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P-Belly Evans

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Everything posted by P-Belly Evans

  1. Cheers mate. Pic doesn't show the "well loved" nature of the beast. Battlescars aplenty, but wouldn't part with her - my first true bass love. I too adore a through neck - just look classy. Although it makes me more wary of taking my TBird to some gigs.....
  2. Anything by Rob Wright. Try this for size.... oof.
  3. Lovely playing too by the way, and the Thunders do sound sweet don't they! Lovely tone from yours. I keep my flats and pipe lagging mute for my P. Love mine with super light rounds.....a joy to play. Heavy as hell though!!
  4. Thunder II version 3. Super boomer pickups.... with the optional xlr added. The colour wasn't in the Westone catalogue from the time though so don't know if it was a custom option at the time.
  5. Lovely work👌 Love mine too. A bit beat up now and a Luthier lost the truss rod cover, but she is a beauty. Strung with 30s through 90s. Slapadelic 😎. Had her second hand from Musical Exchanges in about 1990.
  6. Yeah forgot to mention that🙄🍷. It's the Vintera. Neck is kinda different to all my other basses. It feels slightly wider at the neck than the jazz but maybe a bit less than my P - and I think it is definitely slimmer than the JMJ. It's a bit rounder and fatter front to back though. They say it's a sixties profile. I say not quite a baseball bat, but chunkier than I am used to. However, it has been such a grower in the week I have had it. Lovely with a pick, great for fingers too, but I would prefer to play something like rhythm stick with my jazz if that makes sense.
  7. Oooooh, the mint green Old Smoothie.....one of my remaining Gas basses - with a capital Geeee.
  8. Fair play to you. Not modded mine and I still love it. Tempted by the vintage SD2's but can't be arsed at the mo as the pickups seem cool to me. I just put flats on it and a piece of pipe lagging under the Ash tray... really great tone.
  9. These bad boys have been reviewed here before so I will keep it short (ish). A month ago got really ill (I'd put all my instruments on Covid19). Horrid for 2 weeks...... got better, got Gas, ordered this at a very reasonable price.... and it came in two days. Lovely thing. A couple of issues, though. One pickup wouldn't raise on one side - easy fix, and there is a tiny blemish in the finish but can only be seen in direct sun. Had to raise the pickups a bit and one of the saddles. What can I say, it is a beast, especially with a pick (check AWB cut the cake on Soul Train for an idea) . Now I don't often use a pick but will I ever with this thing. The tone is sublime when you roll off a little treble. The neck is fatter than my jazz and thunderbird, more comparible to my P but with vintage frets, not the jumbos. I tried to string it with a set of long scale flats.... didn't go well, the E snapped and turned into a slinky😭. So still has the rounds on for the time being. Anyhoo Gas cured for a little while. Hooray
  10. Bound to be. Thought it was cheaper to be fair.
  11. Sheared off, according to the current keeper. I also reckon the switch has been changed for that small pot - maybe that broke as well. And apparently the bridge has been sprayed black - me likey a bit of gold hardware but someone obviously didnt😎. Apparently you can't see any embossed Status logo underneath the paint though. Also, no serial number anywhere, not even in either cavity. Has 2 9v batteries. All in all a bit beat up really, but I will still give her a bit of TLC for a little while when I can.
  12. Search PMT mint green old smoothie £1800 so not that cheap. Very nice though
  13. Old smoothie for me. I think PMT have a relatively cheap one for sale. Will try to find it. Dunno about second hand. Never played one but love the idea of the more mellow pickup.
  14. Is it not missing a volume/tone pot? As far as the colour is concerned it is black with small grey dots - carbon fibre I presume. Bridge looks black too but I could be wrong. It appears that loads had gold bridges? I will try to get the serial number and do some proper digging. This lock down is a ball ache as I just want a proper look at her.
  15. Hi and welcome from another new member. Forget the rank old knickers, cash is what you want thrown at you by women...better still you need one that allows you to relieve the constant Gas and spend all your money on as many instruments you think you need (but don't really). You are welcome🙄
  16. You can't see it on the pic but it does have the small dots on the body like a series 2000, or is this a common thing across different models?
  17. Cheers for the knowledge guys. Really good to know coz as I said, they are not my forte at all 👍.
  18. Cool, shows what I know about Status or indeed any headless, fretless, 5 6 8 string, active, semi or acoustic..... I do have a fretless but still have no clue and thank got it is lined 👀
  19. Think you're right👌 I have no idea about anything Status. The big logo on the pickups seems different to the norm though?
  20. Hi all. Once we are allowed out to play again, I will be borrowing and fully checking out this Status. It is currently gathering dust at a mates who didn't even know what it was. I just don't know what model it is. Looks kind of 80s to me but I could be wrong. Any help identifying it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers all 🍷👍 Picked her up today, quick clean..... taking the strings off is a right faff (specially when you have no idea😀). Proper low action, plays like a dream... even though she has the widest 4 string neck known to man! I have a few questions and really need some expert help though. 1. As some twonk has painted the hardware black, is there any way to remove it without damaging the brass. I know you can put stuff in boiling water (slow cooker for example), but can't do that with the head? 2. As I have no access to a new pot, solder or iron at the mo, could I glue something to the sheared off pot in order to turn it, as a quick fix? 3. What does each pot control..... sorry I have no idea. One controls the overall volume, but I can't work out the others... individual pickups, tone? Doesn't help that one is busted off. 4. What the f is the little pot? Looks like decoration to me. Not attatched to anything INSIDE, and doesn't turn without catching the input socket wiring. 5. If it is decoration, then should there be a passive/active switch, as when I take the batteries out......... silence Many thanks in advance for your collective wisdom 👍
  21. Ha ha, firstly, I've been a silent partner for ages on the site and love all the posts, comments and threads. Indeed my Gas will never go away (my testes may though courtesy of my, up to now, very understanding, beautiful wife). The blue bass on the sofa is indeed the best, as it was a gift from my dearly departed mom.. a dvd, book combo on how to play air guitar... blue guitar included. Brilliant! Also it keeps the two year old away from the good stuff... apart from my ukelele (bottom right), which she has already dinged on the headstock... and yes I am nearly 50 and yes I have a two year old..... Effin Rock and roll or what.... hence the tbird mid life crisis!!!!
  22. I started on the slippery slope in around '86 with a black and white encore p bass copy... Gave me the taste but I quickly moved up to the harder stuff - a Westone Thunder II version 3 with super boomers and an xlr (still have it). It is so sad but I just cannot find my favorite tipple, so my quest has been a long whisky nosed tale through the following (none of which I can bear to lose - although the wife would happily lose all but one). A yamaha fretless (why, I don't know... ah yes Jaco), a natural vm jazz with flats (bloody Watt Roy and the like), a 2013 Gibson Thunderbird... just because I was holding down a good job and coz it looks and plays beautifully - oh yes and coz I got an Epi EBO thrown in (wouldn't give me an EB3). A gorgeous black classic vibe 70s P with flats (amazing for the price - I was made redundant from said good job),and a Vintera Mustang in sea foam green (came on Tuesday - I have been off work with suspected Covid19, felt better and.. well I fell off the wagon). My amp of choice is an Ashdown mag600 rack in a gator case with a 4x10. I also have an epi les Paul custom 3 pickup SG in antique ivory and an affinity tele. That is my long and difficult story of addiction. Any advice on what to cull from the herd will probably be ignored and when another great job arrives I will no doubt add an Old Smoothie to the mix. Anyhoo bye for now........... what to play today?????? Obligatory (crap) pic below
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