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P-Belly Evans

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Everything posted by P-Belly Evans

  1. That's a bummer. I am not as precious over this, and although it is a cracker in terms of tone, and I paid pretty much a second hand price for it new, I would rather have the cash back than wait x amount of months. I will definitely be going over it with a fine tooth comb if and when it returns. Given what I saw in the shop, I am half expecting to have to send it straight back again.
  2. Strings were far too close to the g edge of the fretboard and the d string was bent round the string tree rather than parallel to the a. Funny thing was, I had a look at another hanging in the shop and it was worse. In fact I would say that more than 50% of the £800 + fenders on show were off😳.
  3. This boot is made for fonkin - Bootsy again
  4. It's been six weeks since my Mustang was sent back to Fender with a misaligned neck. I have just been told by the retailer that they are waiting for a part (wtf?). I know the world is a bit messed up at the moment but I am starting to miss it now. How long do you think is acceptable to wait for it to be returned?
  5. Countdracula (this one's for you) Bootsy
  6. The Fish (Schindleria Praematurus) - Yes oooof.
  7. Not recorded yet unfortunately. Lock down and all that. The singer/guitarist has quite severe asthma so has been a bit worried about public indoor spaces etc. We are not even allowed to hook up at home either at the moment in Solihull. It has really put the brakes on everything. The thing I love about our project is that the singer is just too good at impressions so he can slip into the original singers voice at any time. You want to hear his Robert Smith and Bryan Ferry... I can't play for laughing. Can't wait to record it all asap
  8. I am doing exactly this at the moment. The more feisty three piece vibe is so raw and exciting. You wanna hear our version of Rio...kills it. Funnily enough a lot of motown classics suit the style.. As the Jam knew all too well .
  9. Well here's a thing. How I missed it I don't know. I ve just spotted they are doing a satin black version with matching headstock...... 7 quid more but there are no pics on the Thomann site. Question is, do I change my order. I am torn. I do love my all black P Bass, but I also love a sunburst, and the stingray style really suits it in my opinion. Coin toss maybe? Please don't suggest one of each as I would have a divorce on my hands....
  10. That is really good to know.... cheers. I just can't wait to see if I bond with a five string. I can't believe I have never played one in my 34 years of playing. I reckon it will come in handy too, as the singer I am working with likes to change the keys of tunes a lot. Sometimes going higher just sounds wrong.
  11. Exactly (and top maths BTW). But I also agree with drTStingray in the fact that I love my Gibson Thunderbird and even though I know it may not be true value for money, I find it utterly sublime and would never trade it for an epi + cash. I still want an old Smoothie more than anything, but needs must and 115 quid is hilarious money for a whole bass, regardless of quality. I can't wait to see if it is any good.
  12. I can just see the argument in some classrooms.... "Miss, I'm not playin that POS, I want an old smoothie and I want it now"......
  13. Daaaah da... Daaaah da.. Dah da... Dah da... Dah da.... Dah da..... Daaaah da da da da da da da..................
  14. It's a no brainer for the price. I am only a part time postie these days so cash is not readily available but 115 quid to have a bash on a 5 string......take my money please. My days, if I hate it I can donate it to one of our cash strapped schools. Apparently my boys school had to strip the PTA's funds dry coz the government refused to pay for the broken down boilers to be replaced😳.
  15. Decided to go for the HH version instead. It's going to be my only 5 string so thought it would give me more tonal variety with the 5 way pickup selector. I have had to trade the versatility for the looks imho - its nowhere near as attractive, with the massive humbuckers on the white scratch plate but hey ho. Also it is difficult to slap on, but I was thinking I could just lower the neck pickup and use the rear one only for any slap I need to do (rarely ever live). All in all, very happy with it.... for 177 quid it's a bargain. It is easy to play (needs a bit of a tweak to the set up when I have time) and I have had no problems adapting to it at all to be honest. Even the floating thumb technique has come pretty naturally over the last couple of days. Gonna play it for a good while as everyone suggests, just to get the muscle memory tighter. Overall, a happy bunny. Harley Benton have more of their MB5 SB basses back in stock in a couple of weeks after months out of stock. Just ordered one as I have got the itch to try a five string for the first time in 34 years. 115 whole English pounds. Possibly a tad dear but I though what the hell 😂. As Stew (Benton) Black knows, I was thinking about an MM85, and it is no doubt a better bass spec wise, but the neck pickup position just seemed to be too friendly with the maple board. I will let you know if I was ripped off in due course🤣 https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_mb_5_sb_deluxe_series.htm
  16. It's been released. A cracking album that I had the privilege of working on with Nigel and a bunch super talented friends. Still sounds amazing and is still super relevant in today's bizarre times. Happy days Just in case you want to know, the bass was recorded using a Guild Starfire, with Double bass parts on a couple of tracks. https://nigelclark.tmstor.es/
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  17. Isn't there an Ibanez Micro for £100 in the sale section?
  18. Can't remember adding it and can't find where to amend my signature. It was my first proper new bike in the early-mid 80s though. Raleigh Burner. I effin loved it. Was out all the time on it. Although I did have a Tomahawk for Christmas before that which was top too.
  19. We were asked to play the opening night at the New Walsall Gallery years ago. It was an improvised funk band called Shatterproof. I played so hard and for so long, I got blisters which then bled everywhere, dripped all down my bass. So I say don't pop them, play hard and let em bleed. The reaction from the punters when you come off stage and grab a drink is worth the pain. I also once played with the same band for 24 hours at a venue at the Edinburgh Fringe. That was a finger shredder too, although the trumpet player played bass too and I play guitar so there was a rest or two.
  20. I could have ribs added! Not because I have a large gentleman, but because then I could play a wonderful xylophone. They don't call me P-Belly for nothing.
  21. All this smutty chat has made me change my mind. I will now resort back to either gently stroking it with my fingers or nibbling it with my teeth....
  22. Funnily enough I am waiting for my replacement due to a.... misaligned neck. I am prepared to have another coz the tone is so good. The shop had one on the wall which was even worse than mine. In fact some of the American ones hanging had badly aligned necks too. I will certainly be giving the next one a serious going over before it comes home.
  23. Interesting thread this. I started on bass using a plectrum and when I discovered Miles Davis, James Brown, P-Funk et all in the mid 80s, I became a finger player with very few exceptions. At the start of lockdown I got ill, recovered and bought a mustang (as you do) . I started experimenting again with my .73 plectrums and oh my days I can out funk my fingers with a plectrum now. I am gobsmacked how funky you can get with a (for me, a thinner) plectrum. I still use fingers for more motown/rock/pop stuff but am a massive convert to the ways of the plectrum.
  24. Interesting insight. Cheers for that, and I agree with your thoughts regarding the OP''s requirements. The Talmans sound similar to my Vintera Mustang then - the chunkiest neck of any bass I own. I have always avoided chunky necks but the tone from the Mustang is just toooo good to quibble over slightly more girth. I am also in possession of a Status S2000 at the mo and it has the widest D shaped neck known to man., but wow is it fast as hell... and that tone. So now I am open to anything. Bring on the fabled baseball bat Stingray I say!
  25. In addition to the chat about Classic Vibes and Vintage Modified, I have both, my Vintage modified Jazz is really good with a really really slim neck. My last generation Chinese Classic Vibe P is different gravy again and although the neck is a little bit chunkier, it plays like a dream. Seriously, I can heartily recommend both.
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