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Paul Cooke

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Everything posted by Paul Cooke

  1. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='799433' date='Apr 8 2010, 02:27 AM']Oh god! You draw the cross more or less like this: Once the decal is in place it will stick even if you leave some of the marker under it, just wipe off the excess.[/quote] it also helps to take all the strings off first...
  2. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='789989' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:36 PM']I have another idea for ya..... Take one VMJ bass, play it for a few weeks and then get fed up with the nice natural finish. Next, dismantle it and with a £3 sanding block (fine grade) rub off the clear varnish. Next, go to Halfords and buy a can of satin black car paint and give it a couple of coats-don`t bother with primer, much too professional. Admire the finish.[/quote] how many weeks of sanding did it take... the poly on my VMJ appears to be really thick...
  3. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='795955' date='Apr 4 2010, 08:06 PM']I'm hearing and trying not to listen to rubbish coming out of my daughter's laptop. So far she's play something called fireflys which has buckets of autotune and some tracks from glee which also have buckets of autotune. Kill me now.[/quote] that's the tragedy these days... those kids singing in Glee are perfectly capable of carrying the tunes without autotune, but because the American public has become used to the sound of autotune, they expect it in everything and now complain that stuff that isn't using autotune doesn't sound right. anyway... was youtubing earlier on and hit on "The Arrows" original of "I Love Rock n Roll"... sheer heaven... no wonder that guitar riff sounds so good when Joan Jett plays it... it was originally a Bass riff...
  4. OST for The Last Song... got some good tracks on it... 1. OneRepublic – “Tyrant” 2. VHS or Beta – “ Bring On The Comets” 3. Eskimo Joe – “Setting Sun” 4. Miley Cyrus – “When I Look At You” 5. The Paper Raincoat – “Brooklyn Blurs” 6. Ra Ra Riot – “Can You Tell” 7. Jose Gonzales – “Down The Line” 8. Iron & Wine – “Each Coming Night” 9. Miley Cyrus – “I Hope You Find It” 10. Maroon 5 – “She Will Be Loved” 11. Alpha Rev – “New Morning” 12. Edwin McCain – “Broke Down Hearted Wonderland” 13. Allstar Weekend – “A Different Side of Me” 14. Valora – “No Matter What” 15. The Ravonettes – “Heart Of Stone” 16. Aaron Zigman – “Steve’s Theme” Miley only has two songs on it...
  5. ah memories... used to do the lights at the school disco... used a large clock dial glass and a clear glass tray and had them on an OHP slide projector...
  6. just relax and enjoy... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buVmIG5YnZ4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buVmIG5YnZ4[/url] talent and tone!!!
  7. just a warning over Zoom multi-function pedals... if you don't use them for a while they forget the patches you've created... this is especially annoying as you can only access the unit via USB to upload and download the patches on the high spec units, not the B2.1U, A2.1U, G2.1U or their little brothers happened to me... hadn't used the B2.1U for a few months and found it had gone back to the stock patches...
  8. [quote name='51m0n' post='782244' date='Mar 21 2010, 11:12 PM']Best local band I ever saw had no dead air on their gigs, just constant pure energy. And that is the best way to do it by far. Nearly killed the drummer though![/quote] that's why we have bass solos... give the drummer a chance to towel down... [quote name='51m0n' post='782244' date='Mar 21 2010, 11:12 PM']Buy the guitarist a tuner! Teach him how to use it.[/quote] also if they moan the tuner sucks their tone out, tell them to get an A/B selector switch to make tuning a doddle with the tuner out of the main effects line when playing Boss AB-2 is cheap enough and has a reputable name if they're snobby about names...
  9. are you gonna relay some of the body patches to better line up with those at the edges of the pickguard?
  10. you got pink knobs and pickup covers for that then?
  11. Chepstow is NOT in S/W England... although it is rather more convenient for me coming from Gloucester than Bristol which I hate for navigating around...
  12. nut needs filing... I got a new nut and kept the old one to revert back to if needs be.
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='749359' date='Feb 18 2010, 10:11 AM']I replaced my pickguard with a white pearl and it would never occur to me to have a Jazz bass without a pickguard anyway.[/quote] I wanted to put a clear pickguard on to show more wood... oer missuss... [quote name='EssentialTension' post='749359' date='Feb 18 2010, 10:11 AM']For the price of the bass I thought the wiring looked fine - although I'd agree that some CTS pots etc would improve it.[/quote] I replaced my entire control plate with a fully loaded control plate off a Geddy Lee that someone on here was selling after he'd upgraded to an Audaire setup... but I kept my original control plate so I can revert if I ever sell it.
