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About Xiaoma

  • Birthday December 30

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Newbie (1/14)


Total Watts

  1. I think it's a matter of 1) sharing the same expectations/goals and 2) being able to follow up (balancing family, job, other bands or hobbies...). A more dedicated and passionate band member will always be the better contributor in the long run IMHO.
  2. In the end I tried and bought the big bang. This guy had a MarkBass 12" 8 ohm cabinet and I had the chance to play with it for around 30 min. The first thing I noticed is the ridiculous amount of volume, punch and also bass which I didn't expect from a single 12" cone. My worries about any weakness on the lower frequencies were gone quickly. Initially I wasn't very interested into the VLE and VPF filters. The VLE gives you that instant motown sound while the VPF is great for slap. At home I'm enjoying the headphone out but I can't wait to pair it with a cab (looking for a second hand 2x12" - not so easy) and try it in a band setting.
  3. I had an s450 in the past when my main bass whas a TRB6P, which performed well on the low end. But I'm pretty sure that wasn't class d so probably the comparison doesn't make sense. And user experience is kinda subjective so basing my choice solely on that one opinion doesn't sound like reasonable. But again this Big Bang doesn't come up very often so I'm wondering if it was an unlucky production...
  4. Hey thanks but I'm looking for a more "modern" sound. Ampeg is great but IME quite vintage sounding (I don't know if it makes sense but that's my feeling). Also I'm trying to purchase locally so I get to try if everything is in order before paying any money.
  5. Hi all, I'm looking for equipment for live gigs in small to medium sized venues (assuming no PA) and i found these two heads - second hand - at around the same price: -Mark Bass Big Bang -Gallien Krueger MB500 Hopefully I'll match the head with a 2x12 cab. I cannot find much info about the Big Bang, actually I found a couple people complaining about a certain weakness in the very low frequencies (I play a 5er so this scares me). The GK should be punchier on the bass and high frequencies and I couldn't find anybody complaining about it. In the past MB was looked at as a very transparent or flat sounding head and I liked this idea. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't just go with the GK and be guaranteed a great low B, then equalize myself to the desired tone. Also it doesn't look like the Big Bang has got many fans, I have a strange feeling about it. Opinions?
  6. I agree. Slap - as any other technique - is wonderful if used at the right time but IMHO not all the time. And especially not if it's only to impress other people...
  7. Welcome!
  8. Welcome!
  9. Hello, fellow bass players! I'm so happy I found this board. My story is probably quite typical. In short, I started playing the bass guitar during high school (around 16 yo), played in cover and originals bands until around 28 and then sold everything because of... well life (marriage, work, a divorce, another marriage, my first house purchase etc.). In between I was involved in studio recordings and extensive gigging, mostly pubs and clubs, ranging from pop-rock, alternative rock, 80s hard-rock, disco and jazz fusion. At the "peak" of my previous musician life my go-to instrument was a Yamaha TRB6P and I used MarkBass amplifiers. Now all I have is a PJ 75 Harley Benton and a small Ashdown home combo. (By the way, I must say that I'm actually impressed with the HB. When I started playing, it would have been impossible to find this kind of well built, quality components bass at such a price.) After such a long hiatus, I needed to go back to shape so I'm practicing every day in a structured way: technique, reading, harmony-chords-scales and improvising, ear training / repertoire building. My goal is going back to playing in a band, among my favourite artists I'd mention Incognito, The New Brand Heavies, Brooklyn Funk Essentials, AWB, early Jamiroquai and so on. I also appreciate some good ol' disco (Chic etc.). Cheers!
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