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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Realigned measured 300mm from last fret to back of bridge each side... Bottom left hole ran in to each other, snapped the drill bit trying to encourage the hole over, screws down fine. You can just make out the edge of the old bottom right hole under the curve of the back of the bridge. but have to look... Looks way better than in the previous pic, Intonated and Sorted...
  2. All works fine... Gave the truss rod a little tweek undone, to get a little more relief in order to try and lower the action 'bout 3.5mm E and 2.5 G with a little buzz when hit hard... Will have a look at the bridge - must of been like it from new... see if it can be moved but still cover the old holes. How would you do it? - pivot round and up on the top left screw? - If it went pivot down on the top right may have intonation issues with the E The extra holes may drive me even more nuts...
  3. Following my £10 Cruiser by Crafter clean-up... The Machine Heads are missing 2 of the keys... Anyone got any cheap heads kicking about following an upgrade? Otherwise it will be the 'bay for a Chinese set for a tenner...
  4. Following my £10 Cruiser by Crafter clean-up... The Machine Heads are missing 2 of the keys... Anyone got any cheap heads kicking about following an upgrade? Otherwise it will be the 'bay for a Chinese set for a tenner...
  5. So, a mooch about on Gumtree yesters showed up a Cruiser by Crafter P-Bass-a-like... 10 miles and 30 mins away. Picked it up this morning, Body is P-ish, but with more pointy horns and a bit of a Jazz bulge on the lower flank... Swapped the shiny chrome knobs for some black Strat Hats, to fit in a bit with the pickup covers... (Eldest black guitar now wearing the shiny knobs, which also looks better for it...) Strings looked and felt new-ish. Strings off, fretboard masked up, wire wool, dab of Autosol, small polish mop on the dremmel... Headstock logo is big n gairish, so more with the wire wool, although i quite like the little chamfer detail. Pickguard off for a clean inside, Castrol Motorcycle Polish brought up the body.. Not quite sure about the bridge angle, but their are no other mounting holes. Missing 2 of the Keys from the machine heads, so its a tune a string and move the key... Oh!.. and It was a Tenner! Fun afternoon...
  6. get some shorter ones from the 'bay... i have just ordered soms A2 stainless set screws M3 12mm for the Ibby - as the standard cup point screws dont seem to sit in the bridge groove, so i went for Dog Point... £2 for 10. 'merican may be imperial ala Fender rather than metric And by the sounds of it, are they fitted from underneath?
  7. Alice Cooper From The Inside Different musicians for him on that album... Bernie Taupin, Dee Muray on Bass, and the guitarist from Elton Johns band at the time...
  8. On the back... Got to be some metaflake nail varnish... won't be a perfect match, but will stop it shouting out... or model paint? Earls Golden Orange metal flake... eBay... Fiver...
  9. Get ya Geddy on... https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/rush-geddy-lee-tom-sawyer-isolated-bass/amp/ Careful with the cans... nearly spilt my coffee 'n caved my head in!
  10. Another for the 'short' listI... banez GSRM20... Short Scale version if the GSR200...
  11. It Arrived, and it works. Nice fit in the Ibby socket... Vol is loud enough with some cheapish over ear Sony cans (they aint that loud with my Sony mp3...) bit hissy at full V, back it of a little and its OK. Tone is bright and gets brighter... Turned down is best then use your guitars tone adjust... so perhaps that can come out...Drive, not a great deal... but spose you wouldnt be looking for Geetar Distortion? Gets quite a bit more driven when the GSR Phat II is upped... So level of drive i spose is down to your pickups and how hard they can hit the front end... Dunno how it compares to the Vox, but for £17 deivered, it certainly 'does the do' for a bit of practice. rechargable too... Auto Wah is a bit of a gimmick, shame it wasnt something real useful. Compressor or a nice bit of soft Chorus? Plug is fixed so may be a bit more robust. I would still love a simple effects pedal styled headphone amp, 9v with Vol, maybe tone (maybe not with the above) some drive would be nice... Perhaps i should of gone for the Electro Harminox Headphone Amp @ £45ish If i were still working in the electronics lab... there is a circuit for the old MXR headphone amp on the internet....
  12. Went for a 'Donner Basement' 'Vox-a-like' jack plug hesdphone amp. USB recharge rather than AAA... Blurb says a bit of Ampeg SVT drive... £17 posted from Amazon... Vox are about double that plus postage... New Vox has Drum Box, prefer the idea of a little drive like the older model. Fingers crossed - which does make playing little harder...
