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Robin UK

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Everything posted by Robin UK

  1. I'm studying 1/2 a music degree at the moment, so i spend about 12-16 hours a week rehearsing (mostly jazz and funk, with a bit of classical), but due to a heavy schedule at the moment, most of my out of rehearsal time is taken up with work for the proper half of my degree, and having a girlfriend. I practice an hour a week on average i'd guess, but that will soon change.
  2. Pm'd regarding 4B
  3. Pm'd regarding bass balls.
  4. Thanks for the offer ahpook. I'm not too attached to teh samson, but i'm trying to leave behringer stuff alone for the moment (no offence). Does anyone know an online used PA website? Thanks Robin
  5. Hey, thanks for the info. In smaller gigs that we do i'll just be using the PA for keys, vocals and soloists, however i'm trying to make it so that we can record through the desk (for memorable cd's and for demo's for jazz festivals etc.), so in some situations i will be micing the whole band. also some of the venues we use need trumpet, & bari volume boosts and a bit of kick. I can't remember if i said, but i will be buying a smalller desk (yamaha MG 102) for smaller gigs and for small band stuff. We're also trying to make it so that band members can borrow the PA for their own jazz/funk or whatever gigs also. Thanks again Robin
  6. Hi, i hope this is a suitable question for this forum. I'm on the committee of my university jazz orchestra, and as the most technically minded of the bunch i am in charge of getting the band our first PA system. We don't have laods of cash, and can borrow gear of the uni events department for larger gigs, but we want something we can build on for smaller exetrnal gigs/ tours etc, to make su more flexible and independant. The rig i'm look at is: -Yamaha MG206C USB (was thinking about a peavey PV 20 USB, but preferred the compression to the onboard FX, and preferred the YAmaha setup) -2*yamaha S115V PAssive Speakers -Samson SX1200 Power Amplifier (I wanted a yamaha 3500, but soemthing needed to give) -Alesis Nanoverb -2*SM58 -4*SM57 -2* pair Samson c 02 I'm also getting a Yamaha MG102 for small band gigs and to use as a drums, bass and keys mixer to free up mic channels on the main mixer for recordings and larger gigs. I have one monitor (for vocals) already, and we're going to have to make do with just another rhythm (mainly drums) monitor for the moment. The aim is to add enough 57's for close micing brass and using the condencers in pairs for the saxes and getting a set of drum mics. What do you think? My budget is roughly £1300, and there is kit i can borrow for the moment. Also, does anyone know a good site for buying seocnd hand PA gear? Thanks
  7. I don't know if this is still up for sale, but i'm buying a PA for a jazz orcehstra i'm on the comittee of. Have you got any price guidelines? and also what other equipment is to come? mics etc? Robin
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