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Col the Plunker

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Everything posted by Col the Plunker

  1. After midnight - Eric Clapton
  2. Life's been good - Joe Walsh
  3. When? - Showaddywaddy
  4. Shadow on the wall - Mike Oldfield
  5. Waiter, there's a yawn in my ear - Manfred Mann's E B
  6. Return of the Mack - Marc Morrison
  7. Hole in the sky - Black Sabbath
  8. Annie's got a gun - Aerosmith
  9. Rocking all over the world - Status Quo
  10. Standing in the road - Blackfoot Sioux
  11. Hi hi hi, Macka and Wings
  12. Little choosy Suzie - Stranglers
  13. Jesus he knows me - Genesis/Collins
  14. Bits and pieces - Dave Clark Five
  15. Why? Bronski-Beat
  16. Follow the Yellowbrick rd - Judy Garland
  17. Love hurts - Jim Capaldi
  18. 68 guns -The Alarm
  19. I'll put you together again - Hot Chocolate
  20. Haha, At least his prize guitar deterred the pooch from wetting the amp! His four legged friend knew class when he saw it.
  21. I'm a quick learner... apparently!
  22. Hi folks. This started off as a reply to the member's " HAS LOCKDOWN IMPROVED YOUR PLAYING" post. Then as it got longer and longer I thought that maybe it merited a post of its own. Especially as the lockdown opened a big big door for me musically. Perhaps similar events happened to other members too??? So grab a coffee and a digestive and I'll begin my yarn. I have been playing guitar for many years, but have always secretly wanted to play bass. I have an ancient Encore Pbass circa 1980-82 amongst my guitar collection which I had restored back to its former glory. Even freeing up the butchered truss-rod and respraying. So I bought an amp for her, and also a new Hofner B-bass for a stable - mate. ( Don't you just love buying your own birthday prezzies... luckily my family chipped in). I thought after years of guitar playing that switching to bass would be a doddle. Big mistake as I painfully found out. Plus a new scourge called Covid 19 was about to enter stage and bring about a change I'd never dreamed of... Anyway.. My new bass amp arrived just when Covid first started to get scary, so when at the end of a workday I entered my front door, a large box blocked my way. Yay! Amp's arrived. Hang on a mo... It was covered in Chinese print. Aaargh! What to do? quarantine it? Stick it in the garage for a week? I told Wifey to keep clear of it. Then she gave me THAT LOOK. "Col, you utter nob - look at the rest of the box before buying a ton of steriliser" I did so and saw other different foreign print on the other sides, not just Asian. It was merely multi- lingual Phew! Anyway, I threw off my rubber gloves, and I buckled down to my new quest on four strings and was making progress well into the first lockdown. Whilst being stuck at home I discovered Basschat and started devouring all the tips and tricks and advice from all helpful members. I even posted a thread myself and ended it jokingly casting out for a more experienced player to socially distance jam with, I could fast-track my bass playing learning capability. Soon I had reply from a member (Hi Loudspeaker) who not only played bass in a gigging BAND, but also invited me over to play in his studio/rehearsal building behind his house with room to social distance. When the day arrived my axes of choice were my Hofner B-bass and my Dean Cadi six string plus a bag of pedals for when my small bass reportoire dried up. My amps were not needed. When my few tunes on bass were done, I grabbed the Dean and we began cranking out the classics. After another few sessions ending up with me on guitar again, my bass guru says:- "Col, have you ever thought of playing guitar in a band?" Me: "What? you mean with real players in front of real people?" "Well that's what generally happens with a band" " No I couldn't, I'd pink torpedo-up, people would laugh at me, it would be like Spinal Tap" (what a classic film). "Listen, you pick new things up quickly, keep good time, and you're solos are fast and none too shabby, I think that you're easily as good as our guitarist." " That's the thing though, I'm not a guitarist really, I can play some guitar, okay a fair amount, but there's a difference". "So if you had a chance, say with our band, you wouldn't do it?" "I'm a bedroom player... I've only ever played in front of the mirror!" "Look, this is the thing, I suspect that our guitarist secretly wants to wind down, keeps dropping hints about disliking late nights after gigging, and how he just enjoys the rehearsals, my worry is that by the time this lockdown lifts and the gigs start coming back in, that he'll hang up his hat. You could fit right in." "Wooah! wait a minute, I would cringe in front of an audience, my nerves have got nerves, and besides... I don't have any hair, I'm sorry." " So wear a hat. Will you at least have a think about it? "Will you still show me stuff on the bass?" "Night and day". Later at home with Wifey and a glass or two of red. " Col I know you're uncomfortable with playing in front of people, but at least you have the ability to, it's not as if you're struggling to match up, it's just a confidence thing, you'd get over it, plus you already know one of the band pretty well now" " I'll need a bigger amp" "Then find one, just don't break the bank okay Hank Marvin?" "Plus a pedalboard" "Go on... anything else" " And a hat". A week later when I was in town, I stopped to answer my mobile. It was another pesky follow up msg from Gumtree "How did we do? blah blah" only underneath the type was an ad for an amp. Fender Champion 100. Eight miles distant and affordable, and I had stopped right next to my bank. I froze...was this fate? I looked again at the image on the phone, rang the seller, he still had it. Arranged a visit and plundered the cashpoint. Nipped home, chucked an axe plus lead into the car and off. When I got there, the chap had his garage door raised, and rigged up in there was the twin with a vintage Fender Strat leaning against it. My fingers were twitching with anticipation. Chap says " Did you bring a guitar with you?" "Erm, yes in the car. Hang on a mo" he obviously didn't want my grubby paws on his lovely Strat. Back with my guitar, I plugged in and did a quick tune up. He says '"Sorry 'bout that mate, only my dog followed into the garage and cocked his leg on my guitar." Ha ha, I had been totally wrong. Bad dog. I didn't understand the amp at all, so many more dials than my practice one at home. Matter not for it was LOUD. He hastily closed down the garage door mid - Van Halen, and I paid up. Job done. Next sesh at the studio, I took my new acquisition with me. " What's with the big amp Col?" " Thought I'd better put it through its paces if it's ever going to grace a stage". He looked surprised. "Thought you weren't up for it". "That was before I thought about the groupies. By the way, about my possible joining the band, how will you wangle it with the others especially the resident Eric Clapton?" "You'll simply be an old mate of mine who's only come along to sit in on our rehearsal. Just do like you have been here, you'll be fine. You're already playing a few of our set." " Mmm, how many songs are there in the set exactly?" " Oh about thirty odd, no pressure mind. (what!?) Anyway by the time the Covid restrictions ease and we can rehearse again you'll have them in the bag, trust me." Those restrictions eased only two weeks later, so knowing but a fraction of their set and nervous as hell I went for it. Turned out that they liked me. Later that evening I had a call from Loudspeaker "Col, they like you, and our guitar man is relieved that you can share some of the lead playing with him, are you in?" "You betcha, it was a blast." Six band meetings later and I know the whole set, just in time for lockdown#2. ∆rse, and double ∆rse! So now I spend my evenings learning bass to the set list instead and jam along with them all as they are all now so familiar. Bass is coming along fine. And I'm in a BAND. Next hurdle will be playing with an audience, but I no longer worry about that as long as I'm tight with the others. Well it proves that some things can come out of a ghastly situation. There is always hope somewhere. Thanks for your time. Cheers, Col.
  23. Fly like an eagle - Steve Miller Band
  24. What goes on - Beatles
  25. Bang Bang - B A Robertson
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