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The Admiral

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Everything posted by The Admiral

  1. [quote name='walbassist' post='925374' date='Aug 15 2010, 10:06 AM']My sentiments exactly. eBay used to be a decent site but sellers get pretty much shafted by the fees these days. I suspect your best bet is any rowing forums that may be out there. I used to have a Water Rower, which was a lovely thing.[/quote] Thanks for the suggestion, as this has I think proved a top tip. I put it up on the Concept 2 Forum Classifieds for a hopeful price, and a guy emailed the day after. I've agreed to come down a bit for cash, but still selling for more than I expected to achieve as an eBay selling price and I won't be paying £100 to sell it. I'll not count my chickens until I have the readies in my pocket, but fingers crossed, we should be doing the 'Funeral in Berlin' style handover on Saturday. They cost £1,300 new and he's paying a lot less than that for a basically brand new machine, so everyone's a winner. Just need to stop Mrs A buying stuff on impulse now, as that is how we ended up with the rower - unless of course she wants to buy me a Wal. A
  2. I don't use eBay at all to sell expensive stuff - but I was just about to list a Concept 2 Rower, which should go for about £750 - £800, when I thought I would check the fees. Holy Cow! No wonder private sellers seem to have all but disappeared from eBay (a point made in another thread on here about the lack of Private Sale basses). It will cost me about £100 if have a reserve and accept payment via PayPal. Frankly - I'm reluctant to get shafted to that degree, but what are the alternatives? Gumtree, Local Paper, Loot (free ads)? What does anyone on BC do when they want to shift stuff at the pricier end (other than on here of course)? Any top tips? Cheers A
  3. [quote name='Johnston' post='808820' date='Apr 16 2010, 07:36 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Satellite-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ190389241654QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item2c54154736"]road worn satellite[/url][/quote] I had this model - my first bass, bought in 1980 for £115. PX'd it for an Aria SB. These are really heavy and that's (IMHO) definitely not the original bridge (or if it is, it's a [b]very[/b] different design from the one I had). It has a through neck and my one had 'pickups designed by DiMarzio' on a factory sticker. This one appears to have a bad day out with an orbital sander but it would probably clean up very nicely I would imagine. A
  4. I've been running around the country like a loon again recently - (part of the job unfortunately) - and have been delighted by my decision to pay a bit myself, and have 2 things fitted in my new company car. 1. DAB radio, and 2. a USB for the iPod. I have found so much stuff that I either hadn't listened to for years - both on radio and the iPod (13,000 tracks on the 'shuffle all' setting - what a great idea!). I also realised how many great players there are that go - if not unrecognsied - then certainly, frequently overlooked. One such came to mind when listening to a lot of the old Whitesnake albums from the early 80s, before the legwarmers and 'pretty' guitarists took over in 1987 : Neil Murray - what a fantastic and inventive player, who really drove the band along. Anyone else got a contender?
