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The Admiral

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Everything posted by The Admiral

  1. [attachment=18179:zoom_rhy...trak_123.jpg] I bought this on eBay about a year ago from a guy who had bought it just weeks previously for his highland band to play along to - but he couldn't get on with it, and consequently it had barely been used, and came with box, manual and power supply. I have one already, and I bought this as a spare, but I've never needed it and it is now part of my New Year 'cull' (see my Epi Les Paul 56 Gold Top elsewhere on BC). Here is a link to the 'Sound on Sound' review : [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jun99/articles/zoom123.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jun99/articles/zoom123.htm[/url] It's great bit of kit - the sounds are excellent, and it has the facility to play bass parts - either 'stock', or programmed by the user. Obviously you can turn this off (!) and it's an ideal 'jam along' box - or if you fancy a bit of Social Club Duo action, it works great for that too. I paid £60, and I'd be happy to make my money back, but I'm open to offers. I will send 1st Class Special Delivery - guaranteed next day (and insured) for £6.00. Sorry for the 'stock' photo, but Mrs A has the camera at the moment. Happy to take pics for interested parties - but's it's in 'as new' condition & boxed. Let me know. Cheers A
  2. [quote name='MythSte' post='370545' date='Jan 5 2009, 12:37 AM']I'll Take it!![/quote] Gone!
  3. Bought about 4 years ago from Superfi, but I didn't set it up immediately, and when I did - found it to be faulty - specifically, it plays fine , and then suddenly the signal disappears for about a second - before coming back perfectly. No squelches or skips - just no sound. I returned it and they sent it off to have it repaired - and I was assured that it was 'sorted' when I collected it. Foolishly, I then put it in storage for a few months, only to find that when I tried it when installed again, it was still doing the same thing. Somewhat bloody typically - this was also outside the guarantee period and the shop were totally uninterested - so don't ask me about Superfi!!!!! Anyway - it's sat doing nothing - having been used for about an hour in all it's life. Hers is a link to the Superfi page with details - although mine is black - not silver as shown. [url="http://www.superfi.co.uk/index.cfm/page/moreinfo.cfm/Product_ID/2144"]http://www.superfi.co.uk/index.cfm/page/mo...Product_ID/2144[/url] So, if : i) you want to send it off for repair , or ii) you are a bit handy with this sort of kit, or iii) you can live with the fact that it drops out like this ......you are welcome to it for the price of postage. I don't have the original box, but I have got the instructions and the remote, and it hasn't got a scratch on it. I'm guessing £10 - £15 - depending on how you want it sent. Let me know. A
  4. Hi all Not strictly musically related, but I have a spare Ikea chair that I'm trying to get rid of, and it's really comfortable - so ideal for those long mixing/recording sessions in the home studio. It's a 6 year old version of this, but in a bright blue. [url="http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/S49819297"]http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/S49819297[/url] We bought it when Mrs A worked was a wage slave and worked from home, and we shared my basement office, but she took voluntary redundancy some years ago, set up her own business in separate premises, and we've never needed it since. It's hardly seen any use, and it's just in the way, so I'll put it on eBay if no-one comes back to me, but it's a good bit of kit - supports hefty individuals, both bum width wise, and without sliding slowly floorwards - (I can vouch for this, as I have one too, and mine's staying). Collection preferred, as it's almost impossible to post/courier economically - as it's pretty heavy and unwieldy, but I travel a fair bit and perhaps I can bung it in the car when I'm 'down your way' - one to discuss with interested parties. Currently residing in South Manchester. £25 - PM if interested. Cheers. A
  5. A sad day, but it's got to go......... Just listed it : [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290287026441"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=290287026441[/url] Any six stringers need a cracking guitar to spend their Chritsmas money on??? Cheers A
  6. This looks interesting. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/gibson-bass-guitar-1961_W0QQitemZ200295125423QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item200295125423&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A7%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/gibson-bass-guitar-1...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] Is it me - Seems a bit strange to start a vintage instrument at such a low price? A
  7. [quote name='lemoley' post='363826' date='Dec 26 2008, 06:26 PM']Got for sale here a Laney R3. Is in mint condition and is the older series with the award winning Richter speakers. 165 watts, great for gigging, band rehersals or just practicing in your room. Would prefer if buyer could collect but will post if the right offer is made. No pictures as of yet sorry (can't find my camera) but will hopefully have some up soon but as said before it's in mint condition so Google images will help you out if your desperate. Will also be up for trades if you have what im after - Cabinet able to withstand a 450 watt head, preferably Marshall. Cheers, Mike[/quote] PM'd
  8. PM'd A
