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The Admiral

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Everything posted by The Admiral

  1. Just come across this - anyone know if it's any good. [url="http://www.tapeop.com/subscription/index.html"]http://www.tapeop.com/subscription/index.html[/url] I certainly like the price! A
  2. [quote name='Alun' post='385257' date='Jan 19 2009, 07:01 PM']Deacon Blue with Ewan Vernal on bass - some genius playing And maybe not underrated as a band but I don't think the bassist gets anywhere near enough recognition - Crowded House and the wonderfully wonderful Nick Seymour [/quote] +1 on the Nick Seymour front - never plays the obvious and is human enough to fluff at least once a gig, which always ends up with Neil Finn giving him the Paddington hard stare across the stage. I read an interview with Neil Finn where he was talking about how the band got together, and his quote regarding Nick's audition was "..... he didn't have the best chops, but he had the best trousers..... so we picked him....." A
  3. [quote name='uptonmark' post='350489' date='Dec 10 2008, 11:00 AM'][b]and the beat goes on.... its a love thing.... both by the whispers[/b][/quote] ATBGO - what a corker! Always a top tune at the School Disco back in my youth - along with the Jacksons 'Sheke your body down to the ground' A
  4. [quote name='NJE' post='387678' date='Jan 21 2009, 04:24 PM']+ infinity on Pat badger, awesome bass player and anyone who can keep up with Nuno Bettencourt is a legend in my eyes.[/quote] Bit of Extreme YouTube action on a Jazz : [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vFN4Tu5yUN8"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vFN4Tu5yUN8[/url] I saw them live at Cardiff Arms Park in 92 and Pat Badger played BC Rich Mockingbird and Warlock basses for all of the set, bar a couple of the slower ones, where he had a really nice Hofner violin bass. Good gig that : Squeeze, Little Angels (another really good band who never made it seriously big), and Bryan Adams headlining. A
  5. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='386576' date='Jan 20 2009, 07:13 PM']I would get 2 2x10's. Leave 1 with the big band and use both, take the other home for the small band. Job Done.[/quote] I'm being harangued by Mrs A to get off the compueter as we need to be elsewhere 10 mins ago - and I've not read the whole thread, but - in I was in Dawsons today and they are clearing all their Ampeg at about 40% off. Not sure if that's relavant? Go to go!!! A
  6. [quote name='PJ Phillips' post='385335' date='Jan 19 2009, 08:17 PM']NAH YER TAORKIN-A Great bass player Also just watched the Del Amitri link. That Justin Currie can sing can't he? Great band. Cheers BCers pj[/quote] But not on this Del Amitri encore............. great cover version! [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=z9t6aaDaBws"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=z9t6aaDaBws[/url] Love the Blankety Blank 'choose your encore' backdrop too. A
  7. I was having an argument - as you do - with a friend the other day about a particular band, and it has prompted me to start this thread. Which band do you think is criminally underated, and within the band who is the bass player who is also overlooked. My nomination, and the ones that featured in my argument were : Del Amitri and Justin Currie (a less is more kind of guy - but always what is right for the song) A quick video as evidence : [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-bkwz1iXjK4"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-bkwz1iXjK4[/url] Your turn.... A
  8. [quote name='owensy' post='380012' date='Jan 14 2009, 09:48 AM']Amp provisionally sold 1 interested in the Bass Nothing on the effects [/quote] PM'd you! A
  9. [quote name='farmer61' post='382035' date='Jan 16 2009, 08:44 AM']Is it just me or does Lars Ulrich come across as a bit of a knob![/quote] And according to my lovely wife - he sounds like Elmer Fudd! Also - on the subject of Trujillo - check this out ...... [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=K6kiVhWEgUY"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=K6kiVhWEgUY[/url] I love the bit 45 seconds in - Kirk walks in ... "dude, your gigs in jeapordy....." Trujillo is just a great musician - and I think it will be interesting to see if he manages to get between Hetfield and Ulrich - who have always been the driving force and controlling influence in the band (after Cliff Burton's death). Poor old Jason was just a hired hand, and did a tough job really well, and I actually think they could carry on without Kirk too, but Lars and james go back a loooong way, and I could see Ulrich spitting the dummy if Hetfield gets too pally with Trujillo and starts listening to him and his ideas. Fascinating to watch how it plays out .... and my wonderful wife bought me tickets for the Feb gig in Manchester too, as a Christmas gift. Can't wait. A
  10. I picked up a small Yamaha PA from my local shop tonight, and the guys were talking about the impending price increases they are going to have to mark up soon, and that I had "made the right cjoice to buy it now" . Apparently, due to the movement of the US dollar over the last 6 months (the universal currency of business in the far east and indeed the USA) against the pound, it would seem that over the next week or so it is likely prices on gear will rise by an average of something not far off 20%. Equally euro based prices - for gear sourced in europe - will mean higher prices too - and you only have to look at Thomann.de prices now to see how much they may be affected. I have no evidence other than my own observations, but it feels like Fenders have already crept up quite a bit since the end of last summer. I hate to say it - but perhaps if you are thinking about a sizeable purchase, now might be the time - particularly if you are after a £2,000 rig - which could be £400 more in two weeks time?! I believe 20th January may well be D-Day for many retailers - next Tuesday, although, that said - this is one bit of inside info, which - whilst I foiund it quite convincing (I'm not dithering over a purchase - so no chivvying along needed) it doesn't represent a massive base of evidence. A
