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Posts posted by slaphappygarry

  1. Yup

    the firewire interface from M audio:


    But you will need software. Or, somthing liek this (which is what i would get if i didnt use pro tools):



  2. They sound really good for the price. I a/b'd these with a Neumann U87 on a cello a few months ago (before i bought one myself) and the performance was exceptional. Off course the £2000 valve mic picked up the top end and warmth better but the EV was certainly not a 30th the mic (which is it in price)...

    I use it for acoustic guitars, room mics, strings and other general 'wild card' mic stuff.


  3. ***Post by ped - unable to make 'new posts' because of PC problems - thanks Garry!!***

    I recently made a little video for Vigier with my guitar playing chum to demonstrate the Vigier passion bass and their Excalibur guitar. You can check out some clips of the playing here

    Hope you like it ;0)


    P.s it was recorded up in the studio owned by Chris in Preston. The signal went from my pod into the computer playing along with tracks we recorded last time, then matched to the video in iMovie. Youtube makes it look a little out of time though!

  4. ooft

    dodgy territory

    I always wait till i have some downtime to mess about with software or this happens:


    I resolved that on the day but it was a total pain in the arse. From past experience, do what you have to do and then upgrade. Otherwise you will spend as much time playing with the update as you will actually doing the job you need to do.


  5. Its pretty quiet. I just got it and so far its been great. Its both usb 2.0 and Firewire but the firewire port when daisy chained to the 1814 makes protools bomb out. I think i am running too much into one socket rather than it being PTS fault.


  6. Hey Urb,

    I would hate to add it up but here goes:

    Tube pre - £70
    1814 sound card - £320
    Pre amps - £80
    Hard drive/hub - £150
    TC M One Xl - £350
    Patch Bay - £30
    Racks - £80
    Power amp - £100 (included another rack i use elsewhere)
    leads and stuff - £80+ i think. I bought alot as i went along and made the rest.
    extra bits - £60+

    Add that up and its a little over a grand. The pre amps are very basic though. I do not recommend them to anyone dead serious about production.

    That and the half dozen mics and stands and xlr's and pop shields and head phones and and and and and ......


  7. I did have the 410 which as your right is great but the two inputs are restrictive. The 1814 is up to 16 ins :)

    Its 2.0ghz dual core 1gb ram and running 10.4


  8. aye

    it sits centrally to be honest. I moved it to get my cat out of the 3u space. The power amp is warm and she likes it....

    Those empty spaces usually sit behind the screen


  9. In the few weeks downtime i have for my studio i decided to learn to solder and rewire my studio racks.

    Here is how it looked yesterday afternoon:

    and with all the new wires (pre solder :huh:):

    And here is how it is now:

    Everything has been balanced and a few little hum and hiss problems have totally gone. :)

    The really great thing about my setup is that the top rack is my portable rig and only requires the mac to be a powerful 8 input (and once i get new pre's - 16 input) rig. I am running the M-Audio 1814 sound card and use ASR MX-8 Preamps which suck but do the job. I also have a wee Presonus Tube Pre up there too which is a nice little pre amp. There is also an external 500gb drive in that top rig so everything is in the one box.

    The bottom rig is the static one which has the TC M-one FX unit which i use for delays and reverbs and the patchbay which everything is routed too. I am waiting on another track to house the 160gb library drive i have. There is plenty of space in this one for future gadgets too :huh: The power amp is hooked up to tannoy speakers (pictures above).

    Cool :huh:


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