  5. [quote name='Steve Amadeo' post='766030' date='Mar 6 2010, 01:45 PM']Hi, For sale is a pair of Tannoy Reveal passive studio monitors and Samson Servo 170 Studio power amplifier with speaker cables. £150 Collection from Birmingham or Merseyside or could meet at a mutually convenient place.[/quote] Hi Are they the 8s or the 6s - can you give detail. The size of the speaker being the difference I understand : 8 or 6 inch. Thanks
  6. FWIW - I did it the other way around a couple of years ago and bought an Ibanez electro acoustic bass in New York. I couldn't afford to buy a full flightcase for it, which I would never use again when I got home, so I had to consider plan B. I nearly didn't buy it, but at the time it was $2 to the £1 and it was such a bargain, I couldn't resist. I actually bought a plywood shaped case for it - having had a conversation with a friend who is a New Yorker, and regularly travels to Europe with a 1969 Les paul and a custom Tele in a soft double back pack. His advice - check it at the gate, having had it put through the big x ray machine. At check in I told them I wanted to check it in at the gate - and they were happy with this (Continental - who are a sh*te airline and complete bastards usually IMHO). I took it down to the gate, and duly handed it over. I understand that they then put the gate checked luggage in last, and it goes on top of the other stuff. I must admit I was very worried, but I waited at the gate at Manchester and it came up with all the pushchairs - as good as gold. I would point out that : 1. I packed the guitar case with loads of socks, bubble wrap etc for as much additional protection as possible. 2. I may just have been lucky 3. This was 2 - 3 years ago and they were very tight on security then 4. The case did split around the bottom edge - but this was a stereotypically ignorant, imaptient and boorish Yank, who knocked it out of my wife's hand - pushing past her, en route to the departure lounge - whilst I was having a piss. 5. I think you have ZERO chance of getting it on the plane - in the cabin, and 6. A Steinberger style headless bass just looks like a rifle, so don't even think about it!!! As others have said - it will depend on a number of things - but being [b]super[/b] polite at check in and not looking like Swampy will help. In my experience - minimum wage gofers with little real influence are happiest when you appear scared of their 'power', and if you aren't suitably awed - they will just exercise what little power they have got - just to f*** you over and prove they are the boss. Finally - my vote is - if you must - buy a Squire Jazz, and check it at the gate. A
  7. I'm not a big fan of BJ, but they are excellent live by all accounts, and I'd hoped to see them this time around, but couldn't get a ticket. Regarding JBJ : I'm pretty certain that I read an article years ago which suggested when they originally signed their deal, it actually wasn't for the band, but JBJ on his own - with the band as his support players. If this were true, in effect this would mean the band have all been on 'wages' since day one, with the publishing shared, based on the writing credits one would assume. I also remember reading an interview with JBJ, where he talked about the original bass player - Alec John Such, who it was suggested 'they' had to fire after he couldn't play shows, due to being drunk all the time. IIRC JBJ then went on to say that he (Such) had been 'a total gentleman about it all', taken the big pay off, and disappeared quietly to straighten himself out : I think it was suggested he now lives on a house boat and runs a motorcycle shop in NY. Such is also 10 years older than JBJ (Such is now 57) and left the band in 1994 I think (when he was 42) : which is pretty old to still be knocking around the world doing huge 200 date tours, especially if you have been on the road for the previous 10 years too I would think. Fine if you are as big as Metallica are now, where the guys are now in their 40s, but are further into their career than BJ were in 94 - and consequently set the agenda for touring : 2 - 3 weeks 'out' and then 2 weeks at home. Also, I read an article with JBJ this month (Q or possibly Classic Rock), where he makes the point that he is and always has been the businessman in the band, and whilist the other guys are goofing about and spending time at home, he's the one 'doing the spreadsheets'. Ultimately, he's a bloody good businessman - his business just happens to be 'Bon Jovi Inc' of which he's the CEO, and like any businessman he dispassionately hires and fires to maintain success it would seem. Finally, he's not the only business minded bloke in rock : Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue did a deal with his old label - whereby they signed over all the rights to the MC back catalogue, in return for royalties owed to the band. Consequently, they have made more money out of their Greatest Hits CD reissues than they made when they were huge, back in the day. Smarter boy than he's given credit for - although some might say, as I believe his good friend Rick Nilesen told him, " it sounds better when you're not playing". Sixx's book 'The Heroin Diaries' is a thought provoking read and a lesson about how sometimes getting what you wish for isn't all it's cracked up to be, particularly when you are sleeping in the wardrobe of your Beverley Hills mansion, with a loaded shotgun, because in your heroin induced paranoia, you think that hordes of Mexicans are trying to break into your house! A
