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Everything posted by lksmks792

  1. I'd imagine having it defretted is almost certainly cheaper than getting a new fretless neck, since a decent one would set you back a few hundred pounds. You could look out for second hand parts of course. I'm not sure about the price of a defret, but that should be easy to find out. I've been looking for maple fretless necks as well in the past. Sire have been making fl basses with them (only lined though, I had one which was nice), but they're the only major brand afaik. Fender only did them in the 70s I think.
  2. Could be worse (or is it): Italia Imola 4
  3. I'm not sure what you mean. They currently have more than 1000 basses listed as in stock. Admittedly they have a lot more listed as currently out of stock, but it's just a matter of scale I think.
  4. An update if someone is interested: Lessons are once a week for about 20 minutes. I worked through a first year's beginner book in about a month, which was great for learning the basics (posture, first and half position, ...) and relearning the bass clef. I've been working on how high the moon for the last week or so (melody, arpeggios in different inversions etc). I'm well aware I'm just scratching the surface, but so far I'm very pleased. There's something about the physicality of playing an actual acoustic instrument. So far so good!
  5. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/501258-nhbbd/
  6. Rock with Ewe - Michael Jackson
  7. I'd say sales numbers might be so high it would be impossible to keep up for any retailer. Thomann has been making and selling HB for years (maybe even decades?) now. Quality has risen significantly over the last few years and so has popularity I guess. The Thomann branded bass ukes have been on the website since 2016. Thomann use this brand name for their traditional and ethnic/folk instruments as well. No need to fear the end of HB i'd say ...
  8. Einsturzende Neubauten in a couple of minutes, in Antwerp.
  9. I played the HB one at Thomann (the store itself in Bavaria). It had bronze wound strings on it instead of the rubbery ones, which was great. Can't seem to find that as an option on the website though. Should have bought it there and then. I also played the Ibanez AVNB1FE some years ago when it was in production. I've been lusting after one of those ever since, great little bass it was. They were gone almost as soon as they'd arrived though and not a lot of them have come up second hand. Let's hope Ibanez Will will do another run sooner or later.
  10. Thank you everyone for the helpful advice, I'll keep it in my mind. To be honest I hadn't really thought about learning to use a bow but I'll definitely give it some thought. Cheers
  11. The course is called JPR (jazz-pop-rock) as opposed to classical (orchestral) DB. It's very introductory technique-wise as well as touching on different genres featuring the instrument. I guess a lot of it also comes down to personal interest. I'll probably be leaning more toward the jazz side of things.
  12. Yesterday I contacted the local music school and enrolled for lessons in upright starting from September. I've been playing electric bass among other instruments for years, but I don't think I've ever been this excited about getting into a new instrument. Beginner's tips etc very much appreciated!
  13. Some great looking new basses from HB! https://harleybenton.com/bass-families/#mv-4jb I especially like the straight-up P's (not PJ) in some more interesting colours. Might get a shell pink one to match my HB jazz ... They also brought back the PJ mustangs, including a pick up selector this time. They seem to have ditched the Roswell pickups for some own brand thing, not sure how much of a difference these would make really.
  14. That's not the same bass. The Mustang has a tort pickguard. Guess they're doing a regular P as well, great news!
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7JxIT-Mqf0/?igsh=MWQ0YXU0N3ZjY3pyYg== Looks like they're bringing them back!
  16. It's definitely in Cm (though one could argue the chorus is actually in Eb, which uses the same notes). The verses start out on a dominant G resolving to tonic Cm, probably confusing those who just think 'first chord = key'.
  17. I got an Ampeg Micro-CL with the 210 cab. Classic, affordable tones with no problems keeping up with a drummer. Gigged it (with pa) over the weekend. Very portable
  18. Just been looking for these on the Thomann website. Looks like they've been discontinued (just like the mustang-a-like). Shame since I would have liked to try one. Good luck with yours!
  19. It does, but there's a big gap between 2020 and October of 2023, and there's a lot of gaps in the years before. Most of the content since October consists of nothing more than a picture of some exotic bass with a link to the website home page; there's no trace of any review whatsoever. You'd think someone founding a new bass magazine, which would be a rarity in itself nowadays, would at least try to find an original angle, instead of 'the history of Fender' and 'Jaco Pastorius'. My guess is: the FB page existed as a run of the mill bass content page, under a different name (you can even find the original profile picture form 2014 at the bottom of the feed), posting pictures of exotic basses to gather some likes. Someone bought the page last October, knowing it would reach a couple of thousand people who or interested in bass guitar, changed the title to Bass Review Magazine and put together a website and some previews of a magazine - none of this being all too difficult for someone with a bit of experience in graphic and/or web design - and posted some 'content' to create the impression of an actual upstart. I'm not from the UK so I might be wrong, but I'd guess it would be very, very weird if a new bass magazine was founded without a) anyone from this forum being involved or at least knowing someone who is involved and b) the founder doing any direct marketing on this forum. Anyway, of course I hope none of this is true and none of you actually got scammed (if you were, my guess would be you've only lost a couple of pounds, but still), but it doesn't really seem convincing to me. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to clarify my viewpoint. L
  20. Would it be possible it's not an actual magazine but ... a scam? I'm not sure, but there's a lot of things that seem a bit off about it. Both the covers of the first two 'issues' are filled with the most cliche bass-related titles in the universe. There's no trace of any real contact information, an editor or even a printing house. Who in their right mind would invest in founding a new bass magazine these days, without any online content? On the other hand: imagine maybe a couple of hundred people interested enough to pay for a first issue. That's an easy way to earn a fair sum, without offending anyone enough to even consider taking legal action.
  21. This. I've no need for either a headless or another fretless bass, still find myself looking at these every so often.
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