  9. Just a point to note chaps - this is the day after Valentine's day. So - if you want to get a 24 hour pass from your loved one to devote to driving to Yorkshire and immersing yourself in all things bass, don't forget a card or flowers - or better still, both perhaps? There will be no fingertsyle workouts on anyones g string upon your return if you don't play this one right I might suggest! A
  10. Hi all I don't know if this qualifies, but I was in NYC last year, and an American friend suggested I take a trip to Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village to check out Matt Umanov's guitar shop. It's an amazing place - and plenty of v.famous players are regulars judging by the photos on the wall - but compared to how you might expect the guys there to be : elitist, arrogant and snooty - they are really friendly, and happy to chat. A great shop, which a few UK retailers could learn from in terms of attitude. It was 2$ to the £ when I was there, and it's a good job the Mrs was with me, or I would have parted with cash! Merry Christmas .... and enjoy. A [url="http://www.umanovguitars.com/store/browse.asp?cat=640&path=600,640"]http://www.umanovguitars.com/store/browse....mp;path=600,640[/url]
  11. [quote name='MB1' post='361918' date='Dec 23 2008, 01:00 PM']MB1. I now have 2 my original passive Aria pro 2 SB Special 2 (28 years old ish) and my Aria PB101 (bought off Bassbunny)which is a single pickup/ Active/ 3 band eq /bolt on/strings through bridge or body/Bargain of the year!. [/quote] I owned an Aria SB Special II, which I bought new in about 1984 for £279 - an amount I have never topped in respect of 'multiple of weekly income for an instrument'. In a fit of madness, and financial need, I px'ed it for a Marshall Valvestate - having crossed to the dark side temporarily, and picked up the six stringed instrument - and I've regretted it ever since. I don't know if yours was the same, but it had 2 humbuckers - a three way switch, and concentric volume and tones on the same controls. Mine was black and very sexy. Really fast player with a nice tone and low action - you could really dig in. The foolishness of youth! A
  12. [quote name='wombatboter' post='256875' date='Aug 7 2008, 06:43 AM']A couple of months ago I bought a Wal fretless from someone in New Jersey, USA... While the bass in itself wasn't expensive (1500 Euros), the taxes and the shipping really increased the price... Import duties were around 475 Euros (had to be paid in cash on delivery, they called me a day in advance to inform me about that) and the shipment was around 150 Euros, if I remember well.. So the rather cheap Wal costed me 2125 Euros in the end... It's still worth the money since it is an amazing bass but I never thought it would be so much in the end...[/quote] I've bought stuff in the States when I've been on holiday, (mics and software - which is much cheaper) and a friend has brought back guitars on a fairly regular basis, without ever being stopped by customs : just checks it at the door of the plane , with all the pushchairs, and walks through the luggage area, and then out of the green channel. I'm afraid I'm not that ballsy, but he just fronts it out. Re : buying in the USA - you can get great deals at the big multiples, like guitar centre, but the smaller retailers are much more interesting. I was actually in Matt Umonov's on Bleeker Street in New York last year - the ultimate guitar porn shop - and the guys there were telling me that they regularly have customers come in from Europe - particularly scandinavia - to buy vintage gear. Apparently, even with the exchange rates and cost of flights, it makes sense for them. He had 2 guys in from a Swedish metal band the week before I was there - who flew in on a Tuesday - came straight to the shop - spent 5 -6 hours playing various guitars, and left with a 70's Les Paul each, flying out that night!! Whilst I was there, legendary folkie Linda Thompson was in trying to negotiate a bit of discount on a vintage mandolin - .. "for Teddy's birthday...", and had the shop guy play a few for her. That must be a bit intimidating, playing for Richard Thompson's Mrs (ex), who has probably been around some pretty good guitarists over the years. Here is the link to the Umanov's vintage basses page : [url="http://www.umanovguitars.com/store/browse.asp?cat=640&path=600,640"]http://www.umanovguitars.com/store/browse....mp;path=600,640[/url] They were just putting a Gretsch White Falcon bass (gold hardware) in the window as I was there. Now there is a bass for a tv appearance! A
  13. [quote name='yorick' post='361147' date='Dec 22 2008, 04:13 PM']Not playing like that anyway!!!! That was way before film was invented..... If you search "life denied" on you tube, you'll see some of me playing normal(?). Just look for the long ginger goatee. [/quote] To answer the question (posed earlier I think ) about does anyone play a RH bass - the wrong way up, still strung for RH ...... I'm sure the guy from Doves does. Very strange. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FL2cEbyzOOI"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FL2cEbyzOOI[/url] A
  14. [quote name='yorick' post='361087' date='Dec 22 2008, 03:30 PM']What's missing is the sanity of the compiler who put the Four Tops, Otis Reading and Funkadelic in a top 100 ROCK bass preformances chart. Don't get me wrong they are ace, but in a rock chart?????????[/quote] Yes - couldn't agree more. Perhaps we should just look at it with the word 'rock' subtracted? A
  15. A list of the Top 100 Rock Bass performances of all time (apparently): [url="http://www.nutsie.com/digitaldreamdoor/100%20Greatest%20Rock%20Bass%20Performances/2162347"]http://www.nutsie.com/digitaldreamdoor/100...rmances/2162347[/url] What's missing then? A
