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Everything posted by Dunk

  1. I wasn’t aware of the paddle headstock? I’ve only ever seen the current style. Was this an earlier feature that got dropped in favour of the other one? GLWTS
  2. Shame Wrexham (and Bath/Bristol) are such a long way from the coast of Sunny (not) East Sussex.. this would be £1100 plus to have Mark build the same nine years later. Beautiful bass.
  3. Anybody got any idea what the UK import duties to be paid are now that we’re not in the EU?
  4. I had a four string version and it was awesome.. a bit of me regrets not still having it… GLWTS
  5. What kind of thing are you looking for? A specific colour, level of relic’ing or nut width…?? They’re all fairly unique as Mark builds them to your specific taste so there’s quite a variety. Just a case of hoping the right one comes up. I have to say that Sherwood Green P looks lovely, I wish my ability to read German was a bit better!
  6. There is one for sale on BassBros at the moment I think…
  7. Hi.. where would you consider ‘half way’ to meet up? I am on the Sussex coast..
  8. Hi.. listing describes the finish as a tobacco burst which I’m guessing is just an error? Is it a Matt olive finish or are my eyes deceiving me? It wouldn’t be the first time!
  9. Nice… 👍🏻
  10. Can I ask this same question please? Can't see a reply..? Is it a residue of some sort? Can it be cleaned off?
  11. Oh my goodly goodness…!! 😯
  12. Very nice.. GLWTS.. 👍🏻
  13. Ooh… a nice bit of Limelight gorgeousness.. I can hear it just looking at it.. 👍🏻
  14. Lovely looking Road Worn Precision.. I'm guessing the nut width and neck profile is fairly 50’s P….ish?
  15. Awesome bass.. glwts
  16. What a beauty..! Shame Leeds is so far away.. or perhaps that’s a good thing to save my credit card! 😬
  17. Cumbria and Sussex quite a distance apart?? GLWTS
  18. Fabulous basses.. John refinished a ‘68 P for me many years ago, his work is top top quality.. wish I had the cash.. GLWTS
  19. GLWTS.. this looks gorgeous.
  20. Not sure why this hasn’t sold yet..? *buys lottery ticket..
  21. Bargain… shame Skipton is a 5hr drive away… GLWTS
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