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Everything posted by Freud_Chicken123

  1. Hi, is that a crack on the rib of the bass and if so, has it been repaired?
  2. Hello, how long we the Evahs played for? And are they mittel?
  3. Hi, do you still have the 3/4 spiro light G?
  4. How is it as an arco bass? I'm after a solo bass that still has some low end volume to it.
  5. Thanks, ill see if i can find a time to come and play it.
  6. Do you have any half decent recordings of it played with the bow?
  7. If it fits 3/4 it will be fine. In that case i'll take the jargar and the permanent E please. Do you have any other strings you're selling?
  8. Do you still have the dominant G? Would you take £25 for it? Cheers
  9. Still for sale? Is it 3/4 scale?
  10. Just re-read, do you still have the flexocor E and G, spiro mittel E and A and spiro weich G? If you do i'll take them please.
  11. Hey dude, what exactly do you mean by 'useable'? Are they just old or are they damaged? If they're just old i'll take a spiro medium A. Will you take £15 for it? Cheers
  12. The third one works well in G, the first and second suites work well on the bass at pitch (mostly up in thumb position). Some polish player has been uploading transcriptions in different keys for bass on youtube which sound nice but obvsly alot of the chords are abreviated
  13. I dont know any pro players who use a 4 semitone position any lower than 4th position (first finger on D, G string). Simandl would be 1-2-4 in a 3 semitone position, and alot of italian taught players still use 1-3-4.
  14. Hi, I teach in Ipswich, Suffolk, so might be a bit of a trek for them. I'm 30 though, classically trained but i take jazz work also, have a masters degree from RCM, happy to do a trial lesson if they're interested Alfie
  15. Just in case anyone is interested - the Eastman vb80 was so much better - better tone, better design and shape, louder, better playability.
  16. Hey all, just wondering if anyone has any experience with Hidersine Vivente double basses. Can't find any reviews online. I use Eastman basses for school teaching which are fine but are laminate wood, whereas the Hidersines are solid wood supposedly and about the same price. Cheers
  17. Id like to add to this and say i have had the exact same issue with about 10 sets of La Bella strings in the last 2 years. The sets I tried were 760fl, 760fs, 760fx and the LTFs. After about £500 spent desperately trying to find a set that worked, i have ONE SET of LTFs that work without a dodgy buzzing string that buzzes even at maxed action. La Bella sent replacements at first but when they were also faulty (either the same string buzzing or both G and D strings buzzing) they just started ignoring my emails. This company has literally just taken £500 and i have probably 9 faulty products at the end of it, and La Bella are now ghosting me. Dodgy AF company if you ask me, prepare for disappointment if buying their strings.
  18. Had a terrible experience purchasing strings from La Bella over the last 2 years ish, i'm down so much money I had to just write about it to maybe spare some other people the same fate. I'm an experience pro player of about 15 years. Ive used ALOT of different strings brands, mostly flats, and found that my favourite flatwound tone was la bella 760fl. I purchased a set of them and a set of 760fs, and a set of their LTFs. The D string of both 760fs and fl both produced a citar like buzzing in the high frets which persists at maximum action. I checked this on 4 different basses, all produced the same issue and none of these basses had any problems with TIs, Fenders, GHS, D'Addarios, Dunlops, Ernie Balls, Rotosounds etc. I contacted la bella and they replaced the dodgy strings. Exact same issue happened again this time the G also buzzed on the 760fl. I stuck with the LTFs as they worked fine and are great strings. I then purchased another set for another bass, but they had the same issue on the G string. Contacted la bella and they replaced the set. Same issue AGAIN. Since then I have tried a few more times to find a set that works. As it stands, I have bought about 10 sets of la bellas, and at the end of spending almost £500 i have ONE SET OF USEABLE STRINGS. These were not even the only issue; many of the sets came with a single string being a completely different colour and very different in tone and volume - much lower volume and high end. I have tried wearing in the sets and after about 2 years all the problems persist. La Bella are now just straight up ignoring my emails, in which I literally attach video and audio evidence of all the issues. I must have sent them 5, none of which they have replied to since last year I think. It's been an awful experience, and i recommend avoid this once great company.
  19. Cheers guys! will give them a go and see if they are the same.
  20. Hi guys, I've bought a bass with these AMAZING roundwound strings on. The guy I got it off has no idea what they are, and I'd love to find out. They are: - Darker in colour than regular roundwounds - Have uncoloured (bronze ish) ball-ends - Are very low tension, props extra light, which probs doesn't help much with Identifying They are definitely NOT: Dunlop Super Brights, D'addarios, Elites, DRs, Fenders. I'll attach a video with some audio Cheers! roundwounds mystery.mov
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