  11. [quote name='KevB' post='378699' date='Jan 13 2009, 10:21 AM']First bass : Columbus Jazz (modified by owner) Cost : I think about £30 Equiv now : About £70 I subsequently changed pretty much everything on the bass apart from the body, gave it to my niece to learn on and she still says its her favourite to play.[/quote] If anyone is like me they may not read the thread starting post, and simply guesstimate the inflation factor. For those that wish to use the actual inflation calculator - I'm posting it again ; it's here : : [url="http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/historic-inflation-calculator"]http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/historic-inflation-calculator[/url] Cheers A
  12. In the midst of some BC surfing the other day, I came across a forum member offering an old Jap bass for sale - which was the exact model I first bought for £118 in 1982 from Russell Acott's in Oxford - a Satellite through neck precision copy. Mine had a factory sticker on it, which pointed out the pick ups were DiMarzio's, and looked lovely when it was polished up, and I wish I'd kept it, as it sounded nice too. Bloody heavy though. This made me think about how the price of instruments has changed over time - so I had a look for a UK inflation calculator, to work out what £118 would be worth today - and the answer : £311.52. If you want to do the same - here is the calculator link : [url="http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/historic-inflation-calculator"]http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/historic-inflation-calculator[/url] If I then think about the quality of the instruments available today as beginners basses - Yamaha RBX 170 for instance @ £120 on the internet - there is just no comparison, they are so much better and easier to play. Also, not only are the basses better, but the breadth and availability of teaching aids is astounding now : MP3 bass trainers, internet video lessons and even school music grades on rock instruments (unheard of in the 80s) etc. Yet a friend who teaches guitar and bass, regularly moans about the inability of his students to stick at the instrument through the basic 'pain' stage of scales and building up their hand strength, and their attention span seems so short too. He gets paid irrepective of course, but his main beef is that so many of them don't do any work between lessons, the progress is painful for both he and the kids, and they seem to want to be Jaco, without doing any work! He also finds plenty of kids, guitar players particularly, who can't pick up anything by listening, and have no idea where to start unless it's Tab, and whilst they can play any amount of widdly widdly solos, have no idea how to play chords and the rhythm guitar parts. That said, if I was 15 now - I would probably be pretty much the same - so it's not a serious rant about the youth of today, and perhaps it would be more interesting to build a thread on 'first bass, what was it, where from, and how much in today's terms?' Anyone fancy filling in the gaps here? First bass was : From : It cost : Which today is : Cheers A
  13. [quote name='JPJ' post='375780' date='Jan 9 2009, 11:37 PM']Whiskey is an old Irish folk song. As far as I can recall, on the original recording, Phil played acoustic guitar so there was no bassline per se.[/quote] Yep - no bassline. I've seen an old film of them playing on a european tv show and Phil was playing acoustic throughout. A
  14. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='374072' date='Jan 8 2009, 02:17 PM']Hello any Oxfordites. My Duo / occasional trio, The New Moon, are on early doors 8.30? along with Redox and the Pete Fryer Band. We play acoustic, sometimes psychadelic songs, on acoustic guitar and fretless bass, helped out by a bit of flute and djembe here and there. Come and say hello! Sorry for the short notice, we are late subs! Cheers Jules PS Im pretty sure it is free to get in too![/quote] Blimey..... that takes me back. I used to work in the Magdalen Arms about 25 years ago, when there was a games room out the back with pool tables and loads of video games. What's it like now? A
  15. [quote name='Musky' post='374833' date='Jan 9 2009, 10:00 AM']WTF That really takes the biscuit. I don't think anyone with even a basic grasp of the English language would be in any danger of being confused by that. Ebay just seems to make up the rules as it goes along.[/quote] Agreed - and I've traded a few emails with the guy who is selling: he's had it two months apparently, and had it out of the box about a dozen times. If only it wasn't so blue ...... and of course, I think BIN for £90 is a bit hopeful, given that you can have a choice of colour for £115 brand new on t'internet. Good luck to him though - you just need 2 keen bidders who are determined to win it. Nice bass ..... Yamaha's - the Ronseal of bass guitars. A
  16. [quote name='bremen' post='375256' date='Jan 9 2009, 03:14 PM']Nothing on their website (search terms 'sound level', 'limiter' and '70dB') It's a tabloid story, isn't it. Next thing we know, scientists will have discovered that looking at silicone tits for 10 minutes is the equivalent of an hour in the gym.[/quote] Now there is a petition worth signing - free provision of 'specialist DVDs' as a major contributor to the health of the male,and indeed some of the female, population of the country. Perhaps we should try to launch that on the No 10 site? Although thinking about it - maybe there are too many tits in Downing street already. A
