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  1. If you are interested in this I can upload more better quality pictures if you need them
  2. I am interested in a swap for a fender Mustang bass Or another sterling by musician Or an ibanez talman with a cash adjustment Interested in any 30 inch 4 string so what have you got
  3. Sorry made My pc got destroyed by a power cut I am trying to run my life off a 10 year old mobile phone Will see what I can do
  4. thanks for that I thought it was faulty.
  5. I have the combo head 2 and that has a 4 or 5 second delay to output sound from switch on.
  6. First version of the Acynonix excellent condition Bought this about 18 months ago because I thought it looked wonderful. About the same time I bought a Sterling by Music man stingray off Dognofski a neighbour of mine (both guitars 30 inch scale) I prefer the sterling so the acynonix has been to lots of gigs but only played at a couple its been my backup. I want to buy a Fender Mustang if you have one for sale I am open to a trade So cash sale or swap for another 30 inch scale bass with cash adjustment if needed
  7. wondered that myself
  8. did it with the blue loctite 3 days ago got a rehersal tonight for 2 hours lets see how it holds
  9. Thanks I might do that
  10. thanks for the advice
  11. Will I be able to adjust the height of the saddle in future?
  12. I have a number of guitars and basses and this is a problem I have never come across before. While I am playing one of my basses one of the saddle height adjustment screws is undoing itself presumably because of the vibrations. I did a gig two weeks ago and after 45 minutes of playing one of the screws had vibrated back into the saddle meaning the low E string was unplayable due to the fret rattle. Do I need a new saddle or can it be cured?
  13. thanks will give them a try
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