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Paul Cooke

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Everything posted by Paul Cooke

  1. [quote name='Clarky' post='221841' date='Jun 19 2008, 12:12 AM']Played gig tonight - four bands, all due to soundcheck between 6-7pm. We get there at 6.10pm, no other band. As we are not headlining we are not allowed to soundcheck. An hour later, no other band. 8pm only one other band has turned up. 8.10pm the opening band finally walks in the door with no apologies to be told they should be performing on stage in 5 minutes - they promptly take 20 minutes farting about, changing batteries in effect units and tuning up. We go on stage after their set, no soundcheck having been at the venue for close to 3 hours. I cannot hear any notes on my bass, other than the lowest notes (on boomy stage) and do not have one of my greatest nights as a performer. AAaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh What happened to manners and courtesy??????????????????????????[/quote] should have pee'd in their guitar cases... and then had a massive punch-up... they have to learn that that slack attitude to soundchecks etc. is just NOT ON... I'd have been right in their faces the moment they showed up... In fact, you should have already been sent on stage ready to go and they should not have been allowed anywhere near it for being so late.
  2. world's fastest patch change is not much use when the switches start to get dicky with age... apparently, they're not real switches, just bits of spring loaded plastic that bear down on bubble cell switches on the PCB... I've had my B2.1U 15 months now and the up switch is rather intermittent, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes it jumps up two patches... annoying
  3. not particularly fussed... I have one pedal board set up at church with BDI-21, BLE-100 and TU-100 on them: yeah, the tuner sucks for bass and has problems tuning the E string, so I work around it by tuning the A, D & G and then tune the E to the A. Otherwise, it's a solid setup for a good thick tone to put into the PA... the congregation aren't too keen of fancy effects... Otherwise I'm torn between my Zoom B2.1U and my Boss ME-20B... the Zoom is far easier to change patches with in the heat of the moment... (The Boss is limited to the three in the current bank and takes some time changing banks...), however, the Boss has some great default patches. The slap one is awesome... with that patch, it's almost impossible to sound bad when slapping, even with flats on the bass... but the Boss doesn't have the ability to pitch shift which allows me to play in Eb with a standard tuned Bass by shifting everything down a semitone. I'm looking at making a second pedal board with both the Zoom and Boss on it and a select switch to change which one is in circuit...
  4. [quote name='artisan' post='219890' date='Jun 16 2008, 02:37 PM']another bump (come on you tight f***ers )[/quote] everyone's feeling the pinch...
  5. Yes, I do play like that... they're called rest strokes... here, try this exercise: [url="http://www.basssessions.com/aug04/triplet.html"]http://www.basssessions.com/aug04/triplet.html[/url]
  6. the only thing wrong with them is the logo... they're good enough to be "real" Fenders... Some people don't look beyond the Logo... they'll see Squier and automatically diss it as a crappy bass... I'm waiting for the fun when the new "Classic Vibe" range hits the shops... I've really got the hots for the 50's P-Bass in Lake Placid Blue... amusingly, then I'll have a bass that matches my avatar...
  7. set the volume of the parts you don't want to hear right down before you do the export... that way you can remove the bass, or else leave its volume alone and pan it right over to one side.
  8. damn... I knew I should have applied for a patent on the thumb rest I knocked up from some old bits of coat hanger... The reason no-one else has bothered patenting such a thumb rest is because it's so damn fugly (pardon my french) and stupidly obvious to one versed in the art...
  9. Even Bruce Springsteen has covered Mustang Sally... and Lynyrd Skynyrd have to do Freebird every show...
  10. tasty bass, go for it... you can always get a luthier to add dots if you really need them
  11. Didn't need to pull it, just needed to correct the description and header line... and maybe revise the starting price down a touch...
  12. Jazz week at the Gloucester Academy of Music. [url="http://www.gamweb.co.uk/pages/BHCoursesDetails.asp#jazz"]http://www.gamweb.co.uk/pages/BHCoursesDetails.asp#jazz[/url] 24th - 30th August 2008 (Fee: £370) Mainly wind and brass but has limited bass places.
  13. I love "Lady in Red"...
  14. It's most definitely a Squier VMJ... so it's misleadingly listed...
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' post='215140' date='Jun 8 2008, 10:24 PM']Is there a reason why you're using them then? There's plenty of good-sounding lower tension flats.[/quote] finding the ones you like is a pain when they cost so much... I like the sound of the Rotosound flats, and I like the feel under my finger tips, I just don't like the tension under my fretting hand.