  8. Bought a Small Clone from WarPig Item absolutely as described, arrived very quickly and beautifully packaged. Good guy - good coms. All round good news. A
  9. [quote name='ashevans09' post='642508' date='Nov 1 2009, 02:07 PM']Hello, I've recently been having problems with my live sound. I'm running a Mesa 400+ into a Matamp 410 and (if it's a big enough venue) an ampeg 410HE. I don't use effects and usually stick with one bass for the whole set (my MTD). On stage and when practicing in our rehearsal area things are sounding great to my and the bands' ears but apparently front of house bass tone sounds muddy and horrible. Now, I'm pretty sure this isn't a tone problem. I played a non PA gig last night and everyone reckoned the bass sounded good. They said it cut well and rounded the overall sound. In fact, since another bassist used all of my equipment for a couple of songs to begin with I got to hear it too and I thought it sounded great. All the gigs where there have been comments about bad FOH bass sound have been where the head is DI'd. Is this a sound engineer cock up or would it be worth getting equipment to mic up the rig? And if so, what would be the best mic to go with? Thanks! Ash[/quote] Some interesting stuff here maybe : [url="http://www.homerecordingconnection.com/news.php?action=view_story&id=9"]http://www.homerecordingconnection.com/new..._story&id=9[/url] Industry standard (dangerous generalisation I know) is the AKG D112, and engineers I know go with a DI too, so you get a nice sound on stage and they have options for FOH. However, a cloth eared engineer can make a mega rig sound sh*te out front IMHO. A
  10. [quote name='JHBASS' post='642750' date='Nov 1 2009, 07:51 PM']Hey guys, I'm looking for a practise amp. But before we get started, Im looking for something similar to the Peavey TNT 100 or TKA range, in speaker size (bigger than 8" please!) and around 20-30watts (or above...sub 100 watts maybe). I've played through old Peaveys and I loved them! I need something around and less than £100 and older models (to be bought second hand) are also welcomed! So, if any of you have any ideas and tips (about the peaveys or other amps ) Ill be incredibly grateful! Cheers, Josh[/quote] I've got an old Laney for sale - with a 12 inch speaker - 40w - on the amps for sale thread. A
  11. Hi all Having a bit of a clear out at home and need to shift this old British built 40w combo. Bought for £115 in 1981 from Russell Acotts in Oxford (that's £363 in today's money can you believe - I checked an online inflation calculator!) I remember the price - because I borrowed the money off my Mum and paid her back weekly out of my £45 a week wages. Aah...... the good old days eh? It's never been thrashed - only done a couple of small pub gigs back in the day, but in great nick : no rips or tears in the vinyl, and only a minor 'rub' on the front panel. It does have a couple of knobs missing, but I've no doubt they are available online somewhere. I think it has a Fane speaker if I remember rightly. Price? Who knows - make me an offer. Uses ? Practice amp which would do for a small pub gig at a squeeze, OR, a better bet for any youngsters than all the sh*tty Chinese starter kit bass amps that are out there these days. Controls : Master volume, Bass, Parametric mid with parameter setting, Treble and Gain - with a boost button, and Hi and Low inputs. It still sounds pretty good for an old tranny amp, and considering its 28 years old............ It's heavy - so pick up would be better, but I could send it parcel post or courier : price TBA. Just what you need to go with your 80s Japcrap bass - an 80s amp! Cheers A [attachment=35499:Photographic_014.jpg]
  12. [quote name='steve-soar' post='566337' date='Aug 11 2009, 09:27 PM']Take the cover off and replace the power supply fuse.[/quote] Good advice, which I have now tried, but it just fried the quick blow fuse straight away. If anyone wants this - please shout - yours for the postage (£10 Royal Mail Parcels). No takers by Thursday the 5th - it goes the way of Mr Fawkes (although not literally....... I'll take it to the tip.... and I won't torture a confession out of it first). Cheers A
