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Everything posted by slaphappygarry

  1. +1 to the above Sounds great G
  2. Niiiiiccceee G
  3. Sounds good man, Your engineer likes his delays eh There is something not right about mixes sonically but i cant put my finger on it - the toms certainly sound dead and to my ears the guitar at the start is a little too compressed. These are little things i am hearing on my Tannoy studio monitors. Anyhoo, mixes aside the material and parts sound great and work really well. Great performances and a tight band. Lemme know when the CD is out G
  4. That was priceless
  5. I agree. But an ampeg 810 is a monster of a cab. Whats the web site? G
  6. he has no passion Sack him and get a guitarist from: [url="http://guitarforum.net/"]http://guitarforum.net/[/url] or [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/[/url] or [url="http://www.igdb.co.uk/guitar-forums/"]http://www.igdb.co.uk/guitar-forums/[/url]
  7. Ask him what musically uninspires him. What his musical turn-offs are. Woudl love to know what really grinds the stars gears G
  8. That blue is stunning G
  9. I didn't realise we were voting anything.... A blind test would be pretty interesting. Putting it against an Ampeg 810 is a pretty bold statement but it would be nice to see what the outcome would be. G
  10. BROWN EYED GIRL *shudders*
  11. Victor/Marcus/Jaco etc...: 'how?' Flea/Stu Zender etc... : 'why?'
  12. The fretless what the best 'bass' sound of the evening IMHO The ricky sounded good too. There is something about the way he plays his jazz basses that just makes them sound flabby and nasty but each to his own. He has had a sound longer than i have been alive G
  13. I was there too. great gig. I thought the sound was a little gash from where i was. Set list was good as i have the new album and bits i have come across along the way (most of which they played) G ps - 'mon the lasters and pyrotechnics
  14. Dont feel bad Playing more instruments makes you a better musician and a better bass player G
  15. Had patch leads for pedals, instrument leads for my bass and studio patch leads for some fx processors. Everytime i have been happy with the price, quality an service Dave has given. Cheers Garry
  16. Yeah man Technique is the main thing to get. A superb slap bass with uber zingy strings and the sweetest compression with the nicest EQ will all not be worth it if you don't get the basics down. G
  17. dont hit the bass hard. Thats where most people go wrong. You just make contact and no more. check out wooten and miller. They are so elegant at what they do. makes flea look like an axe murderer G
  18. By my count, next album will be muse's fifth. The other 4 are brilliant, especially the most recent three. G
  19. phone your own number and play to your answer phone
  20. [quote]Or....try everything flat, bass n'all, and everything at nice volumes, and work from there, but you might have done that already...[/quote] Thats what i sugest too. Your sound and how he likes his kick sound may not work well in a mix but may be the monster of monster bass/kick sounds. Its all about how they co-exist. G
  21. That got a good review in Sound on Sound recently. If i recall correctly it comes with cubase as well and doubles up as a hardware control surface for the software which seemed like a brilliant feature. [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug07/articles/zoom_hd16.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug07/articles/zoom_hd16.htm[/url] Not the whole article but i recall them praising it for being a huge update to the old model, having more features, the software controller thing and costing less than the old one. G
  22. This months i thinks The one with "no more data dissasters" on the cover G
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