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Everything posted by TJ1

  1. indeed, I near bankrupted myself with my new Musicman Bongo, so pls free to take advantage of my situation. No offers obviously.
  2. Selling my Sterling Sb14 bass. when it was discontinued in 2015, it retailed for £650 in the UK. I read that Musicman/Sterling Ball deliberately stopped production because it was cannabulizing sales from the more expensive USA Sterling line. Plays well through an amp, good intonation up and down the neck, the only issue I can spot is a loose tone control knob(pictured) but the control itself work just fine. No modifications that I am aware of, other than the addition of a Hipshot drop D tuner. Specs can be found here: https://www.chorder.com/electric-bass-guitars/sterling-by-music-man/sb14-5200 Cash on collection only from North London, but I can travel anywhere in London(within reason), for a serious buyer, ideally with some familiarity with this model. Covid rules applying of course.
  3. Thanks - I also tried tuning against my acoustic guitar(which I know is in tune), when fretted at the 12th the bass seems to produce the same sounds as the open strings of the acoustic(allowing for tonal differences)
  4. Sorry this is a really basic question. The reason I ask is that the G open string of my new bass sounds much higher than the D string fretted at the fifth fret: when relative tuning guides say they should sound the same. Any help appreciated - I am frightened to turn up the tuners too much for fear of breaking the strings.
  5. Does anyone know if this is a Good book to learn from? Any opinions gratefully received.
  6. Thanks for the replies, I write chord progressions on a 12string acoustic, but I find when the root notes are transposed to a bass the flaws in those progressions are more apparent.
  7. Oh right - sorry everyone.
  8. If anyone could provide an info/list of these I would be grateful. I am assuming back in the early-mid 60's, an 18 year old Macca used principally his bass to write material - but I could be wrong.
  9. Thanks for the replies - maybe it is lack of experience but I am finding much more difficult to detect whether my bass is in/out of tune that my acoustic guitar - which I can usually tell just by ear.
  10. if it was not for the refuge of music I'd probably be an alcoholic/heroin addict - as it is I'm tee total and clean
  11. Thanks - could anyone tell me what the 'standard' pitch calibration is in hz, at the moment it's on 440.
  12. Yes - but do you know why the bass button reads at half a step lower?
  13. Hi I've got a Snark tuner that has a special bass button. The bass tuner reads at half a step lower than the 'normal' guitar tuning, so A not the bass reads as A# on the six string acoustic. Could anyone tell me if this is correct?
  14. Ok based on the reviews here and other places I got this new Bongo from gear4music. I am sure there are more sensible things I could have borrowed 2k for, given I am definitely not at pro level - but WTF. Anyway my First impressions are that it is very well weighted and comfortable but need to play it more to comment on the tonal qualities. If I was 14 I might like the sparkly blue, although personally would have preferred a more toned down colour - but the availability was not there.
  15. Sorry to be the dissenting voice - but I have done a trade in with GG and they were really mean about the value - particularly given the trade in was bought from them about a year prior. Not had any issues about their product's quality tho - and customer attention is exemplary.
  16. 'The live version only does it the second time around and when it does finally get there (at 2:53), it's dumbed down. I thought it might be a mistake at first, but when I checked the other live versions from 2013 & 2014, they are the same.' It could be that Lynne decided that it was'nt worth the risk of trying to the complex version as a one off performance in a live stage in Glastonbury.
  17. Welll as ong as long as sterling ball(and his fmaily) realiszes that each Indonesian workers committment is a direct imspct on his9thier e rpeutation then I guess it's oK to poy them them whatiever they see fit(in tehe context of the Indosian nationl average wage)
  18. Going by the photo only, without having any background knowledge of the model/brand I think a lot of people might think it is worth £900.
  19. It's not really Bass related but I am listening to the enclosed - Michal Fix plays Bach's Toccata on a 12 string acoustic(below). I may be dreaming but it's something to aspire to - if I could busk it, I suspect rich people who have actually heard of Bach would throw money at me. Watch the whole video - it gets more impressive. The challenge for Bass players is what would Bach sound like on a modern bass - would it be butchered or add a whole new dimension to the classics.
  20. Re - Laptops I think you have got a very specific choice either you go cheap for a £500 consumer laptop and deal with the inevitable limited life span or you join the crew who need to use their laptops for their work and living 40 hours a week for years and will not accept unreliable or deliberately obsolesent component faults. At the level you are good at 2k plus for a Dell XPS or a good Lenovo Thinkpad - but if you don't abuse them they will last a mininum five years if not ten or more - remember they are designed for 40 hours a week hard use and often guaranteed for that use for 3-4 years
  21. There's a boogie waiting - David Bowie
  22. What I do when I buy an appliance is look at how much the retailer is charging for additional years cover. This I think tells me how durable the appliance is - the more expensive the additional cover is(relative to the appliances price) the dodgier the appliance. I don't know how you could apply this formula to bass guitars - maybe amps. I lead such an interesting life - really I should have my own TV show.
  23. It's not just guitars - my 15 quid Kettle has lasted longer than all my other kitchen appliances - I don't even know what make it is(I am usually idiotically fixated on branding)
  24. Lets say you get/want a bass whose colour you find.. er. somewhat irksome Like this for expampel.https://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-dept/bass-guitars/music-man-bongo-5-hh-in-fuschia-sparkle How do go about respraying it to your desired colour, or do you take it to a special guitar paint shop. NB: really I want my bass to feature a montage of photos of Sandra Bullock but I am not sure how doable this would be.
  25. This gels with what I've been told - that despite the odds looks it's got more of a 'neutral' tone. Ok I can see the blue's classier but I still want that orange.
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