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Peter Popovic

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Everything posted by Peter Popovic

  1. I agree with that. He can and it is not my business. I just don’t like £200 guitar is advertised with Rickenbacker truss road cover and asking £700 for that…
  2. Ok, now I have a message from him, judge by yourself.
  3. This is ridiculous!!! Just be warned everyone. A couple of months I spoke with that guy. I would not say he’s scammer, just very very delusional. He called me names as Ive pointed out his Chinese copy of Fodera is not worth £2000. On FB he changed his name from Paul to Collin…just be careful. He is well know by some of the members of basschat as well.
  4. Exactly. Actually 2 millions time better. And I didn’t spend extra money for fretless neck. That’s what I did.
  5. And why it is a bad thing?
  6. Got too many basses(21), wanted to try fretless, practising wood working…and many other reasons anybody can have. So no point (for me) to buy a fretless bass if I can make one.
  7. What I have used for fretboard after defretting, filling with maple venier and sanding was superglue. Dropped like 8-10 coats, sand it down and polished. Works great.
  8. Thanks JohnR. Looking forward to it. I would like to have one of them. I have Metro Express 1st generation and it had a lot of flaws. But after some work on it( quite a lot of work I would say 🙃) it became my favourite bass( I do own 19 basses including more expensive ones) so may I say Sadowsky has my interest. Especially Metro Express series new generation with corrections and upgrades. Thanks again for your input. Appreciate that👍
  9. Is there any shop in the UK who has lefty new models of Metro Express? Andertons, Guitarguitar, Gears4music only has first generation…thanks
  10. Hi everyone. So Ive drop VTC on my metro express. Volume balance between active/pasive is equal. Noise is mostly gone(shielding with copper helps a lot). But in the middle position of pickups blend volume is quite quieter then just bridge/neck pickup. Are they out of phase or is it normal? Is there way how to fix it? It bothers me😂
  11. Sadowsky pre-amp taken off Sadowsky Metro Express bass. I’ve upgraded to VTC so this one is surplus. It is basically brand new condition (2 months old).
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  12. You both right I guess. I know about Sadowsky VTC and retrofit as well. I was just wondering if there is specific one for PJ. Long story short…there’s not. Thanks guys👍
  13. A couple of pics to “fix” that bass.
  14. I’ve thought so. Thanks mate. It is always better ask if not sure👍
  15. Hi guys, So I traded my Spector Legend 4 for MetroExpress (plus money my way). Did quite a lot to “fix” that bass like frets leveling, frets polishing, took care about sharp edges…had to do frets job as it had dead notes. Ive changed logo as well as I can’t stand that awful Metro Express logo. Also Ive dropped a copper to cavities to proper shield it. Now I finally can say it is decent bass.(if someone wants I can upload a couple of pics of “fixing” process). Oooohhhh…maybe I should mention it is left handed one. Got one question for you guys. I am planning to drop VTC on there. Is there specific one for PJ combination , or is it just one for JJ and PJ? Thanks
  16. Sorry for multiple posts. I don’t know what happened. Can admin delete it please? My apologies.
  17. Ebay. I just bought one.
  18. Ebay. I just bought one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186298173112?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eKRaAt6CQby&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=9Sq1XDGhRS6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  19. Ebay. I just bought one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186298173112?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eKRaAt6CQby&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=9Sq1XDGhRS6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  20. Ebay. I just bought one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186298173112?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eKRaAt6CQby&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=9Sq1XDGhRS6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  21. 1963/64 was only years of production of Jolana Basso V. You can look on this link. There is Basso V produced in 1963 and has very close serial number to mine so I am assuming it is 1963. http://cheesyguitars.com/jolana_sn.html
  22. Got another two Jolanas, not basses though. Jolana Iris and Alfa(Alfa is quite rare one as it came as 2 pickups), just needs cleaning and a bit of work. Got all parts, just need a time😂
  23. For trade or sell my Spector Legend 4. I’ve bought it 2 years ago, tried and since then it’s just hanging on the wall. Condition is brand new. Got Bartolini PJ combination pickups. Trade for anything 4,5 strings (Sadowsky, Warwick, Sire, Fender)…just try me. It seems that bass is out of stock everywhere , especially with those Bartolini pickups and PJ combination. Costs £739 brand new.
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