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About Bassybert

  • Birthday 30/09/1977

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  1. Anyone in the Darlington area might want to check this Ampeg rig out, looks a proper bargain for a B2 head and 610 cab. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226578799288?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=G11MeVxWTUu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8opeMDmJRvm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Apologies if I’m teaching you how to suck eggs but have SPF, DKIM and DMARC records been setup for sending email from the server/domain?
  3. Just the mere £500 for a bass that’s been hacked to bits and had a very large split in the neck. What are these people smoking.
  4. I play in an originals band so it’s not something we play live, but it’s a song I’ve played at home practicing a fair bit. I don’t think it matters if no one’s heard of it, it’s one of those tracks that just hits you and stays with you I think. Like you say it’s an infectious song, and if you nail it, one that people will probably search for when they get home.
  5. I absolutely love playing Waiting Room. I found it tricky to pickup at first timing wise but once you crack it, it’s such a great groove.
  6. Or maybe the market’s flooded and we’ve all got way too much gear than we’ll ever need 😂
  7. This hits the nail squarely on the head for me. These were/are mass produced items designed to be created quickly and as efficiently as possible. The price of vintage gear is insane and I’m more than happy to let other people pay those prices 😂 On a serious note though, in a purely functional/quality way modern instruments (especially lower end models) are as good if not better than a lot of vintage gear. I’ve played a few older bases worth a fair bit and the prices they’re commanding don’t correlate to the quality of the instrument, but to the rarity or exclusivity factor. That’s what you’re paying for IMHO.
  8. That whole setup (including the bass) looks like perfection to me 😍
  9. Have some unused valves knocking around that aren't going to get used. They were purchased a while back as spares for the Fender Tweed Deluxe kit I built. I have tested them this morning in my amp and all are working fine with no noises of any kind. The EHX preamp valves are 1 x 12AX7 and 1 x 12AY7 - one has the original box the other one doesn't for some reason, but both are unused and have been sat in my drawer. The 12AX7 is now sold Looking for £12 posted for the 12AY7 please. The rectifier valves are 2 x NOS Brimar 5Y3GT and 1 x NOS Pinnacle 5Z4GT - The Pinnacle can be used as drop in replacements for a 5Y3GT. I bought all of these as New Old Stock and they come with the original boxes but do have signs of wear on the cardboard. The Brimar valves have a corrugated cardboard and tissue paper protective cover that come with age appropriate smell 😂 Looking for £15 each posted please. Happy to arrange local meet-up with price adjustment if needed.
  10. This is looking awesome @nekomatic well done! Really looking forward to seeing the finished cab it’s going to look 👌🏻
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