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P-Belly Evans

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Everything posted by P-Belly Evans

  1. The Ibanez Talmans seem to go down well too. The 4s have a fair few interesting colours and all for 160 quid new. I am currently getting itchy fingers over a fiver at the mo and can't decide between the two Talmans (one active, one passive) or the Harley Benton Pj5 or the PJ75 vintage.. although that PJ5 for 115 quid seems remarkable value.
  2. . 73 Dunlops for me. Interestingly Bobby Vega too..... cheeky bugger must have copied me in in his journey to funk nirvana....... 😎
  3. My pair of block beauties, and my two penneth. An older Chinese classic vibe P and a vintage modified Jazz. Both lovely but the P is superior in every way. A fantastic bass with no negatives at all. Highly recommended.
  4. Cheers for the heads up. At least there are no exploding bass stories yet 😂
  5. I haven't. Cheers mucka. I will try to find some demos on you tube... if such things exist.. the closest to try before you buy I can get probably.
  6. I absolutely love the sound of a good flat wound string, but fancy trying something different on my thunderbird. The rounds make the lows sound huge, but can also sound a little too piano like and resonant on the highs. I am gonna test it out and put rounds on E, A and flats on D, G when I get a minute. Now my question is, if I do find it a eureka moment, are there any issues it could cause by leaving them on longer term? They are the same gauge, but for example should I be wary of differing string tensions etc. Any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Nuff said right here. You sir have fantastic taste. Once you get hooked on them it is true musical love. I saw them on the same tour at the legendary Edwards Number 8 in Brum Town. Had loved them since Sex Mad, but that album and tour........ sh%t me.😳. Saw them a few more times (not 12 though, good man!) and had the pleasure of a good hour or so with them in Derby after a gig in about 2006. Just lovely blokes.... and a special mention to John Chedsey who ran their merch store and website, what a dude. They are sublime..... who else has covered Miles' Bi%ches Brew so originally and wonderfully ?
  8. Sorry to digress and fair play to Geddy, but listening to it makes me feel sad that Rob Wright doesn't get the recognition he deserves. Bass legend and pioneer since 79. He never chased fame and fortune though, so kudos to him. And on this album they were a two piece - Rob on bass/guitar/vocals and his brother John on drums/vocals Simply too cool 😎
  9. Is he taking the photo next to a sea foam green......... bog?????
  10. I like to call this "Hi.........I've got wood" Mahogany Gibson Thunderbird..... and potentially my own wood.... you decide😊
  11. Rob Wright on Live and Cuddly 😳. Honoured to have seen Nomeansno several times between 1989 and 2007. One of the greatest bands ever to have graced this planet IMHO. Top draw musicians, top draw message and top drawer all round lovely blokes. I miss them now they have called it a day. Just listen to the first track for some incredible bass playing and the legendary tightness of the band. I know it will not be everyones Cup of tea, but wow.
  12. This - from 2.57😳. Be warned its a bit sweary
  13. As far as I know it is not. The JMJ is apparently wider at the nut. I have a seafoam green Vintera and the neck is a very old school C shape, as in fatter front to back than a modern C profile (as in my Classic Vibe P bass, Jazz bass, 2013 Thunderbird etc). Not a baseball bat by any means but just more girth😳. It is true to the 60s spec after all. It took me a while to get used to it as all my basses have more modern shaped necks. Really cracking tone though, I mean it was a wow moment for me, especially using a pick. The pickups are quite low output compared to my other basses, but I don't care as the trade off for the tone is worth it.... and it can be eq'd anyway.
  14. "Every breath you take and every move you make Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you" Where was I at 9.46 on the 12th August 1986 then you effin wierdo.
  15. Purple ball end..... the string with the most girth.........
  16. Totally agree 100000%... Oh hold on, no hits...... Never mind, he is the greatest of all time ❤️👍. But what to put on? Sketches of Spain, beaches Brew.....come on BC let me spell it😳, Big Fun, Agharta, Pangea, Porgy and Bess, Miles Ahead, On the Corner, In a silent way, Get up with it, live evil, kind of blue, Amandla, Jack Johnson etc etc??????? My head hurts with choice....
  17. Looks like he was caught without his falsies in😂
  18. I think is to stop people drunkenly gobbing all over each other in pubs and other enclosed spaces😂🚫
  19. Pray tell, what is this hit parade of which you speak........ your middle name is not fluff is it😂..... MacDaddy fluff freeman...
  20. Has to be this for me. It is quite simply........ outrageously brilliant and utterly hilarious at the same time Got to number 1 in America as well.
  21. Have a cup of tea..... have another one....
  22. Mine are 5 and 2 so the undercover sleuth in me suspects it is the work of my wife😂
  23. Snap. Nice little surprise this morning. Well done my babies❤️.
  24. Difficult decision, but if pushed my TBird. Really light, well balanced, lovely varied tones from the Thunderbuckers and the slimmest and nicest neck of any bass I own (the best has to be a Status but its not mine..... yet). I don't understand why people say it is only good for rock. I can do Larry Graham to Thin Lizzy and everything inbetween with ease. Beautiful piano like highs with rounds and thumpy as hell with flats. Plus, as far as I am concerned, it looks tremendous.
  25. The bass is a Harley Benton P bass, 30 scale not 28. https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pb_shorty_bk_standard_set_2.htm They also do the deal without the stand and tuner for 148 I think. I have used Thomann and can recommend them wholeheartedly. Loads of bundle deals on there for all budgets.
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