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Everything posted by Kawaii

  1. Spent 'The big downtime' (Also known as the great depression) installing a set of Kloppmann '61 JB pickups and a John East Uni-Pre 5. 


    I am in tonal nirvana - Knew I was in for a treat, but this is bonkers good! 

    1. SpondonBassed
    2. Kawaii


      Ha ha, sorry - John.


      Was discussing with my daughter while typing 😆

    3. SpondonBassed


      Great preamps though.  Got one on a Ray 34 with a Nordy.  Huge sound.

  2. Absolutely lovely! Keeping a sharp eye on this.
  3. I need to get of this forum, lol - This *IS* the deal of the century, if this was located in EU (And was shipable) I would be throwing money at the screen.
  4. Or shipped to Denmark 🤤😄
  5. Man this looks tempting! But guess shipping and customs will be a b****
  6. Noooooooooooo, you withdrew the Barnabera - Was hoping to grab that + the GlouGlou in a week. Bummer!
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