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Everything posted by TJ1

  1. With an active preamp and 2 pickups, my bass runs through disposable batteries at a rate which, over a few years, might end costing more than the guitar itself. Plus I don't like to think where those used batteries end up. Amazon has a bewildering display of rechargeables, all with 4 or 5 stars, so to the uninformed there is no obvious 'right' choice. So I wondered if anyone was able to recommend a good and durable 9v rechargeable battery and charger? Don't mind paying a bit more than the lowest price. Any advice appreciated.
  2. I think Elton John's Lucy in the Sky is better than the original. It just seems richer instrumentally and ironically Elton sings it with more feeling than the Beatles did.
  3. Maybe Ebay can be a bit of jungle, but I have a several good experiences with it, I have always tried to be careful about researching the detail of a buyers history - looking for a pattern of him her buying differing items at a similar value - and then researching those sellers details to make sure they are not related to the buyer and thus not giving false feedback. The downside is they charge 10%. Basschat charges a flat fee of £7 to list an item, so it might be a better bet, particularly for a specialist bass. Although ebay's % only kicks in if you actually sell the item.
  4. Genuine and I think important question, particularly for those at beginner level, I could have worded it less obnoxiously though. I'll get my my coat.
  5. This is true, but I believe the ability to be competently busy, to a realistic standard, is key to all round versatility
  6. I've got my own ideas on this but it would be interesting to see other people's opinions on this momentous,foundation subject. That is the minimum finger/plectrum string strikes per minute across all/any notes on the fretboard.
  7. For me it has to be comfortable to hold, if you are going to spend hundreds if not thousands of hours with an instrument, it does not matter if it sounds John Entwhistle's thunder or whatever, if it is uncomfortable and does not 'fit' your physique, then can be somewhat of a masochistic exercise. I'm sticking with my Bongo for this reason, obviously a good fit is a personal thing, but it has the added bonus of being unusually light.
  8. Why not? I don't believe you could take it with you into the afterlife.
  9. I guess if someone is very rich, their whole concept of what is 'worth it' is different from ordinary people. I mean if you've got tens of millions of pounds, why not pay a few thousand for an artistically reliced bass?
  10. So does anyone want to enter the tournament? Note progression: G-D-G-C-E-G-A. Two finger up plucking only. £20note and Ernie Ball candy posted to the person with the fastest consistent BPM.
  11. Sorry I meant E-G but i guess you try E/G if you think it sounds better.
  12. Absolutely. I'll even give an arrangement - G-D-G-C-EG-A. Two or more entrants. Ernie ball candy and a crisp £20 Note posted to the fastest Seriously.
  13. Star man - the motors
  14. I think all seven, but not including sharps.
  15. Sorry I'm an idiot, what I meant was the highest/ lowest common denominator in rhythmic notation - which I think is semi-quavers. Yes it's a competion. I'll post Ernie Ball bongo candy to the person who uploads the fastest video demo - there have to be more than three entrants though -and the prize is just basically annoyingly tantalizing stickers and such.
  16. thanks for the correction. the parameters would be up strokes only(if that means plucking towards the hand with the E string on the top). Index and forefinger only. Thanks for your patience.
  17. It s a simple question, how many string strikes can you do per minute using the standard two finger plucking technique? I am too stupid to work out the answer in the above replies.
  18. Yes sorry I should have clarified - that is fingers and crotchets.
  19. Sorry I should have aid on different notes, not on the same note of course.
  20. That is the highest strokes per minute - ideally according to the objective rigour of a metronome. I think it would be interesting to find out what is humanly possible.
  21. Ok Thanks - what are the pitfalls of fitting a bar as pictured above?, I am a bit nervous about drilling holes in my new bongo, but I think I need one.
  22. I know most bass players like to rest the palm of their plucking hand on the pickup or the E string, but to me it feels a bit awkward and obstructive. Has anyone installed a special ledge above the strings that their lower palm could rest comfortably on, whilst their fingers hovered over the strings? But sometimes I tend to think if it hasn't been maybe there's a reason..
  23. Assuming you can in fact choose just one special bass over the others, then I would say she's got a point. I guess it all depends on what else you would do with the money, if it's just to keep in the bank - then it's pointless to sell, you might as well keep your cash in nice guitars than in micro-digits on a clearing bank's computer.
  24. Sold my Sterling Bass to Jon, nice bloke, easy transaction.
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