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P-Belly Evans

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About P-Belly Evans

  • Birthday 15/09/1971

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  1. Couldn't agree more. I love my 2013. It's currently wearing flats and sound effing monstrous. I love the newer style pickups - they properly growl at you. Don't know where all the hate comes from.
  2. Brother Rat - Nomeansno.
  3. Lovely stuff. Don't mean to hijack the thread but I just posted this on the funk thread, saw this thread and thought you might like it if you haven't heard it before. One of my faves and funky as hell big band shenanigans.
  4. One of my faves since I first heard it over 30 years ago. Still as funky as the day it was recorded
  5. Certain colours may well be discounted quite early in the run too. I got my seafoam green Vintera Mustang a couple of months after release for £599 new when the other finishes were still £799-850 everywhere else.
  6. Sesame Street - number pinball https://youtu.be/mTr_HS_O4Ek?feature=shared
  7. Arriving - I'd rather be with you - Bootsy Reflecting - It's Over - ELO Departing - All things must pass - George Harrison (get them floodgates opening before the inevitable drinkathon)
  8. Arriving - I'd rather be with you - Bootsy Reflecting - It's Over - ELO Departing - All things must pass - George Harrison (get them floodgates opening before the inevitable drinkathon)
  9. Which Wolf?? The one from Gladiators??
  10. .......................lonely man
  11. Came across this last night. Why have I never seen this before?? Oh well better late than never. Just to add...this is pure badass by the way...with a young Darryl Jones if I am not mistaken
  12. I against I - Bad Brains.
  13. Flippin' Eck...I love my T'Bird - 2013 model, cost me a grand - blagged a epi EBO for free too. Plays like a dream. It's light, has a neck as slim as my Jazz. Low action with no buzz whatsoever. No neck dive. Bass made for rock my bum -any style welcome. The case smells lovely. No orange peeling. It's great with flats or rounds (virtually no set up necessary between either too). The pickups growl like an angry cat. Not lost any value at all ( just my playing costs). It's a bit of a reach down low but I see that as a healthy positive in my older age. Happy days.......
  14. Great and wholly appropriate theme tune. The whole soundtrack/album is great too.
  15. Stuffs and Things...
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