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About Stingray64

  • Birthday May 12

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    Bristol/Studying Cov

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  1. Are the strings the same model and age on both? The Sandberg I like much more than I was expecting, especially considering the stingray special is my favourite bass of all time (and my most played) and I generally don't get on with jazz bass tone!
  2. Warning: long comment with no actual C4 advice, sorry about that🥴 I don't use the C4 but I do use a ton of synth sounds so I thought I would drop in a few general tips. You can download a decibel meter on your phone that can help to give you something more objective. But db meters are not always representative of perceived volume. Speaking of perceived volume, a lot of synth related stuff can sound like a different volume on their own than in a mix, so it's worth being aware of and prioritising the mix sound while on your own. For example, big muff style fuzzes need to seem louder when they're on than off to be equal in a mix. Drives and compressors in general make things seem louder in (normally) a good way without actually being much higher db. Many things in your synth chain can increase or decrease your output volume, try to compensate for this at each stage as you go, or if not possible then keep track and compensate at the very end of the chain. Finally, synth sounds should be different volumes to an extent since they often take up very different roles and places in a mix. Just go with your gut and make sure you're prepared to adjust volume on the fly to follow your instincts.
  3. If I understood correctly when I was researching power supplies a few years back, the hx has a variable current amount so it might work on a lower current output but will become problematic under certain tasks which is why you should normal use the doubler.
  4. DR hi beams! Easily the best strings for high C in my opinion. Strings direct helped me get a single since I already had a 4 string set.
  5. That is NOT the opinion I needed to hear 😂😭
  6. Oh this is really bad timing I was just gasing over the idea of a stingray with this exact neck. I just need to keep reminding myself I don't really like black bodies!
  7. Ye this is something I found when I got cobalts so I swapped to Dunlop stainless steel flats and have found them to sound very almost as good but actually last (over a year so far for me).
  8. Am I the only person in this thread who finds slipping off rounds while sweaty a FAR bigger problem for playing well than sticking to flats?!
  9. Ok so I've thought about this quite a lot because I regret poo-pooing your idea, especially because in real life I've become known as the guy that can do anything with a hx stomp. I have a couple kind of conditions for a hx stomp being a good fit for you. 1. Do you plan on running to a mixing desk? In which case you need all 3 things to be mixed separately. 2. Do you want stereo tracks or a click track? Either of these would require a separate audio interface for its outputs. Also, before going for the pod go, do you want to have significant bass effects chains? The pod go is perfectly fine for simple bass effects but not appropriate for more full on effects. If you meet all of these then I think the hx stomp could be an effective setup for you, though I would always recommend saving up for an interface in addition to the stomp because they will always do that job best, even when it's a cheap focusrite (I use a 4i4 live and recording). But as I said, the routing and set up wont be easy at all so if you do decide to go this route I would say only do it while sending me a PM (or if you have a helix nerd friend in real life) so we can talk more about your setup and I can guide you through the routing. It will be a bit janky but I'm pretty confident I could help you to understand it enough that it wouldn't be a problem, and going the cheaper option is always going to be a bit jank than just buying all the relevant gear and that's generally ok.
  10. I'm struggling to see why you would want to run ableton through the same channel instead of a dedicated tracks channel. The HX stomp can do it but it's not really designed for having 2 separate instruments with separate signal paths so would need some janky routing.
  11. I use an mxr octaver with the hx stomp because anologue octave is my most important effect, but sticking in the box I reckon you will have a lot of success going for the legacy octave into the teemah drive with bass cut on like 0.1 or 0.2 and then a parametric eq to bring out sub frequencies and cut out high end.
  12. Stingray64

    MM DarkRay5

    I'm very relieved these are still only 34" scale because that makes it pretty redundant compared to a normal stingray + pedals. Otherwise I would be mighty tempted!
  13. I do a lot of synth bass on a bass type stuff, both in function songs and EDM type gigs. I use the mxr bass octave deluxe as my synth starting point and then either drives, fuzzes and synth effects in the hx stomp or a bass big muff to go into the IE xerograph filter. Anyway, I wanted a fuzz that would be more consistent than the EHX and also fuzz up a different frequency range from what the stomp does. Despite a lack of threads online about FY-2 fuzzes I decided to go with the Fredric effects deeply unpleasant companion. It's awesome! Super nasty sound that works great on normal bass guitar when the tone is rolled down and the clean is blended in. It has a super nice sweep with a low pass filter (no bass synth sounds good with a band pass filter to me 😆). Something that really surprised me was how well it combines with other drives, it sounds sick after subtle drives (although i prefer to keep the volume lower feeding into the DUC) and it also sounds actually good when placed after a heavy drive which I wouldn't say about any other drive or fuzz I've tried. Downsides I found is that for me it kinda needs a very heavy noise gate after it, and it needs careful attention paid to EQ to keep it working in a mix, not a good fuzz for whacking on an effect. Here is my little demo I did for my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tv/CdeREY1gbT8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= PXL_20220512_211214877~2.mp4 The point of this, my first post, was just to provide a viewpoint for anyone considering a companion fuzz, and if you're into synth stuff, give this unique fuzz and fredric effects a consideration! I'm a huge nerd for both effects and synths so if you have any questions at all please do fire away!
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  14. Personally, I found that a digital octave down in the helix with careful eq, compression and slight drive, blended in with some clean signal that has heavy eq gets somewhat close, especially in a mix. Although I haven't tried it much since I use 5 string for 90% of the time.
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