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Everything posted by Stingray64

  1. Ooh, I got the 5 string MIM zone as my first proper bass! Considering the £400 I got it for it's pretty great but I wouldn't have got it if I had the knowledge I do now. It's going to get mostly replaced one day by an American Original 60s P because I just want that classic sits in the track and no one doubts you when they see what it looks like. But for now it gets a good sound leaving it 90-100% P pickup, treble cut and mids boosted on the preamp.
  2. You're very welcome! And ye I use an mxr bass octave deluxe and then my hx stomp for almost all of my synth sounds. If you want any more advice I'm a huge nerd for synth sounds on bass and synth in every style haha.
  3. I'm 95% certain powering your stomp from a daisey chain is a really terrible idea. But truetone make an adapter for line 6's but you also have to use a current reverser before it, that's what I do with my CS6.
  4. Mine came with a clear cover with white paper underneath that had the logo on so if you wanted I could send you scans or something of them to get it recreated fairly easily.
  5. It's actually pretty easy to get great synth sounds on bass, just use a combination of octave, drive, an envelope that is low pass and has little movement and some modulation like chorus. That way you actually get basically what a synth bass is. The synth pedals and most envelope filters are just for the bedroom or instagram and painfully unmusical. Although I wouldn't be as comfortable playing synth bass on a bass guitar if it weren't for learning synth bass so maybe take a couple minutes just to get an idea of how they work. And go search for Ian Allison on youtube for the expert.
  6. Completely up to you but personally I prefer octave first because I find nothing has any significant effect before my octave, not even fuzz. And I prefer my eq after because I only use small amounts to slightly focus my overall sound.
  7. If it's the same adapter for the hx stomp I can ship you mine.
  8. Do you have a keys player making their own patches or potentially a guitar player who's not very good with using pedals in a live setting? I find they like to make sounds with way too much bass which then kill the actual bass. Especially because synth sounds are often lots of bass from octave and treble from drive but little mids. I think ls2 is a good suggestion and also I would say try playing nearer the bridge to get more mids in the sound and try to play always above or around the 12th fret. You can also try blending in some dry signal for a more cutting sound. Synth sounds can be a fickle thing so it is possible your drive just isn't working for the context and you need a different one. I have heard the mastotron is quite a bit weaker for synth sounds but I have no personal experience. I hope some of this helps.
  9. Definitely stopped making them years ago. Check out the iron ether xerograph deluxe for something very similar but smaller/less noise/cheaper and potentially more versatile. Otherwise go for the source audio C4 or hx stomp for digital low pass filter/envelope filter.
  10. It ain't the smallest because the mxr vintage bass octave is smaller and a direct clone of an original 'octaver' OC2. Although for the price I'm sure this can't be beat, GLWTS.
  11. Man I hope this is still here in about a month when I have the funds! I highly doubt it tho.
  12. Woo I'm so in! I'm pretty new to bass chat but I needed some anyway, orange is the best colour and I would prefer a basschat stamp than some random brand!
  13. I think a lot of it is that controls on the amp tend to be very broad and therefore in a sense more musical, at least more flexibility while staying musical. Where as stomp boxes often target a specific sound or frequency, which can be very helpful when you add the ability to switch on and off (even more so when you have a helix like me and can switch to different settings instead of just off). But ye I agree for the most part I stick to amp or preamp pedal eq.
  14. Not to make you all feel jealous, but I'm an introvert and I just finished my first year at a music degree that kept the standard of education the same despite lockdown so I've been loving the endless time to practice for a hopefully career in a few years time.
  15. Man I'm doing a degree in bass and my dream is just to make some of my living doing music. I don't really expect too much more in the current music industry. Being a musician is about enjoying yourself playing music, that's all that matters.
  16. Ye I fell so so in love with the special the moment I tried one and I've barely stopped thinking about them 6 months later! Aqua sparkle is definitely one of my favourite finishes, although charcoal sparkle is what I will go for. Also gonna get a 5er because although I prefer 4, I don't ever want to have to not play it once I get it and 5 is to important.
  17. The fact that you have to have wah and volume makes it sound kind of not ideal for a bass player, the hx stomp on the other hand is the same price and in my opinion absolutely perfect for a bass player!
  18. If you make more I'll buy one too!
  19. Are you considering shipping? For a price of course.
  20. Hi, I'm confused by this as I don't think Music Man were making non stingray specials/classics by 2019 and this doesn't appear to be either. Are you sure this was made in 2019 and not just bought then?
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