  17. [quote name='madzombieguy' post='370427' date='Jan 4 2009, 10:18 PM']No offense taken mate. I've just found no time to take pics and stuff recently. Here's the amp (sorry for the blurry 2nd shot) Looking for around £75. Collection preferred due to the sheer size of this!![/quote] Collect from where in the country please??? Regards A
  18. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='374437' date='Jan 8 2009, 09:02 PM']Ebay would have pulled it! There would have been something written somewhere that ebay didn't like! I had my EBS cab pulled for having another manufactures name in the ad! Jake[/quote] So then...... emailed the seller, who advises that eBay removed the listing with an hour to go, because he had described the bass as being in 'as new' condition, yet had selected 'used' in the drop down menu to describe the status. It looks pretty legit - he bought it from Dawsons in Altrincham, hasn't played it, and just wants to off load it - for as near £90 as poss (BIN @ £90). If only my Mrs would let me buy it...... it would be ideal for the car boot bass I was looking for on the items wanted thread .. especially if I could get it for £60 by way of the auction. Sadly, I have been rumbled.. so I'm under surveillance now. Thanks for all your input - and I quite agree about eBay .... a necessary pain in the arse. A
  19. [quote name='Trace_n_bass' post='374463' date='Jan 8 2009, 09:24 PM']You are now forced to offer Paypal as an option. If you state 'cash on collection only' they will remove it as nowadays Paypal MUST be offered (part of the ebay global takeover policy) He has now relisted as "Payment is by PayPal or cash on collection." Once ebay remove a listing it's as if it never existed. If you look at an item they've listed themselves it will state the reason for them ending early (i.e. no longer available)[/quote] Just to clarify - it [b]originally[/b] stated 'PayPal or Cash on Collection' and I'm pretty confident that hasn't changed. I do think that those who are saying 'pulled by eBay' are right as I can't see how else it could have so quickly and completely dissappeared. I'll email the guy and report back. A
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='374380' date='Jan 8 2009, 07:58 PM']The very fact that you say he was offering collection only, no postage, saying 'cash on collection' etc. may have resulted in eBay ending it as they hate the thought of anyone circumventing their fees and selling privately after the cheap advertising on eBay. [/quote] Just been relisted! 5 day auction - same wording in the advert. Anyone smelling a rat? A [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-RBX170-Blue-Bass-guitar-excellent-condition_W0QQitemZ190278981910QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item190278981910&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A7%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-RBX170-Blue-B...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url]
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='374359' date='Jan 8 2009, 07:38 PM']As a watcher you wouldn't be notified of anything! As a bidder you are notified if an item is ended early. If it only had hours to go and had bids on then the seller has ended early to the highest bidder or eBay pulled it; you can't 'generally' end an item for no reason if it is less than 12 hrs to go and has bids on.[/quote] Surely it would appear on my watch list as ended? I watch a lot of stuff - to see what it sells for - and it comes up on my watch list as 'ended' with the final price. Even if he sold to a high bidder I would have thought that would have happened here too. Also, I am always notified when the bidding on a 'watched' item is ending soon, with an automated email, and i didn't get that either. Strange. A
  22. did it say in the ad"also selling locally"? If so, then it's been sold legitimately. On the other hand, maybe it was bogus +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ No, & the guy would allow you to pick it up from his house, or meet in Manchester, but wouldn't allow any couriers to collect from his house during the day. It looked pretty legit - but you never know - he had quite a bit of feedback. I wonder if her just pulled the auction in some way because the bids were at £30 with an hour to go. He'd really limited his buyers by only offering collection, but was taking PayPal - which suggested again that it was pretty pukka. I'm confused!!!! A
  23. I'm perplexed and a bit pissed off...... I was watching a bass on eBay - seller just down the road from me - a blue Yamaha RBX, with an auction that finished at 8 p.m. I've been away on biz, but checked my ebay account at 4 p.m. at the airport, and it was still there with 4 bids showing. Just got home and signed in, to possibly have a bid for it, and it's gone from my watch list, no email to say it's been sold etc, and I can't find it on eBay as a live item!?!? What's happened there then? I can't believe the seller would have closed the aucton so near ro the finish - I just don't understand what's happened. If it had been sold, as a watcher, I would have been notified. Any suggestions? A
  24. [quote name='Exile252' post='357037' date='Dec 17 2008, 03:12 PM']Very nice looking guitar. Now need to think if I need another guitar or a new bass. Whats the sound compared to a humbuckered LP?[/quote] Now sold - mods - please remove. ta A
  25. [quote name='The Burpster' post='371322' date='Jan 5 2009, 08:07 PM']Top drum machine, I use an MRT-3 ..... if you have no takers in the next few days I may make you an offer as I could do with expanding the capabilites of the lil'un.... [/quote] Quite agree - great bit of kit. You know you want it Sir!!! Let me know! Regards A
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