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P-Belly Evans

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Everything posted by P-Belly Evans

  1. Do's Speakerboxxx/The Love Below - Outkast Bit of a cheat as they pretty much did an album each and released it as a double. But it is still super cool.
  2. Classic.... usually 20 grand wasted these days.... just saying...... My nan and grandads story however....
  3. Aaaah. Here we go. Comedy disco lights compulsory...
  4. Oooooh Sign of The Times... what a record. However, I must (at the risk of the wrath of the OP) say that the live DVD (which my wife imported on Blu Ray from Australia for one of my birthdays❤️) is perhaps one of my favourite musical experiences of all time..... In fact I am going to put it on in a bit.... HOUSEQUAKE....
  5. Imagine having to play it.. being beaten and having ciggies put out on you for playing a bum note 😂😂😂.... I am such a sensitive soul that I do hope that's an urban myth... please tell me it is... please..
  6. Have I just broken the swear filter????!
  7. It's a good job Never Mind The Bollocks wasn't a double album.....
  8. Fosters... That is hilarious 🤣
  9. Swear filter alert.....fosters poor this flipin state of affairs. 🤣😂
  10. Wow.... I own Trout Mask replica.... I put it on to clear the room at home................ I also leave shortly after I put it on 🤣
  11. F&@k Summer of 69....Run to you all day long..... 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️😁
  12. Do's Anything by Miles Davis Nomeansno - One The Muppets album...... I hope its not just a gatefold. Seriously someone nicked it off me in the 90s so I can't remember
  13. Oh yes using the black one whilst dreaming of doing this blockquote widget
  14. Freebird..... Well it worked for Skynyrd....
  15. Phil Lynott. Between his own songwriting, singing, the unbelievable drum and guitar virtuosity, his proper groovy a%s bass playing has always, quite wrongly seemed to be ignored.
  16. Westone Thunder? Lovely basses, loads of different versions. Heavy as hell though. I have the Thunder II with super boomer pickups, through neck, xlr input added and I don't think it is a stock colour either. The Westone forum is a good place to go to see differing models.
  17. Somebody call me out on this if I'm wrong as I have never played a Ray, but it looks a little close to the bridge if anything (the bridge is big and further into the body as well) . The passive MB5 SB looks closer to the sweet spot, but as I said earlier I wanted a few different tones (it has the 5 way pickup selector). The rear pickup does give a relatively good Ray tone (that I have heard on records anyway) if you cut the mids, but it is wired in series unlike the Ray, so is not exact. But for 177 quid it does me and I am having fun with a fiver for the first time in my life
  18. I had this arrive last week. Was going to go for the cheaper, passive one pickup version which looks better IMHO, but as it is going to be my only five string, I decided to go with the better specced HH version with more tonal versatility. Still cheap too! Just not too good for slap, but I can screw the frontpickup real low if needed.
  19. New Song - Howard Jones
  20. Hits from the Bong - Cypress Hill
  21. On Let There Be Rock (Paris) , Cliff Williams plays the whole of Live Wire with the E string out of tune - about a semi tone - to prove it is actually live 😂. Now that is too cool...... Either that or his guitar tech was given his bfh straight after the gig.
  22. Tortelvis all the way for me......
  23. Woman - Lennon
  24. Could be...but why is the turnaround so long if that is the case? I need to ask what is being done to it.
  25. Exactly, but it was sent back described as a misaligned neck. What part they need is beyond me. I didn't do too much to it as I was afraid of invalidating the warranty. Although you have to take the neck off to adjust the relief.
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