  16. I'm sorely tempted to do just that and get a capo for playing 'normal' songs. I find rotosound flats ridiculously tight...
  17. [quote name='AREA' post='214185' date='Jun 7 2008, 03:43 AM'][b]3. Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass[/b] [/quote] wow, you lucked in with the body on that Squier VMJ... and the tort pickgaurd looks good as well... mine has no discernable grain at all...
  18. sorry for bumping this back up there... but... I had a long think this morning driving back home... In my opinion, Integrity is going out there and enjoying yourself and making sure the crowd is enjoying themselves... even if you hate the material... if you think it's only playing originals or that playing Mustang Sally (or whatever) is beneath you then that's not integrity, that's snobbery... someone posted in my Bo Diddley RIP thread the following: Bo told him there are three reasons to play: 1) to learn something, 2) to get paid & 3) to enjoy yourself... you don't have to satisfy all three, but if you do then it's a bonus, but meeting any 1 of the three is reason enough to be playing.
  19. what's worrying me is the price on the SAM ASH website is a promotion price... the RRP is $499 which probably means we'll get shafted over here as usual...
  20. [quote name='Nino Valenti' post='213155' date='Jun 5 2008, 01:02 PM']Wow. They are going to sell a ton of these basses!!!! They look nice but they should offer it in more colors than Black and Burst.[/quote] how else are they going to improve next year then? the extra colours will be drip fed out...
  21. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='213028' date='Jun 5 2008, 10:39 AM'][b]Definition of a typical jazz gig:[/b] Musicians playing 300 chords to an audience of 3 (and possibly a dog). [b]Definition of a typical rock/pop gig:[/b] Musicians playing 3 chords to an audience of 300 I'm only playing Devil's Advocate here (possibly in BOTH directions?), but I think there is more than a grain of truth in that. Generally speaking, IME, jazzers enjoy their own playing far more than any audience could ever hope to. [/quote] Jazz used to be the main thing and highly popular... then it disappeared up it's own bxbxbx when it started getting too complicated for easy listening or dancing to... fine for the musicians playing it and any other afficianadoes in the audience, but useless for the general public who just wanted something to dance to or have in the background without having to think hard about it...
  22. bummer the 4 has gone... I was considering the 5 or 4, but sadly for you, not the 6... I've tried one in the shop and the neck is too wide for me. Just sold on my millennium 4 BXP and strangely, am missing it now (I made the mistake of playing with it yesterday to make sure it was still set up correctly). The Grind 5 is what I'm after, but not at the new price in the shops... they've got one in Gloucester, but I'm not paying the full sticker price for it... and they won't give me a fair trade in on what I want to trade for it.
  23. [quote name='ahpook' post='212010' date='Jun 3 2008, 07:13 PM']as i've mentioned before, i'm tired of the whirring of cooling fans... and i'm wondering about disconnecting the cooling fan on my 150w trace elliot head...i only ever use it for home practise, so it's hardly what you could call loud. anyone tried this ? i realise it may be risky, which is why i'm asking before i try.[/quote] not something I'd risk... too easy to forget and crank it up without reconnecting it... I use my little Peavey for home practice and keep the Laney for gigs...
  24. [quote name='eastwind' post='212027' date='Jun 3 2008, 07:50 PM']Hi heres one of my basses I pimped up a few weeks ago. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Modified-East-J-Retro_W0QQitemZ230258298585QQihZ013QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Ebay Fender Jazz Custom[/url] Sounds excellent, very bright, good harmonics and for chord work. Selling to finance my my new business venture of bass manufacturing. If it doesn't sell it will be offered here at a lower price. Also got a Westone Thunder 1A in excellent condition that I will be selling.[/quote] it's not a Fender though... your listing is confusing if not downright misleading...
  25. they had been mentioned before as they had appeared on the Sam Ash website before the official launch... now they are officially available... some lucky bods in USA will have been getting them delivered today... I have now got a horrible GAS attack... but don't know which to spring for, the 50's P or 60's P... I had been thinking about getting a real Fender 51 RI, but hated the colour choice... my problem is unloading my excess basses... I have seven... will be down to six tomorrow... (the Peavey is going) but I still have three cheapo ones to get rid of... I'd be lucky if I got £20 each in cash converters as I've seen Encore P-Basses in there for only £50...
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