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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. Yes, that seems to be the concensus on here which is why I felt confident to get one. On a related note - if the times comes when I want to add the extension 15" cabinet the MAG115 is 300W and 8 ohms. So, stupid question maybe, but will ANY 300W 8 ohm speaker do the trick or is it more complicated?
  2. I voted '3' because, technically, the third one is still a bass. 1 - Fender Jaguar, black, with which I am totally and helplessly in love 2 - Hayman 4040, natural, with which I am also totally and helplessly in love (2 loves, am I just a whore?) 3 - Starter Peavey Milestone II with which I am, er, not. Difficult to play in the loft, I suppose, but - hey - the others might spontaneously combust or something. Quick edit - the thing on the left says 'no longer a newbie' - how did that happen? I thought I was?
  3. reminds me of an old joke.... ... so far I've raised £250.50 Q - so which one gave you 50p A - all of them... Sorry. Just popped into my head, you know?
  4. Just an update - 'cos I know everyone was having sleepless nights over my agonising. I had a rethink, totally changed my goal posts and budget (my wife talked me into buying something new) and bought the Ashdown MAG C210T-300 EVO II combo. Should shut me up for a while. Thanks all.
  5. Thanks for the replies, chaps. I talked myself out of it (actually my wife talked me out of it) and went to the local PMT music store to get an Ashdown combo. I intended to get the MAG C115-300 EVO II Combo but, playing that alongside the 210, preferred the 210 sound. My wallet and lower back fluttered at the decision, though.
  6. Hi Ray That's a shame - I rarely go further than the Cliffs Pavillion these days to see bands... Nig - yeah, why not? Bit short notice but I am thinking of popping along to the Riga Bar this Friday to see the Who tribute band - they look pretty good from the website clips. Up for it?
  7. So - southeast Essex is ankle deep in bassists! Lovely. Or, at least, used to be before everyone left . Ray - just listening to your myspace entries as I type - awesome! - do you gig locally?
  8. Further to my last post about upgrading, somewhere down the list there, I've been Googling away and found an advert for a second hand Laney R5 plus extension 15" cab, for £225 - so not too much of a stretch of my meagre budget and within a reasonable travelling distance too. Are these good? They seem cheap to buy new so what is the catch with them? Thanks.
  9. Well, that threw me Ardi - I must have spent 10 mins scrolling through the topics looking for it! Then I clicked on 'Withdrawn' - you did such a good job selling it he changed his mind! Ah well.
  10. Thanks all, appreciate the advice. Lots to think about but I have some idea of direction now rather than just floating aimlessly in a sea of equipment. I'll keep my eyes glued to the for sale section and see what pops up.
  11. Some sound advice there - thanks all. Ok, I'll forget the Frankenstein idea and look for something suitable. As per post #7 above this ad in the for sale section is tempting - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33719"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33719[/url] ...if rather over budget and half way up the country, too. Is it good or bad form to ask opinions as to value for money that this represents? BTW SP love your 'caveat' - not heard that before. I know, what bubble do I live in!?
  12. Hi guys - thanks for the prompt replies! This place is great, isn't it!? Er, budget and sound. Second hand is what I thought. I want to spend as little as possible but enough to get good value - maybe £100-£200 ish is as much as I can spare for now. Sound - the band play assorted covers of 60s-90s blues/rock and roll. Think Blues Brothers kind of vibe. So I think a cleaner sound rather than the dirty overdriven heavier rock thing. An oblique thought occurred to me, being basically a tight wad. There is no facility to add an extension cab to the TKO 80 but would it be possible to get the wiring jiggled to add one? Specifcally I am thinking another Peavey of similar ilk - TNT or TKO which can be bought second hand for peanuts and just somehow connecting into the speaker? Or would I have created a Frankesnstein's monster that will end up destroying my family? Or maybe it isn't as strightforward as I imagine (somethign about 'drivers' whatever the hell they are)... plus I realise that would double my weight issues, not solve them, but just wondered if it would be a short term, low-cash option to keep the bank happy?
  13. Hi Guys. Clacton? That's somewhere up north isn't it? Maybe I should be more accurate - the Thames Delta in South Benfleet.
  14. Help, please, in words of one syllable or less for a dyed-in-the-wool technophobe. I currently play through an old Peavey TKO 80. I am reasonably happy with the sound I get from it, though I don't like the dirtier sound of the gain cranked up too much and hence only just manage to get enough volume to keep up with the band during rehearsals. For gigs - a new area for me - it seems we will be miking up the amp and putting it all through a PA system (for my one and only gig so far we used an existing backline/PA set up). So I guess that, for now, I can just about hold my own. But - it is heavy - over 30kgs. And old. I am wondering about maybe getting something newer and lighter. Maybe even with a direct line out for the PA? I don't know enough to know the limitations of this. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. No doubt I left out something of vital importance. Cheers!
  15. Been lurking here a while but thought I'd finally come out. This forum is a tremendous asset and, seemingly, the font of all deep knowledge. I hope so 'cos I have a whole pile of questions... So - about me. A familiar story for many I am sure - a few years ago I reached my mid-forties and was faced with the usual choices - would it be a sports car, a mistress or do I take up the guitar again after a lapse of 25 years? Couldn't afford the first two so plumped for a guitar, but this time with 4 strings. Then I realised that 4 strings didn't make it 2/3 easier to play and the cheapo Peavey kit started gathering dust in the corner. Then about a year ago I started getting restless again and started getting inspired to pick it up again. I looked around and found myself a fantastic vintage Hayman 4040 in superb condition and have continued the love affair ever since. A few months ago I joined up with a newish covers band, full of old fellas like me, and have since got my first ever public performance under my belt - now I know what drug addicts feel like! I WANT MORE!! I re-strung the Hayman and noticed the bridge was getting rather fragile - it has a clear perspex bit that has started to crack. It is too precious to risk further damage until I get it sorted so needed a new guitar. Trouble is, the Hayman spoiled me and, after spending a couple of days in the local shop, ended up with a beautiful Fender Jaguar and now I'm in love all over again. Anyway, enough of the waffle, it is good to be here and I hope to fill in a lot of the blanks with loads of stupid questions.
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