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Everything posted by Andermtc

  1. I tried that with a Lotus Elise years ago, same colour, faster, higher spec etc, she noticed in 30secs.🤣🤣
  2. According to this weeks email, new website coming in the next few weeks.
  3. I found a couple of little things with the coppers. When the sergeant arrived he was told not to go on the roof due to weight limits, he was shown never going beyond the door.😄 Also, when they actually stopped playing the coppers had all gone, or at least they were no longer in sight. Wasn't sure but was it Mal that turned off the amps, before George and John switched them back on to finish.
  4. The picture quality is also very good, it almost felt like it was brand new footage filmed this year with lookalikes.
  5. Agreed, just watching it now and very enjoyable, amazing watching the process.
  6. PMT have one in B-Stock for £380, but there is a code to get another 10% off. https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/b-stock-ashdown-b-social-stereo-desktop-bass-amp-in-white
  7. Peat & Diesel in a few weeks time in Bristol.
  8. Re-release this week of the World Party - Goodbye Jumbo album on vinyl.
  9. Another option at the lower cost are the new ones from Meters/Ashdown. I haven’t tried these, but do have a pair of their OV-1s and the Level-Up! gaming ones for work meetings. Sound is great on both. https://www.metersmusic.com/novu-1
  10. Having ordered the vinyl version yesterday, it makes the cd one look cheap.☹️
  11. All Ashdown, CTM-30 & MAG400 amps and ABM 115 & 210 Cabs,
  12. Thanks for the heads up strap ordered.
  13. Rory MacDonald from Runrigs Trans Teal Musicman Stingray, which was why I bought one. (Terrible picture but all the decent pictures of Rory playing have him using a Black Stingray.)
  14. I used to travel to Japan quite regularly in the early 2000's back when the exchange rate was very good (I can remember trips with 240yen to the pound) so used to buy stuff quite a bit. The fact that they fitted in my luggage made it easy, also the fact that when arriving at Heathrow there was a flight from India that landed at the same time which got a lot more attention than the flight from Tokyo. Hiding a bass would be a lot more difficult....
  15. Yes he has I believe, not been in the market for a long time. I remember Spinadisc, spent a lot of lunchtimes there when I was at the Poly. Finally got back to Twisted barrel again recently.
  16. No, I go to Seismic in Leamington, been using them for years, the only option in Coventry until recently was Frank Harvey, who I've never really used for vinyl, just the expensive HI-Fi kit, but do use Just Dropped in for other stuff, nice to have a decent store in Coventry again, I did pop in briefly on Saturday late morning.
  17. And unfortunately it's getting worse. I use the store regularly throughout the year, but someone else further back in the queue had never been in the store before You have Record Store Day that is split in 2 this year (was 3 last year), you also have a Black Friday RSD releases, there was also a Record Shop/Albums day last year as well, they were all on top of each other later in the year last year, my indy store was actually getting fed up with them, but as he says they bring in decent money for him (and as the store is just him these are important to help his profits) We had a similar discussion in the Queue on Saturday as to where it is going, but we all love records, and some of the anomalies that pop up, interestingly it's usually the same people who never see each other the remaining 364 days meeting up once a year at the front of the queue 😄. All with very different buying habits, I picked up 10 items, the guy at the front about 5, the guy 3rd in the queue looked like he was buying most of them.
  18. New one this week is with Noel Gallagher, one I wasn't too sure about as whilst I like some of Noels music I've always struggled with the 'Gallaghers' persona, but it was a very good listen again, a bit/lot more swearing on this one😂
  19. That was a proper lie in on RSD. LOL I joined the queue at my local store at 4:45, and was only 5th in the queue. Guy at the front arrived at 2:45. There are 2 store in the local town and I use the smaller one so he gets less in but it's based on what people are asking for, the queue at the larger store is much bigger but I prefer to support the 1 man band store that has been selling vinyl for years before it became fashionable again.
  20. Was in the queue early, all socially distanced, max of 4 in the shop, got everything I was after, including the Tears for Fears album, plus the live Police albums, Ultravox, Desmond Dekker, Madness and Elbow.
  21. Classic And Cool Guitars Spoke to guy about a bass, agreed a price, saw he had good reviews on here so was happy with making the bank transfer (normally not something I would do) and bass arrived a few days later, all as discussed. Great service
  22. https://www.rockonteurs.com/
  23. They have been my Monday morning podcast listening since they started, even the ones I wasn't that interested in based on who they had on ended up being a good listen.
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