  14. [quote name='bass5' post='749216' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:59 AM']Big downer [b]No.2[/b] when you lift the pickguard there is a great big gauping hole where the bridge pickup floats and it is held only by the frame of the pickguard and the 4 mounting screws, in other words if you fancied to play it a-la-Jaco without a pickguard you would have an unsightly great big hole in which you can store your mars bars in and maybe even a sausage roll, bad that, not cool! If I knew about that one before I bought it I would have declined the transaction. Why oh effing why is there such a hole under the pickguard?[/quote] if you'd done a bit more searching on this and the other big bassist forum (the American one), you'd have found pictures of the bass with the scratchplate off... I knew about this very shortly after they first came out and this was the one biggy that put me off... there's this post back in Oct 2008... [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php?p=6460091&postcount=7"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php...amp;postcount=7[/url] sadly, the VMJ has the same arrangement with a whocking great hole where the front pickup sits...
  15. I can't find this model anywhere on the Tanglewood website or in their archived products... do you have a link to anything more informative? I currently have a Tanglewood TW55 A/Bass B but it's rather top of the range and includes the proper flight case which I had to obtain separately (the flight case would be useless to me without the bass) bass [url="http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/default.asp?cID=26463245&sID=66461270"]http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/product...mp;sID=66461270[/url] case [url="http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/default.asp?cID=66460450&sID=66460456"]http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/product...mp;sID=66460456[/url] Currently, I wouldn't consider this as a fair trade without some money coming in addition to me.
  16. sounds like you need to enable the power out to drive the mic... page 109 of the manual
  17. [quote name='d-basser' post='738444' date='Feb 7 2010, 08:47 PM']Acquired an acoustic bass last month and I am restringing it wil better strings but I can't get the pins to stay in the bridge when I am tensioning the string. Am I doing something wrong? I am dropping the ball end in and then inserting the pin as hard as possible ensuring the ball is still in contact with the base of the pin. Got the E to stay but now onto the A and as soon as I pull on the string the pin pops back out. HELP! Thanks[/quote] that's your problem, the tension is pulling directly on the pin and popping them out. The ball end is not supposed to be in contact with the end of the pin... the groove in the pin is where the string goes (obviously durrr ) however, the ball is supposed to end up pushed round by the pin and pulled back up against the inside of the bridge. [url="http://www.guitarimports.com/setup-string.htm"]http://www.guitarimports.com/setup-string.htm[/url] see picture for step 3... an acoustic bass is just a big acoustic guitar... hope this helps... I got it wrong first time as well...
  18. it's quite simple... if you're selling it, you have to set a price... and it should be in the for sale forum... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71363&view=findpost&p=691868"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...st&p=691868[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19[/url] see rule 5 as for price... take the sum total of all the bits you put together to make it, then half it... I know, cruel isn't it...
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='732753' date='Feb 2 2010, 12:01 PM']I the band want to continue as "Hawkwind" just fire the singer.[/quote] something Hawkwind themselves have done many a time... anyroad... Hawkwind and Hillage are intertwined... just get on with it... nice segue from one saucer song to another... must dig out my albums tonight... Glorious Om Riff ahoy... and some tracks of the Live 79 and Stonehenge albums... never needed to take any weed to Hawkwind concerts... just got stoned on the secondary smoke from everybody else... (back in late 70's early 80's... no smoking ban then...)
  20. don't forget the Vintage Modified with maple neck and black blocks... awesome bass... and mine has real inlaid blocks in the neck... not painted on...
  21. count me in... I've found it on google maps and it's fine for me...
  22. [quote name='TheFortyFives' post='724548' date='Jan 25 2010, 08:54 PM']Hi there, just signed up to the forum to let you know that this is a scam. I've had identical emails sent to me over the past couple of days. Might be worth letting everyone else on the forum know about this, and likewise, any other musicians you know to prevent them from getting ripped off by this "James Langdon" fellow. Andy The Forty Fives www.thefortyfives.co.uk[/quote] had this when I was selling my dinghy... guy wanted to send me a cheque for way over the price of the boat (and sight unseen as well) and expected me to wire the difference minus some £300 for my trouble to his shipper/handler. A lot of the work from home job offers are trying to recruit people to be the handlers of the money as well... dead dodgy when they expect you to use your own bank account and telephone and mail address to process their money orders etc. through.
  23. is it me or is the nut broken on that bass?
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