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Everything posted by Peejay

  1. Forgot Pulse by Pink Floyd
  2. Hi folks Possibly been done before, but what are your favourite live albums? A few of mine for starters: * Joe Walsh - You can't argue with a sick mind * Lynyrd Skynyrd - One more from the road * Thin Lizzy - Live and dangerous * Nils Lofgren - Night after night * Wishbone Ash - Live Dates * Peter Frampton - FCA All have great bass players - Willie Weeks, Leon Wilkeson, Phil Lynott, Wornell 'The Sonic Prince' Jones, Martin Turner, Stanley Sheldon.
  3. Have to admit to some envy here. MT was always my favourite bass player because he was able to create such variety in his basslines and never sound flash. His tone on some songs is awesome - Master of Disguise, Surface to Air, Come in from the rain, etc. I think he used an old Ric 4000 with a Dimarzio EBO pickup at the neck for some of these as well as the usual Thunderbird. His Hamer Explorer was always a great looking bass too. Thanks for posting this. Cheers Paul
  4. Is this still for sale mate?
  5. Hi John Are these true bypass? If so, I'm interested. Cheers Paul
  6. Thank you. I'll give that a try. Shame I can't convert to the smaller switches. The '78 ones are a bizarre bunch of metal strips!
  7. Hi folks I have a 1978 Gibson RD Artist bass that I've owned since new. It has always been kept safely in its case but for some reason the output has suddenly fallen. All the controls work OK and I've changed the battery, but the output is lower than my passive basses. I don't think it's a fault with the Moog circuitry because the onboard effects still work OK. Does anyone know an electronics tech who could check it out please? I'm located near Selby in North Yorks. Any help would be really appreciated as I love this bass (despite its weight) and want to restore it to full health. Cheers Paul
  8. Thank you. It's an old Squire Jazz, Plays really nicely but the pickups are a bit weak. That's my next project. Might get a fretless neck for it too. Bought it for £70 a few years back.
  9. Mine.
  10. Amp arrived earlier this week. Love it. Sounds almost exactly the same through headphones as via the speaker. Photos of basses and amp.
  11. Amp due to arrive on Monday so will post a photo. With some basses.
  12. Very much appreciate all the comments and guidance. Thank you. Tried several combos over the last week or so and given that I only play at home now (mostly through headphones), I eventually opted for a Markbass CMD101. EBS Classic 120 is a great amp, but perhaps a little more than I need. The GK MD110 is also a great amp but the sound through headphones was markedly different so this one was ruled out. PJB amps really are a surprise and it was a toss up between a Session 77 and the Markbass as there was very little difference overall. Just felt that the MB sounded the same through headphones as through the speaker so that was the deciding factor. Next step is a compressor pedal. I don't regard them as an effect, more a means of evening things out, so that the overall sound is consistent. I've always considered Boss pedals to be pretty decent and easy to work with but would welcome suggestions. Cheers
  13. Thanks for your help guys. As I only play at home now high volume isn't really a necessity, but quality of tonal variation and clean sound are the main things. That said, a lot of smaller amps tend to sound very similar, so the ones suggested probably fit the bill. Going to try as many as I can this week and then decide which one offers the best overall compromise.
  14. Sorry to be a pain, but what's the view on GK combos?
  15. After some more research I've sort of narrowed it down to: * EBS Classic Session 120 * PJB Session 77 (100w) * Mark Bass CMD 121 Cost can be offset by sale of the Blackstar, Ampeg and if someone has a forklift truck, the Peavey TNT 160, although the latter is worth nothing really.
  16. Really appreciate that. Thank you. See what you mean about PJB and that clarifies very well. Hopefully going away for a couple of days, so will give it some thought and do some research then reach some kind of conclusion. I don't mind the cost so much as getting the right outcome, but value opinions based upon long term experience, as this usually means that what you've had for a while tends to tick most of the boxes. Otherwise, it becomes a series of bull/sell arrangements based on pot luck.
  17. And why is it that all the cheap(ish) stuff is darn sarf???
  18. Thank you. So many suggestions and all with good reason. Tried a Fender Rumble (100) today and it was plenty loud. I mean p**s the neighbours off three doors down loud. Probably more than I'm likely to need, but nice to have if you need it, so a consideration. Have read conflicting reviews about PJB. Some people rave about them and others think they're a bit weak due to small speakers???? Usual story I guess, some like some don't, but the problem is not being able to try all of them out, so you end up reliant on subjective web-based opinion (which I'm as guilty as anyone of!). Think I'll visit a store and try a few out. Eventually, it's a compromise, and bearing in mind I only play at home, I can't expect a small combo to deliver a 4X10/big amp output, so I'll go with what I figure I can get the most out of and if that means a bigger budget then it's probably worth it in the long run. Appreciate everyone's comments. Cheers
  19. Yeah. Liking the look of the EBS. Just need a compressor/limiter and I'll have all need. Thanks for the heads up.👍
  20. Wow. Thank you. Sadly, my stepson has brought us a COVID prezzie, so I'm stuck here for a few days. I'll keep an eye out on Gumtree locally (15m South of York, 20m East of Leeds) to see what's available. Much appreciated.
  21. Thanks guys I don't have to worry about being overwhelmed by a drummer or a guitarist with a 100w Marshall stack as I only play at home now - usually to music on my iPad. All the suggestions are gratefully received. Tried both existing amps and fiddled with the EQs but still a little underwhelmed by both so a new amp is where I'm going. The Ashdown EVO sounds like a contender, as does a Fender Rumble, but I also like the look of EBS Classic 120 or even a Roland Cube, although the latter is more of a modelling unit but it does negate the need for pedals. I find a lot of amps are 'voiced' so I'd like something that is clean to start with, but where you can dial in decent tonal variation with the EQ and bass itself (I have plenty of variety in the latter aspect). I also have a Peavey TNT 160 in the garage but it weighs as much as a small planet and all the pots are crackly so it may end up at the local rubbish tip.
  22. Hmmm. I guess I'm an old fart and used to 'normal' amps. Where do you get an EVO 180 from for that money? Neighbour is as deaf as a boot so...! Seen a Roland Cube for about £250 and an EBS for £300 locally. It's like being told to pee in the corner of a barrel!
  23. EBS Session120 or Roland Cube 120XL? Not bothered about onboard effects if the amp is better.
  24. Forgot the Epi Explorer Bass as well! Awesome instrument apart from mega neck dive.
  25. Thanks guys EBS look really impressive and Mark Bass too. I have eight basses (P, J, Ric 4003, Gibson RD, Yamaha 1004J, 2 x EBMM), so plenty of variation as far as input in concerned, but as I mentioned, the amps I currently have deliver pretty much the same result, regardless of EQ. PJB tick most of the boxes, but the Peavey also looks interesting. Plenty to consider here and really appreciate your comments.
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