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P-Belly Evans

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Everything posted by P-Belly Evans

  1. All of Dire Straits. All of Communique. All of Making Movies, All of Love over Gold... minus industrial machine (gets on my wick a bit). That live album is not bad either (can't remember the name). Brothers in Arms - the song - as it is quite poignant....... and then.... nowt I'm afraid. Not bad really. I would even class myself as a fan. Just have my limits as to what I can tolerate I suppose.
  2. That is poop too 💩. What was that famous saying by that fantastic Irish philosopher? "just say what you see"😂... or hear in this instance. I'd rather be a pauper......I think🤔 And it was one of my mums faves... who said your mum is always right? Nearly always right I say!
  3. Fair cop. No masterpiece for me though. Now Telegraph road...... Horses for courses and all that. My mums fave was Romeo and Juliet, used to blast that bad boy. Not as much as she did Gallows Pole.... the neighbours kicked right off. She was mortified bless!
  4. 3 tracks doth not make a complete record... or something along those lines according to the old proverb (even when they were only 37 minutes long anyway). I get both sides of the fence, just yours a bit less🙄. I mean Industrial Machine is poop too, that bloody keyboard again... There is still more killer than filler on Love Over Gold though.
  5. Sorry mate, I missed your reply. There is no room in the pocket to adjust anyway. I think it is the string tree and nut to be fair. Could be the bridge too I suppose. I have spoken to the seller and will just take it in when they reopen. Don't want to mess too much to be honest. Really appreciate the advice though👍
  6. As Trout mask replica has been so wonderfully included. I will up the ante slightly. This will do it every time😁
  7. Thank you kind sir... I now have walk of life going round in my head on repeat.... Here comes Johnny..... 🎶 I'd rather have Johnny from the shining coming through the bathroom door😂
  8. Mines an envivo from aldi I think. Does the job for me, but then again I haven't started the mammoth task of transferring my thousands of tapes to the computer yet, so don't know how good the quality will be. Plugged in and used with headphones is fine for me though.
  9. Walk of life is indeed a big stinky poo💩. That keyboard haunts me wherever I go. WOO HOO
  10. This is bloody brilliant too. Lovely version but puts his own spin on it.
  11. One of my guilty Pleasures are Dire Straits... I really should like them but I love em. The first album is indeed class, but then again so is everything up to Brothers in Arms. Saw a bloke do a great cover of Sultans in Benidorm. I absolutely love this too.... ooh the ending❤️
  12. Me too ha ha. I've got a USB tape player. Great they are.
  13. And to top off the Bootsy trilogy...... in person.... With the best grin in the world ever.... On the Rubber bands first tour..... supporting Sly Stone and Parliament😳.
  14. Oh and on the subject of Bootsy...another of my fave live albums and possibly The Godfathers greatest too.
  15. Now for the ace up my sleeve. One of my all time fave live albums.... You wanna some bass... Oh the bass is so up front on this and I LOVE IT......... POW.
  16. Oooh I forgot about Betty Davis..... Oh my she Is funky
  17. Fascinating to hear all your different thoughts on this tricky subject. Nice one👍
  18. The only OCD I suffer with is slopey pictures on walls.... hate it😀. This does not really upset me, but I suppose I have a warranty. The only thing I would do would be to loosen the neck and tweak it, if people thought it may be that. Nut and bridge issues would be warranty issues obviously. Could it affect the intonation? It seems OK, but until I put new strings on it I won't mess too much. I remember my westone had the worst intonation issues ever. Drove me mad. Forgot about new strings for ages... what a surprise, they sorted it.
  19. Now how I didn't notice is beyond me, but my new Fender's strings are slightly out on the neck - G is closer to the edge (quelle surprise). Now it's not slipped off when playing so its not that bad. So looking at the pics do you think it is the nut or does it need a little tug on the neck, or would you just leave it. It's in warranty so, I could t just call PMT and have a word. Just wanted some opinions first. Many thanks in advance for all your knowledge and expertise.
  20. Tortelvis is quite something. What a concept though. When George Clinton landed the mothership, Tortelvis was clinging onto the undercarriage!
  21. I'd love to see it Cuzzie. Never really had the nouse to make any instrument so am well impressed by those that can and do. Basic set up only for me...... although the first time I tried that, the whole bridge lifted out of my EBO😳. Fixed it mind. Good luck with it. How about a work in progress thread?
  22. The recent passing of the legendary Little Richard reminds me of a holiday in Fuertaventura where I met a super guitar player who was doing the season over there. Prior to this he had done a lot of work with Noel Redding..... So the story goes... Little Richard invited Noel back to his yard after hours. Anyway apparently after settling in as you do, Little Richard clapped his hands and out came the bowls of marching powder. He clapped again and a bloke and woman appeared and started having rumpy pumpy there and then. To which Little Richard proclaimed 'and now we shall w%nk'. Noel replied 'I'm ok ta I had one earlier'. Nearly spat my beer out at that one Classic rock and roll there. What have you all heard on the grapevine then?
  23. Dusty Hill😎 And I did mention him in the first post. Apart from that spot on Cuzzie😂....Apologise for the public shaming there, you will have many chances to return the favour with my uneducated ramblings amongst these hallowed pages I can assure you😜.
  24. Slightly off the topic, as I can tolerate Elvis, love Led Zeppelin and adore reggae. But put them all together =😍👍🎸😳. Not quite the sum of their parts but what a journey of discovery.
  25. Totally agree. Thets one of the reasons I never even considered one.
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