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='640024' date='Oct 29 2009, 01:25 PM']Did he do that funny little goose-step walk during his solos? Very odd. Didn't know they were touring, TBH. Nice to know they're still out there.[/quote] Goose step very much still part of the package, and interesting to note that he still uses a cable - not a wireless system, which was interesting when he went 'walkabout' across the stage. A
  14. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='639530' date='Oct 28 2009, 10:25 PM']Off the top of my balding pate; Stacked volume/passive tone for each pickup, three way toggle switch for p/up selection, two mini toggle switches, one for coil tapping, one for series/parallel. I think thats it, might be wrong but there we are! Nick[/quote] I had one of these - my first decent bass, and I regret selling it, but I would agree on the above - from distant memory of course! A
  15. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='639367' date='Oct 28 2009, 07:34 PM']Excellent. Always loved the Mac, McVie is a criminally underrated player and always has the right line for the song Lindsey Buckingham is one of my favourite guitarists too, what made him annoying?[/quote] I think what I'm getting at is the way it comes across as Lindsey and his backing band. With no Christine, it's really LB and Stevie Nicks who front the band, which - given the lovey dovey schtick they were doing last night, it further emphasised the 'us and them' aspect, with Fleetwood and McVie banging away at the back. To give the oldies/chemically damaged a break- he, at various stages, turned it into a solo gig too, which again fuelled the 'me and my band' feel. He also has this ' hey, look at me, I'm whacky [b]and[/b] cool' thing going on, which started to grate after a bit. He's obviously a great talent, a fine songwriter, and very intense in all things he does, but I can imagine he could really get on your Bristols after a while. Perhaps for the songs, drive and productions skills he's brought to the band since the 70s - that's the price to be paid. Oh .... and he went a bit overboard on some of the solos (on those hideous custom guitars) quite a bit too. But it was good ..... honest! A
  16. Went to see Fleetwood Mac last night, and it really brought home to me what a great player John Mcvie is, and how you don't have to play a million notes a minute to be the engine room of a good band. He mostly played a very nice Lakland P, with bound edge to the board, and block inlays - swapping to a fretless (couldn't really tell 'what' from up in the Gods) for one song. Amps - Ampeg (racked) and Ampeg cabs : 2 stacks of 8 x10s I think, on top of 4x10s. Have to say that Lindsey Buckingham is clearly a v.good player, but he's [b]very[/b] annoying on stage - and Stevie Nicks............., well considering all she has been through, she looks pretty good, but can barely walk : tottering about on huge heels, and the way the set list ran, with her going off after 2 songs - for 5 - 10 minutes at a time, it felt as if she was pacing herself. At least we didn't get 40 minutes of stuff from a new album (threatened for early next year apparently), and at £60 a ticket (+booking fee) : it was just about worth it, although I wouldn't have paid it personally - My Mrs treated me for a birthday gift. A
  17. This just inspired me to put The Last Waltz on the iPod..................... currently listening to 'Chest Fever'....sh*t.... how good is that! A
  18. [quote name='blazer3' post='631893' date='Oct 20 2009, 10:34 PM']I"ve only been playing a few months but practice quite a lot and the girlfriends quite happy with that because i dont leave the house, HOWEVER, If i said i had joined a band and needed to practice twice a week then i know she would kick off ( shes that sort of woman ). Personally i would go with the bass because my relationship is a joke anyway, ( seriously ) and its only a matter of time before it burns out anyway. On a good note, at least i have 3 bass guitars to keep me company [/quote] Err...........Note to self : don't leave permanently signed into Basschat, and remove site from history/favourites. Unless of course this is some Freudian cunning ruse to 'let her go'??? I hope she never finds your post, because if she does, IMHO it's quite likely that even if you don't end up with a broken neck, your basses will!! A
