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Everything posted by silky13

  1. cheers for all your help guys! I think I'm gonna make up a trolley with some castors as I've loads of timber lying about and like you say i could pick up some castors at homebase or something. This way i can use it for this amp and also other equipment and also like GUYL says it would make for more awkwardness having another couple of inches on the bottom for castors! Since i have a focus and not a van this is another consideration! Cheers for all your help... I'll let you all know how it goes!
  2. yeah I know what you mean! That was my thoughts, now I gotta work out how to build a good bogey! ... So if I'm building a bogey, anyone got any hints or tips!?
  3. hi there! I'm looking for a bit of help... I just bought a Peavey TVX410 Cab and it sounds awesome, but weighs a tonne/ 45KG ... anyway I was looking at getting a flight case, some casters for it or making up a base and putting casters on that! I'm not sure about drilling into the cab etc. since I've never fitted casters to a cab before and thought I'd ask for some info on here first! So if anyone knows any info that might help me about different casters available or how easy it is to fit them, then it would be much obliged! Like wise if you have any other ideas about how to make it easier to transport then that'd be great too! cheers for your help! Tom
  4. silky13

    my bass!

    Thank you!! feel pretty chuffed with it myself!
  5. I've only ever had lessons on lead guitar, never had any structured lessons on bass with a tutor, the way I learnt really was picking songs I wanted to play and playing them and watching lots of Primus and Billy Sheehan! The other thing that has helped me improve alot over the last couple of years has been playing in a very solid 3piece band, because there is nowhere to really hide. The bass and drums must be tight and together to allow the lead to do his stuff and therefore it is natural to have to practise more on the techniques and songs to get it tight as!
  6. [color="#FF0000"][size=6]CANCELLED[/size][/color] [size=3]Sorry anyone who was planning on coming!, the drummer has flu and is bed ridden, so we've had to cancel this gig!! [/size] [size=1](and i thought drummers were real men)[/size]
  7. wow they look lovey! I like the pick up covers on the fretless!!
  8. Cancelled!!!
  9. silky13

    my bass!

    [quote name='BassBus' post='354279' date='Dec 14 2008, 03:19 PM']That top is just stunning. Is it just my funny eyes or is the bridge squint?[/quote] i hope its just your eyes, it looks alright to me, but I think it may be an optical illusion on that 3rd pic with the reflection of the flash and the way the saddles are set! Cheers for the comments! the quilted top and finish is exactly what caught my eye the first time I saw it! can see and hear it in action on my current bands youtube videos one of which is .. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xVoYlRetAFM"]HERE[/url]
  10. silky13

    my bass!

    ha ha yeah the furry strap ... not to everyones taste! I suppose its the little bit of glam that sits deep inside surfacing now and then!
  11. silky13

    my bass!

    hey everyone, well I'm new here! Have put a wee hello in introductions, but thought I would show off my lovely Fender 40th anniversary custom shop p-bass! I bought it around June this year, when i finally upgraded from my Jackson Kelly Bass. I had been looking around for ages and thought I had decided on the bass that I was going to get, which was a stingray 4 3eq. But when I went to try one again with the intention of purchasing this beautiful 17year old beast caught my eye. Tried it and fell in love, it was like my perfect cross between a precision and jazz, played so nice and sounded so deep or high, depending how you played with the controls, giving great versatility. Anyway when I did a bit of research on it I found out it was built in 1991 in California as part of a run of 400 custom shop p-basses made to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the p-bass. anyway hope you like the pics, i think they do justice to just how well kept the bass is for 17 years of wear! cheers, Tom
  12. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='353473' date='Dec 13 2008, 12:03 PM']Hey I'm gonna be in Edinburgh for Hogmanay. Can you recommend any pubs? Musically I'm into the same kind of stuff.[/quote] hmmm, not really sure, everytime I've gone out at hogmanay I've gone to the grass market as there are loads of little pubs, which always have a great atmosphere! I one of them is called biddy mulligans! [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&resnum=1&q=biddy%20mulligans%20edinburgh%20grass%20market&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl"]grass market, edinburgh[/url] and there are a couple more around this area! The other option I suppose, is George street (parallel with princes street) where there are more up market bars than pubs, but I have never been there on hogmanay and would assume extortionate prices! hope that kinda helps! Tom
  13. hey everyone! I was doing a few google searches for some ideas on rackmount compressors and came across this site so thought id join up! I'm 20, from Edinburgh and have been playing bass for about two years seriously, after coming over from the darkside of lead guitar! I'm currently playing in a band for a guy from Brazil, called "Alex Rech Band" which can be found at www.myspace.com/alexrech. My gear is at the moment is: Fender 40th anniversary custom shop p-bass Jackson KBX bass Peavey tour 450 head and TVX 410 cab in the near future am looking at filling my extremely spaced out rack with korg dtr2000 tuner and a compressor (of which I've not decided yet!) Oh forgot to put about the kind of tunes i'm into! which is anything really, but primarily 80's rock and metal like whitesnake, mr big, van halen, motley crue, skid row, iron maiden, extreme, etc to name a few! anyway, cheers for looking! Tom
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