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Everything posted by slaphappygarry

  1. Potrait is not working Toccatta sounds good G
  2. Can of worms Pro tools does it for me and is found in ever big studio in the world Logic is mac only but well priced.... +1 for tools but, after 4 years exclusive use, i would say that. G
  3. Sure, Ill pass it on. G
  4. Thats me done. What a wicked book First reply here gets it. PM me your address too please. G ps - i have signed the inside of it. Will be cool to see where it does to on its travels....
  5. I use logic 8 (as the studio i work for wont splash out for a decent tools rig) and i find it really hard to use in comparison but had i started on Logic, maybe it would be the other way about. G
  6. You clearly don't work with good sound guys. G
  7. I agree with whats being said. When you get a new mac you will have the opportunity to get Logic 8 Express for £130. Thats a steal for what it does (its slimmed down from the pro version but not so slimmed I ever notice it). There are 3 or 4 threads lurking about with sound card advice. If you go Pro Tools, DO NOT go M-Audio. Get the Digidesign stuff. I have had two M audio cards fail on me. Have a look at Mackie, Presonus and Focusrite if pro tools is not something you are interested in. G
  8. Exactly Pro Tools is just, IMHO, the best sequencer available but, after 4 years of almost exclusive use I would say that. Good luck Garry
  9. Those dudes are likely comparing a £200 sound card with a £2000 converter being used with a £1500 pre amp. They are good and LE bundled in is a winner. See my comments on M-Audio gear in your other topic. G
  10. Here is my 2p As a pro tools user, M-Audio stuff seemed like a great idea BUT in the last year i have had two units fail on me: The 410 which went back and got fixed then sold on and now the 1814 (about to forgo the same process) I have just ordered a 003 from Digidesign. IMHO - just get an M-Box if you want pro tools or something else altogether if not. G
  11. I have 4 Stringray, Jazz, Tobais and a Nasty old aria [b]1105[/b]
  12. Ill do that Ok, so, when i finish it ill slap up a post. Garry
  13. Or in edinburgh Working my way through it just now. I am not sure who gets it next. How does it work, is it reply to this topic or who pm's me first? G
  14. cheers still waiting on it but who is after it after? G
  15. Hey Urb, In logic you have a bounce down function called 'realtime' and one called 'offline'. In Logic, offline will NOT include any third party software you are running in the session (BFD, Reason etc...). Have a wee look about in your bounce options and use realtime if its set to offline. Real time is... well... real time. So it will take as long as your project is to bounce whereas offline will bounce the lot super quick. I don't use Ableton but if the question was exactly the same an about Logic that would be my suggestion. G
  16. If you are wanting to play over the water then thats where your agent will need to be. Many artists have different labels and agents in different countries. I would ask some of the Irish venues you are looking at who the easiest agents are to deal with and what bands they deal with. Then ask those bands what they think. Its its all cool, that would be a good place to start. G
  17. Bollox to the wammy. Lets get a Deep Impact reissue on the go.... G
  18. The John East stays pretty much flat (sometimes little boost in treb, sometimes little boost in bass depending on amp). The nice thing is the sweep between the two pups which is a nice feature. In all, a massive improvement over just the passive Geddy. Infact, I may just be believing in nothing BUT i think the passive through the East is better than the stock passive sound on the Fender electronics. G
  19. M-Powered is the same as LE. But it works only on M-Audio cards (selected ones) and not with the M-Boxes or 002/003 stuff. Its good but a kinda expensive compared with the M-Box's (it used to be the only portable option when digi only had the one low spec M-Box which i why i went down that avenue) The presonus is just well spec'd IMHO. It has 2 mic inputs (and 6 outputs - handy for using outboard) over the Mini's one mic/one line inputs (with stereo out). It comes with Cubase LE (as the mini comes with PTS Le) and is a little cheaper. Personally pro tools is awesome but a bit of a monster to learn. Cubase is easier to get going with quickly. i don't think you will be disapointed with either but one mic input will become very restrictive very quickly. Cheers Garry
  20. Hey Toasted The Micro if you look doesn't have any inputs. Its simply an output sound card (a pro tools requires Digi Hardware at all time). Pro tools is, IMHO, the king for major audio editing and mixing, but for what you are doing maybe something like this would be better suited: [url="http://www.dvguitars.com/invt/24334/"]http://www.dvguitars.com/invt/24334/[/url] Comes with cubase LE. BTW, pro tools LE is the same whether you get the micro or their higher end 003 so the software isn't any more slimmed. G
  21. They are 3m Ill post a pic later today Cheers Garry
  22. No one interested then? Am gonna chuck them on ebay or chuck them out soon. Open to offers. G
  23. I wouldn't ride that into battle....
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