcome. I live in southeast Essex - South Benfleet, to be precise.

    The whole lot cost me around £700 just a few months ago - I'm looking for £450. Well, I rather ask more but I don't think I'd get it. A whole 300W rig, big enough for most venues that many of us are likely to play in, in near mint condition.

  8. I have one and love it to bits - but with some reservations. It does the buzz thing - softly - unless you are touching metal, but it isn't very loud (and for some reason both the guitards in our band make more buzzing noise from their effects)

    I did a playoff between the Jag and a USA Jazz when I was buying - none of the cheaper Jazzes I tried came close. In terms of playability I found it to be the same as a USA jazz - same kind of neck, same feel. In terms of build quality I think the USA Jazz had the edge but there wasn't a huge amount in it.

    What did it for me at the time were the range of tones available and, yes, the looks. As Jezzaboy says, you can't blend the two pups. When passive you can do bridge on/off, neck on/off, series/parallel for each or both together. I'm not sure why this should make a difference when using a pup singly but it does. All controlled with a single tone pot. When active you have exactly the same range of combinatons and tone pot control but with a basic two-band equaliser that cuts and/or boosts the lower and upper ends. This was all discovered in the shop.

    Having lived with the Jag for a while now I have discovered that certain things aren't quite so important. I am new to the whole gigging situation and my inexperience led me to put more weight on the tonal variety thing. In reality I wouldn't want to keep swapping from active to passive, it isn't practical. Had I been able to play them both together in a performing situation before buying I might have gone for the Jazz - it is difficult to make absolute judgements.

    Even though it was around £150 more I think the USA Jazz probably represents better value for money. You can't help getting the impression that the extra money spent on a much more straightforward instrument (none of those fancy electrics) is a good investment. Also the Jags don't hold their value like a Jazz - if you do want a Jag they can be picked up second hand for a steal. At the time I was reluctant to spend the extra money and the Jag was the more attractive package.

    All of which I can easily live with. The bottom line for me is that I love the Jag. I get a sound from it that I am really pleased with and I find it a joy to play. And it looks drop dead gorgeous - shallow, I know, but there you are - the more unusual styling I find immensely appealing - especially since I retro fitted a BWB scratchplate. I see no reason why it shouldn't be my #1 bass for many years.


  9. Hi Skank

    Yes, I do actually keep tuned into the Shergold discussion forum as well as this one, a left over from my Hayman 4040 owning days. There are a couple of top quality build diaries going on there that are quite fascinating including one that is for an interchangeable 6/4, 6/12 double neck (or any as a single) built entirely from scratch materials. Anyway, yes, because I have one I keep an eye on eBay when they crop up and good Masqueraders can indeed go for around that - sadly mine is a bit tatty (but with a provenance - owned by the guitarist in The Pratts, an Irish punk band of the 80s) having gone the way many of the Shergold/Hayman stuff goes with bad cracking on the finish plus, perhaps more worrying, a small dink out of the fretboard. Still worth approaching £200 though I think.

    As I said one option for me would be to get it set up, frets stoned and (purists look away now) a tremelo system stuck on it that doesn't involved routing out most of the back. They are certainly well made guitars and, with all those pick-up tones at your finger tips, extremely versatile. Single coil/humbucker, in/out of phase in any combination. Heck I might even have just talked myself into doing that very thing :)

  10. Classic Vibe and Vintage Modified all look good.

    Budget? I hadn't really considered that as it is more of an idle thought than a burning desire. Not a lot - couple of hundred or so? I'd have to offload the Shergold, too.

    Like everything else there is too much choice! For example I like the look of the jagmaster, which Squier do a version of, and which would match my Jaguar bass (so important!). £200 ish new.

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