  19. Mrs A is not well and I'm sitting with her on the sofa (with her under a duvet), and me with the laptop. She's just clocked the question, and pointed out that no female perspective has been offered on this yet. So......... i) There are only so many people in the world that one can be in love with and have the potential to be your soul mate, and if you truly believe this woman is your soul mate, then you should perhaps respect the fact that she is prepared to say that she has a problem, and wants to to talk about it. Rather than just going behind your back and seeking 'comfort' in the arms of another, she obviously believes that you, and your relationship, are worth fighting for. ii) Are you sure that the amount of time, effort, energy, money etc that you are expending on your music is not actually disproportionate? iii) When you first met, it is quite likely that she was the centre of your universe, and now - down the line - she may well be feeling that she has been shunted into a distant orbit. If, for example, you are gigging every Saturday, rehearsing/recording on Sundays, plus 'band stuff' another one or two nights a week, it would be worthh thinking about how that would feel if the shoe was on the other foot, and you were the one sat at home watching the tv with a bottle of wine and a packet of minstrels, or ironing shirts etc. iv) Think forward to being 60, and imagine sitting at home on Christmas morning - alone - looking at your 4 walls and wondering about 'what might have been' with your current girlfriend/partner, and whether any amount of memories of great gigs would make up for that potential feeling of loss and emptiness. How you feel when doing this will put this whole issue into perspective. And my twopennorth : how many times do you convince yourself that you must have that new bass/amp/pedal etc............. only to realise 6 months later, you should have stuck with the one you had (and have now sold), because it was fundamentally just the right bass/amp/pedal for you? It's very easy, IMHO, to get caught up in the moment and make a bad decision - a bit of perspective is what is required. If you harbour no desire or dream of turning pro and/or 'making it' - there are always other bands, but maybe not another girl, who is 'the one' for you. A
  20. [quote name='The Admiral' post='472904' date='Apr 26 2009, 08:13 PM']Pm'd you. A[/quote] Still available if anyone is interested. The tip beckons if not claimed as the wife's patience with it gathering dust has reached def con 4. A
  21. [quote name='overwater#1' post='467413' date='Apr 20 2009, 01:07 PM']What would postage be, I'd be very interested if we could sort that? can send you a cheque and what not? Thanks very much!![/quote] I'm guessing £10 to £15 or - if you are ever down Manchester/M60 way, we could do a handover. Cheque would be fine, or PayPal if you prefer. A
  22. I don't know , you spent £49.95 on a decent hi fi amp, and after only 18 years, it gives up! Free to a good home - my amp as above. It's a great little amp, but it went 'phut' the other day, and I can't find anything obvious/easy to resolve. I think it's actually the power supply transformer that's gone, so an easy (and probably cheap) fix for those who know about such stuff. Yours for the postage - UK only please guys. Cheers A
  23. And people used to rip out their old fireplaces too......... Time has a habit of turning 'reasonabe' acts into wanton vandalism, and I suspect this may have been done when this was just another second hand bass - and didn't have the cache it would have now. My old physics teacher actually had an original Rivoli - which he had bought in Liverpool in the mid 60s, when he was a very early Beatles fan, and I played it a few times at school. It was a lovely guitar, but with his preferred flat wounds (unchanged for about 15 years) it just thumped - no treble at all - very McCartney I suppose. He used to use a graphic pedal to try and get some top end, but, given that he used an AC50 head and a 1x18 Vox cab, it was hoping a bit. Lovely guy - haven't seen him for years, and I hope he and his Rivoli are doing better than this one. A
  24. [quote name='deaver' post='397381' date='Feb 1 2009, 11:03 PM']A Kay Rickenbacker copy which I think I bought from Sounds Great (Heald Green, Sth Manchester) in 1979. I bought it to make girls immune to my spots, glasses and complete lack of wit or charm.[/quote] Satellite through neck P bass from Russell Acott in Oxford - £118 in 1981 - and why.......? Of course the legend that was and is Phil Lynott. Slightly off topic - I was in Sounds Great on Saturday, and I have to say ...'what credit crunch?' - it was 'kin heaving with punters buying (not just looking at) guitars, and the interesting thing was, they were all 40+ age group, paying big money for Strats etc. They've actually got some unusual/nice stuff in too - a 2nd hand Parker Fly bass (commission sale) and a lovely old T Bird too. Oh...... and Johnny Marr was in, trying and buying a new multi fx - and testing it out with what looked like a 60s white Fender Jaguar. He's still proper pop star skinny too - what a legend. If you ever get the chance to go - it's the best guitar shop in and around Manchester. Right by the big John Lewis at Cheadle too (half a mile - tops) - so let the Mrs go for a look round there whilst you have a mooch. Cheers A
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