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Paul Cooke

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Everything posted by Paul Cooke

  1. June has been wiped out for me and so has August... currently July is looking good 7 July 14 July either one and then I've got that fixed and can tell relatives to pick the other date where is it though? I'm down in Gloucester... in the midlands as far as I'm concerned... Birmingham area is easy to get to just give us a google maps link... or whatever... I'd be bringing my Peavey and a clunker learner bass (Encore) plus my baby combo and Zoom B2.1U
  2. please no subscriptions... I have no credit or debit cards and therefore no means of making online payments. A subscription would effectively discriminate against those with no means of making online payments or those who are temporarily financially embarrassed
  3. [quote name='acidbass' post='3709' date='May 21 2007, 04:05 PM']Hartke Kickback 12 - a little more expensive than the amps mentioned above, but a real cracker.[/quote] a little bit more expensive??? £349???? seven times the cost of the Peavey Max 126... she's only just starting out (I'm assuming we have a she here with a nick of christabel) and she has a limited budget... I stand by my recommendation of a Peavey Max 126... I have one and it's got a very nice sound and also has a CD input and headphone output... perfect for noodling along to my MP3 player and those CDs that come with learner books... The tone controls and "vintage transtube" circuit have no effect on the CD input.
  4. Peavey Max 126... at £49 you can't lose...
  5. [quote name='BlueBear' post='809' date='May 17 2007, 09:11 PM']BlueBear, played bass for a couple of years then stopped playing anything for about 7 years. Just got back into playing around February, had my first ever audition last week and actually got the gig! Now have a bit of a GAS problem which should be cured in the next couple of weeks. [/quote] cured??? it never gets cured... I got a new Peavey BXP 6 weeks ago and I'm currently GASsing for a 51P RI... can't afford it so will probably have to relent and just get a new MIM P bass instead... then I'm planning to de-fret my Encore starter...
  6. the tuners look a bit exposed... a guardrail could help there...
  7. Paul Cooke playing Bass enthusiastically, but not very well so far... have been trying now for 8 months after a 30 year gap. I used to play in a punk band, but back then I didn't know what I was doing and just played the notes I was told to play... hard and fast...
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