  13. New to Bass... But back in the early 80's i had one of the original MIJ Fender Squire Statocasters, '57 model with maple neck in Salmon Pink... from a music shop in Camden... Was still at school, that was a lot of paper round money... Was replaced with a Westone SX... that was a nice neck... Also in the mid '80's had a weird Fender Katana... Thru neck, 24 3/4" scale length, sort of flying V thing - very Gibson but a Fender. Not the cheap one. again Paper round and saturday job... Both the Squire and Katans are upwards of a £grand... obviously things are only worth what someone is prepared to pay... think i sold em for about £200ish Later '80's Charvel #2 in Black... Spent about 20 years in its case! Life moves on... It's now in the hands of my eldest at 15... together we are re discovering my CD collection... Covid Bollocks is what prompted me to get the Bass. Couldn't go looking and shopping - cack converters? - so a Ibby GSR200B in walnut-a-like (Think bass guitars look so much better in wood rather than paint, and dont do sunburst!) £160 from BAX delivered... so good price. would of liked the SR300 but would of been another £100ish...
  14. Nice and airy! And getin' her 'Geddy On! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DSKPYPK5luRQ&ved=2ahUKEwjZpNKgy-_pAhWtTxUIHfVmBC0Qo7QBMAB6BAgBEAE&usg=AOvVaw2Xqn9kbyyCaaiaBi3sQvDJ Gotta ask... Who plays in flip flops? Going for Isolation rather than coupling?
  15. Is the bridge bar some kind of synth trigger? Piezo device... G33? Reminds me of the Roland stuff for guitars in the 80s 90s G303 / 505 add ons... Anyone remember the weird G707 with top bar - Jimmy Page adverts in Music UK?
  16. So newish to this bass malarky... Great site - And 'GLUED' to the build threads. Love the neck on my Ibby GSR... 41mm Nut 305mm Radius and very slim profile... read about P necks and J necks mainly nut width and neck thickness rather than radius. very similar discussions to the Fender strat early 7.25" v later 12" radius. My Charvel #2 fretboard was part of a cone. compound radius 12" at the nut 16" at the 21st fret. Had this been done on a bass? Just thinking for all you DIY ers... Those Soundbergs with no fret markers - simple and loverly looking... I'll have one with that SR body thats getting modded... And loving natural wood with the bass. I'm over my Black Guitar needs... Grown up?
  17. If passive how are you wiring? Vol / Blend / Tone? 250k AT / 500k MN / 250k Lin No Load? (Been reading on here, Bourns Site and Farnell Catalogue - Thinking of outing the PHAT 2...)
  18. Real Nice... I like the Ibanez SR body... and Neck... And the P Bass style pickup... Did you give any consideration in swapping the P High Low side like on some other Ibbys and P types? - more room for the J... Mine... Would just have a Passive P and V 'n T contols, and got the other pot holes filled... Can't wait to see it finished. Got the GSR200, PJ... Prefer the shape and neck to the Squire Infinity... and couldnt stretch to the SR300... Wish they did the GSR100 here, with the single passive P I likes simple.
  19. Those markerless fret boards look luverly... So soothing to the eye... Presumably there are still markers along the edge?
  20. Strangely Weird... Weiredly Strange... Body looks like a 'left paw' with the pick guard on 'tother side... Headstock too... If the wood is nice and one piece, would look nice plain with a black guard to match the pickup surrounds.
  21. Is the Bass version that different for Freq Range Than the Guitar versions? Not fussed on the Drum n Metranome... Bass version would of been nice with an effect, simple Chorus? Old version had gain, distortion. Reviews of the Electro Harminox sugestvits a little sterile.... Any one know of the CALINE S2B Scuru Bass Headphone Amp? https://kytary.co.uk/caline-s2b-scuru-bass-headphone-amp/HN203840/?gclid=CjwKCAjwztL2BRATEiwAvnALcuz4kCKhA18Ezsy-rjXrohL7LplHkqeqbReMWe8DaS-EhmaoO2yWLhoC8MMQAvD_BwE Missed out on the Yam Soundcake from Kennys.... derrière! Fed up messing with Amp power leads, Headphone extender faff for a 'half hour go' before the wife, kids or dog kick in again... and i have to put it all back tidy.. Gotta be cheap... Kids will need shoes IF they go back to school 😉 Vox looks fragile, EHX looks substantial but read its bland, caline? Prefer the idea of a short lead to unit rather than the Vox's plug... Chime in please...
  22. Hawkwind did a couple of gigs with two drummers during a shift in band members... 72ish - before my time Simon King and Terry Olis... I think one prefered Downers... and the other Uppers... Can't remember which was which... Lemmy on Bass 'n Speed... They later had Ginger Baker... Is he not the same as 2 Drummers Along with Philthy 'Animal' Taylor...
  23. Longer neck, in order to maintain social distancing...
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