I gig occasionally with two bands playing bass. I use a Genz Benz shuttle 6 as my main head
I like the sound of the GB after using a load of markbass kit and more recently a TCE RH750.
As a backup I have a Genz Benz shuttle 3 which I have had three or four years and have never used.
OK the valve in the shuttle 6 went haywire during the soundcheck at my most recent gig so I got out the shuttle 3
I use a 2 x 10 for my onstage sound but DI into our EV rig
The sound guy said my sound was way too loud much louder than my usual amp.
Now I am MR OCD so every setting I use is marked on the controls of all my amps ( I play guitar in another band as well) and both my bass amps had all the controls set the same.
When i checked it over after the gig one switch was different
on the shuttle 6 the GND LIFT switch was set to GND
on the shuttle 3 the GND LIFT switch was set to LIFT
so the question is would this switch (the only switch and setting that was different between the two amps ) cause a much greater line level at the desk