  16. [quote name='Paul S' post='361032' date='Dec 22 2008, 02:48 PM']Talking about the overdubs etc on Live and Dangerous - I was listening to Scott thingy being interviewed fairly recently (Planet Rock one night?) and he said that 'Southbound' wasn't actually ever part of the live set - they recorded it 'as live' at the venue as a sound check and included it in the album. Didn't know that before, either.[/quote] Interesting...... never heard that one before... Having referred to it, I just looked up the bit on Lizzy in Visconti's book, and he took the L&D album as a months work between Bowie gigs. He didn't record it - it was done at various shows throughout the US and Europe, by different recording set ups, and consequently he's really sniffy about the engineering on all the L&D tapes : recorded at different speeds - 15 ips and 30 ips, with different noise reduction systems and eq curves - US and European standards (which will probably make abundant sense to those with engineering knowledge) - BUT - mostly about he fact that there was so much guitar/drum spill on the vocal mic that they couldn't drop in any overdubbed vocals - to pick up the bum notes. The vocals on the whole album were therefore re-recorded 'as live' and replaced the originals, and both guitarists added an additional track to 'thicken up' their sounds. 55% original & 45% overdubs and fixes apparently. The bass was replaced with Lynott playing through his stage gear, with the bass on his wireless system - so he could throw the 'shapes' whilst he played : must have been great to watch.
  17. [quote name='molan' post='360957' date='Dec 22 2008, 01:45 PM']I love the various slower/longer versions of this that are kicking around, always thought the original was too short! Some of them go into the 'standard' version of the song after the slow part - this one is 7 mins long: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YzpMBscDNbM"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YzpMBscDNbM[/url][/quote] And with Brian Downey on drums too! A
  18. [quote name='acidbass' post='360599' date='Dec 21 2008, 11:30 PM']Watched the gig last night on Sky Arts, never saw any live Lizzy stuff before and it was a fantastic watch! I agree with the comments about Lynott's stagemanship, but IMO he also put in a blinder of a performance on bass! I'm in awe of his ability to seamlessly jump strings using a plectrum, something which I aspire to having only really started teaching myself over the last couple of weeks. On the same note - I normally find myself watching Sky Arts a lot more than the regular music channels these days, there are some brilliant classic live performances every night at 9pm! Always good to know that someone's here to give us a heads-up in case we miss them tho [/quote] I caught this as well - and it was great to see the band - and the main man - in action again. I've always maintained that in any dictionary under the term 'Rock Star' there should just be a picture of Phil Lynott : you wouldn't need to say any more really. A great writer, poet and very underated player. Also, If pushed, I would have to say that Live & Dangerous is probably one of my top 3 albums of all time, although it's often criticised for the amount of 'tweaking' it received. If you are interested, check out Tony Visconti's autobiography, where he tells all. Quite simply, all the bass on the live album was replaced with tracks recorded with Phil's live rig, played at gig levels (if I remember rightly), but set up in a studio. The BVs are all allegedly overdubs too - as Scott Gorham outlined in an interview some years ago. But so what - they were a great band - and it's such a shame that Phil didn't live to ride the wave of success that I have no doubt would have come to Lizzy, not least because of a renewed interest in 'Classic Rock' by all the baby boomers and Gen X'ers - but also the patronage of bands whom they influenced. I'm quite sure Metallica (for example) would have happily taken Thin Lizzy out on the road with them - although Hetfield and Lynott would have been a serious battle of egos! I just hope that the film they are making - a biopic based on Phil's mum's book - 'My Boy', does justice to the man and his music. Holly Hunter owns the rights, and wants to play his mum Philomena - and they had Gary Dourdain from CSI down to play Phil. Please God he makes a better fist of the Dublin accent than Don Cheadle's 'Gor blimey Mary Poppins' - sub Michael Caine Mockney accent in Oceans Twelve. Regarding basses : their is some great stuff on YouTube of the early Lizzy days - where Phil plays both a Rickenbacker (fingerstyle too!) and a Dan Armstrong 'plexi' see through bass. Last time I saw them live, on the Thunder & Lightning tour, he was playing a Hamer I think - was it the 'Cruise' bass? Loads of pick-ups and knobs, active I guess - and Dynacord bass amps. I remember seeing a feature in Kerrang in the 80s, which showed a kind of Spinal Tap shot of all Phil's basses - and he had a couple of Ibanez too I think - a fretted and fretless 'Musician', and a double neck - 6 and bass - which he used on the 'Solo in Soho' tour. With regard to 'the' P Bass : I am sure it was given as a prize in a magazine competition - obviously after his death - but if my memory is playing tricks, I would love to know what happened to it, if anyone knows. It deserves to be on show in Dublin - much like Rory Gallagher's old Strat. A
