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Everything posted by slaphappygarry

  1. slaphappygarry


    Here is a tune i have spent a while working on. It all done now. features the flute work of a dude called Tom Pickels. Its my composition but all the flute parts Tom composed (i eddited them and arranged them). It was a strange collaboration really. anyway: www.myspace.com/garryboyle
  2. [quote]The NTK could sound cool with an acoustic guitar, a foot or two from the soundhole (off-centre), with a smaller condensor about a foot from the neck around where the fretboard meets the neck. Noice! With the NTK you can blend between the cardioid, figure of 8 and omni patterns, which is handy.[/quote] My ntk is fixed cardiod..... thats the onlt bad thing about it.
  3. [quote]E down to B is only a perfect fourth. E up to B is a fifth[/quote] hehe, yup cheers for that. G
  4. I dont but Yamaha make good kit and cubase, although not really to my liking, is a good piece of saftware. I dont think you will go far wrong with either mate. Garry
  5. [quote]Wouldn't personally recommend SM58's for recording vocals. Most people would go for a condenser mic (as opposed to a dynamic mic such as 58's, 57's etc) to record vocals or acoustic instruments. It depends on your budget really if you're looking to buy. I have an SE Electronics SE2200a on vocals and acoustic guitars and it sounds good enough which was only £139 and also a Neumann MK147 which cost a fair bit more and is gorgeous.[/quote] I used a pair of Neumann M149's yesterday for an orchestral recording. They are £3,500 each. I had over £10 grands worth of microphones for that project. needless to say it was amazing. Good simple mics: Instrument amps and drums: SM58, SM57's are good. Overheards - Pair of AKG C1000's or AKG 414's. Kick mic - AKG D112 or EV RD27 (but at £600 its a bot pricey). Condensers: Rode Nt1, Nt2a, NTK (all valve, i have one, its awesome) - all of these are good instrument and vocal mics. Anything by neumann basically. Recently used the AKG Perception 500 mics. They sound sonically very close to my NTK. There is so much out there I could spend all night on this forum. They all do the same thing but in a slightly differant way. G
  6. oh wow. looking forward to keeping up with this one G
  7. My dropper does not go as low as B. Dropping a string a whole fifth would drop tension across the neck enough to really mess up the intonation of the rest of the strings... So i dount they exist. Think mine drops E to about C sharp. Garry
  8. [quote]Resurrecting the classic thread from BW/BT past! Here's mine - Ampeg SVT-4PRO Amp Ampeg SVT210HE Cabinet Ampeg SVT15E Cabinet Yeehaa![/quote] That is what a bass rig should look like. One day mine: I love the ampeg sound. One day ill have those cabs you have. G
  9. Just wanna put a big shout out to Phatmonkey, Crazykiwi and Ped. Ben (phatmonkey) is currently doing exams, CK is busy with work and Ped is busy being a bum and STILL they have managed to get this place up and running. Its these three guys and their round the clock work that have got us here. Basschat belongs to its users now, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Thanks guys. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Garry
  10. Well, Match faces to 'user names' Here is me from a gig a while back: And recently: G
  11. And some before and after shots: The john east is awesome. The tonal flexability is massive. Literally a tweak on the eq makes a massive differance and full boosts are insane. The nice thing is the passive switch which returns the bass to exactly how it souded when it leaft the factory. The finnish is perfect and exactly how i wanted it to turn out. Nice touches are the d-tuner and new neck plate. The action was almost perfect right after assembly which was odd considering the necks been off for 2 weeks. The neck will need a few very minor tweak over the next few weeks but all in all i am delighted with the end results. Cheers for all the help and support everyone. Garry
  12. The final assembly: G
  13. Day 2 of finishing and after a coat of wet and dry. G
  14. First Day of Finnishing (after 3 coats of stain and 1 coat of oil/stain mixture): These were all taken when it was still a little soft (found out the hard way when removing the neck again ). It was a 90/10 Mix oil to wood stain and was applied with a cloth. G
  15. Sanding Finnished: G
  16. Day two of sanding. By this point i had gone through twice as much sand paper as i had intended. The laquer was really thick. The horns are also getting there but will require another hours work to get them perfect: And the back is still a long way off (actually lost patience today and drew a picture on it, seemed a pretty good time to stop that day): G
  17. After day 1 of sanding: The horns were sanded usins a dowel with sand paper taped to it. Its like an uber fine file: G
  18. This is a thread carried over from the old forum. Its a build diary of my Fender Geddy Lee bass and what i did to it. This is how it started: I stripped the Bass down into all its seperate parts before sanding the body. This also shows how it all started out: The Body: And some of the bass.... as it was originaly: G
  19. You can use the attachment system. You will have 25mb of space for uploading images by default, but if you sell a lot of gear and are running out, get in touch with an admin and we can increase that limit for you. It'd be nice to avoid deleting uploads so we don't have loads of dead images everywhere. Quick tip: Don't upload big images or you'll run out of space pretty quickly! Compress them and resize them sensibly, like you would with the
  20. Here we are then Woop woop
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