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Everything posted by Apex

  1. Thanks for the input one and all. I wasn't thinking that a 100W alone would cope with a 6-piece pop/rock covers band, but was planning to DI it through the PA. Up to now I have been using a 50W Torque combo with a line out facility (jack not XLR). It has managed, but its been a struggle to maintain much tone control even with an active bass. Just to wind me up the Torque packed up at tonight's rehearsal and I ended up playing direct through the PA. Now that [u]was [/u]seriously horrible! I need to keep the weight down because of back problems - why I went for bass I'll never know, should have switched to mandolin or harmonica! Trouble is I like it here and don't intend pleading invalidity for a while yet! Might have to be a head and lightweight cab. Anyone used the Hartke TP cabs with an Ashdown head?
  2. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='384033' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:59 PM']I´ve been using the Cube 100 for three years now and I think it´s a brilliant amp. I´m playing it completely flat (no amp modelling and all EQ knobs at noon) and it simply sounds good with all my basses (P, J, MM, L-2000 etc.). The amp modeling is very good as well (especially the Ampegs, the "Bassman" emulation is great for guitar!). I must admit I´ve never used it with the band (we have an Ampeg full-stack in the studio) but the Roland is bloody loud for its wattage. Should work well enough as a stage monitor. Before deciding on the Cube I tried a lot of similar combos but the Roland was the best compromise in terms of sound, power, weight and price. Other amps I liked were the EBS Drome (much more expensive), the Markbass C121 (ditto) and the Hartke Kickback 12 (nice, but heavier, bulkier and not as loud). Thumbs up from me for the Cube 100![/quote] Thanks for your views, Soulfinger - even if they do add to my confusion. What style(s) do you play?
  3. [quote name='hivez' post='383895' date='Jan 18 2009, 12:29 PM']... found the sound a bit uninspiring[/quote] Thanks Hv. That would explain the lack of comment on here then! Good or Bad are worth a posting but Uninspiring just ain't worth the effort for most people! Looks like either Ashdown or Hartke in my budget then. 'Cheap' and 'under 25kg' don't go together well, so maybe it's time for another chat with the 'bank manager'. Are there any good bass stockists over Cardiff way?
  4. Before Christmas - and before I joined BC - I knew I was going to upgrade to the Roland 100 as a lightweight amp to use an on-stage monitor and DI out to the PA. Yet BC never seems to even mention them! Are they really that bad? I need to know! IF they are then I'm still looking for a lightweight combo or amp/cab for under £400 or so, to support a pop/rock cover band, and the more I read here the more confused I get! Not helped by a lack of supplies in the Bristol area to go out and listen to! Any thoughts greatly appreciated!
  5. [quote name='Mike' post='381454' date='Jan 15 2009, 04:21 PM']Have you tried sitting down with a recording and transcribing it by ear? It takes a little longer but you'll feel better, it'll most likely be more accurate than 90% of tabs out there, and it will develop your ear.[/quote] I agree but I'd settle for the lesser satisfaction of putting the tab right! I too have searched for any even vaguely accurate tab on this without any success. Lovely bass line though! I'll upgrade myself from Beginner to Vaguely Useful if I ever really master it!
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='377160' date='Jan 11 2009, 09:21 PM']That's quite a nice idea... Given the polarisation of opinion on this topic, I think a Poll would be useful to get a sense of how a larger number of different people think, not just those who are actively joining in with this debate.[/quote] +1 on that. As one of these much-discussed beginners I'd support a poll but it would have to be clear what it was we were voting on, 'cos there's lots of different ideas flying around this excellent thread! I'd vote for a forum area covering basic topics, but I'd hate to think that made it impossible to ask questions in the main area as well until I'd become 'experienced' (in what??!). I'd also like to see the Wiki expanded - it was a Google search pointing me at the Wiki that found me the site in the first place, and I've learned soooo much just lurking around for a few weeks! Thanks guys and gals! Those of you with the patience have so much to offer. Those of you who haven't, well never mind. No one's paying you to play nursemaid after all! At least you'd know which room to avoid!
  7. Apex

    Oldie Newbie

    [quote name='neepheid' post='359811' date='Dec 20 2008, 07:26 PM']Welcome to the forum [/quote] Thanks Neepheid - would that be a north-of-the-border title?
  8. [quote name='Paul S' post='360121' date='Dec 21 2008, 11:42 AM']Hi Gordon If you suffer from back problems you'll know what I mean. My old Peavey was much the same weight but only had one handle on the top and that was REALLY bad to carry - puts your body in all sorts of stressful lopsided positions. Plus I use a wheeled dolley thing to move it along the flat which helps.[/quote] Hi Paul, thanks for the fback. I do know [u]exactly[/u] what you mean! A friend has bass cab with one handle and I can't shift it without lying down for a week! I've already got a trolly, but upstairs gigs have proved a pain - literally!
  9. Just come across this very informative thread. Your opening post sets out my own situation almost exactly - I have been running a 50W Torque through the PA and am looking to upgrade, but with a bad back weight is a major issue. The Ashdown clearly did the job, but how was it for transport? Gordon
  10. Hi all! Finally got round to saying hello after registering a week or so ago! Started playing bass about 18 months ago to support a works band for a one-off gig and - hey? we're still around! BassChat seems to have become more than just a forum, as a repository of good info on all things Bass. Just what I need! As for me, I'm having a ball even though I'm probably pretty awful in terms of technique - my learning process is each new song the band decides it wants to try! I've been singing bass for the best part of 40 years in choirs and musicals, so some of the bass line is familiar territory, but getting a good sound - [u]recognising[/u] a good sound - is harder. Started with a cheap Stagg (indeed, started [u]because[/u] I had a cheap Stagg!), moved on to a 5-string Peavey Millennium, driving a 2nd hand Torque amp. New amp on the horizon for the NY. So Hi Guys and Gals! I see my role as forum numpty and asker of awkward questions - but I will search past threads first, promise! Gordon aka Apex (as in Bass over A = a**se over t*t...) OMG - sense of humour exposed as well!
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