  19. I'm reluctantly selling my Epi LP - here the blurb from my potential eBay listing - please PM me if interested. Cheers A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ An absolute classic design - the Les Paul - reissued by Epiphone in the Gold Top 1956 finish. I bought this guitar about 2 years ago after seeing Gary Moore in concert, and fancying some of that great LP P90 blues tone, but sadly I am so busy with my job, that I never get to play it - and it's actually been out of the Hiscox Lite Flite case (which is included in the sale) about 5 times since I've owned it. I really need to claim back some space at home, and reluctantly I'm therefore selling this guitar. I'm really torn about this, as I love the thing - but it should be played - and loved by a new owner! It was bought new, from my local Dawsons Music, and I have the original receipt for £349, plus £79 for the case. There were cheaper deals at the time,(and still are) but I wanted to buy a guitar that had been quality checked, not just posted out in a box, and this plays beautifully. I'm after £275 - which includes the flightcase - as I need to buy a new bass amp! This has P90 pickups - which are single coils - so you won't get that Jimmy Page/Slash humbucker growl - BUT - this is a fantastic and versatile guitar for Blues and Classic Rock. Also, this is the Korean made version, which is no longer available, and I am told that towards the end of this models shelf life, they moved production to China, and the quality dropped like a stone. This is an excellent guitar - fit, finish and playabilty. Sound I found a link on YouTube to a guy playing some solo stuff on exactly this model, which will give you an idea of the kind of tone available: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CJlDDckBqeo"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CJlDDckBqeo[/url] LP guitars are HEAVY - and this is no exception, and with the flightcase, this tips the scales at over 8kg. I am still investigating courier costs, and I would think about £30 - £35. However, I'm also willing to deliver within 30 miles of Manchester - fuel costs to be agreed - based on actual destination. Also, if you want to meet up 'half way' - that can also be discussed. This guitar is in fantastic condition - although I did notice when I was taking the pictures that there is the tiniest 'rub' on the edge of the headstock - which looks a lot worse (ironically) in the photograph - because it catches and reflects the light from the flash. I've never noticed this before and it really is very, very small - but - as my feedback suggests - I'm a very honest ebayer, so I'm being upfront about this. I'll happily take more pictures and answer any questions for interested parties
  20. [quote name='Hamster' post='355591' date='Dec 16 2008, 07:49 AM']Hi, and welcome to the forums! Bite the bullet, you'll have a much bigger choice. How about this for an amp - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33544"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33544[/url] or this - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25426"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25426[/url] and this for a cab - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33914"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33914[/url] or this - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28311"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28311[/url] or this - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33717"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33717[/url] Float the LP in the for sale forum - you might get a nibble there - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=21"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=21[/url] Happy hunting![/quote] Hi Hamster and thanks for the welcome. I actually took the Epiphone LP into the music shop today, and they made me a pathetically low PX offer - so I'm going to sell anyway. Thanks for the links too - some nice stuff there , and at pretty good prices too. I'll start shopping when I've sold the LP. Cheers A
  21. Hi all Just joined the forum, having 'lurked' for about 2 months, and I'm keen to get your input. I've been playing for about 28 years, and I'm still crap, but have resolved to finally put in the effort (at age 44!)I should have expended when I was 16 - and actually learn the instrument properly. Must be a mid life crisis if you believe my lady wife. Anyway, with this new resolution in mind, I really need to get a new bass amp, as my current one (28 year old Laney 30 watter), which has been unused for about 10 years, is too small, crackly, and lo-fi for what I'm hoping to use it for : practice, rehearsal, and the odd pub/club gig. Material will be classic rock stuff - nothing too metall-y, and I'm open to amp/combo suggestions. Bass is a 6 year old Yamaha BB series 4 string - active. However - here's the complicated bit - I have the chance to px a 56 gold top Epiphone Les Paul with the shop I bought it from - in haste - about 2 years ago, but they only stock Ampeg, Marshall or a bit of Line 6 and Hartke. The PX is the easy option, as I don't want the hassle of selling it on eBay - although I know I would probably get more for it if I did. I'm willing to put in money on top of the px they are offering, so I'm looking at say £350 - £400. The question is - should I open up my options by biting the bullet on the hassle factor, selling (rather than PX) the Epi LP, and having the 'open market' option -OR - is there something good available from the Ampeg, Marshall,Line6, Hartke stable in that price bracket, which I could PX the LP + cash for? All suggestions greatly received. And if you want to buy the LP - it's the one with P90's and comes with a Hiscox liteflite case - which it's only been out of about 6 times in 2 years. Hence in mint conditon, and with receipts!!! Cheers..
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