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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Got an old Arion FX case, Tuner, Metal Dist, Chorus, Flanger - unfortunatly the delay has diven up!.. sounds nice on gtr and bass, but with the eldest and guitars... prefer a phaser on the bass, more organic, Flangers tend to sound more clocked and mechanical, i know they are a different effect, but have a similar feel...- so got cheapy Wholenote (chord) Chorus and a Phaser - Copies of the old Ibanez plastic bug style 'Sound Tank' range, so the Flanger may be worth a look... As for order, with the delay last you get more of the same... with the delay earlier in the chain, say before a flanger, phaser, chorus or any 'shifter' your repeats are subtly different... give it a try...
  2. small prick :-)... needle 'n isopropyl alcohol... witch hazel etc... then rub some on ya fingers and leave to the air to harden... plasters just make things soggy...
  3. can the pedal not be allocated to a control varable and used as volume, changing distortion level, chorus depth, phaser or flanger rate, delay time or repeats?
  4. Worth the couple of quid extra for the 'x' with expression pedal?
  5. BAX Music? Address in Folkstone? then shipped from Holland? - Yep, same here.
  6. Can...
  7. can i take that?... pm sent
  8. An Evening With Windham Hill Live... Michael Manring - Bass M-e-l-l-o-w... following my Sausage 'n Mash with Onion Gray...
  9. Service should [edit:Shouldnt] depend on what ya spend... one persons grand may be an easy spend, someone elses 300 notes may be hard one and all they have... service is service.... I never see why these things happen... boils my fosters... Name n shame...
  10. My first thoughts on the pics before reading any posts was... 'If Stormtroopers played bass...'
  11. ...Again to make string changes easier, the bridge itself I've adapted to be quick release by drilling though the tail piece alongside each string hole. Crude but works perfectly! Nice touch...
  12. Oh that's so nice... i likes the SR's but thats outa my price range - and i just got a SR600... GLWS
  13. The Jazz shape in a bright colour always reminds me of a Jellybean... and makes me smile...
  14. Ta... Recorder set...
  15. @Old Man Riva post above got my 'Wobble-on' so digging out Rising Above Bedlam to rip to my mp3 player for laters, after fish n chips listening...
  16. Get him that year of birth bass now...
  17. My 'new to me' SR600 had a broken machinehead plastic washer... £4 for a pack of 8, posted from CDGuitars... arrived next day...
  18. From my guitar days... A Jim Dunlop Jazz III... Small-ish shape n 1.38mm thick... feels right for picking, a little thick for strumming...
  19. Thanks guys... Love the finish and neck wood, 'lectrics all fine, @Old Man Riva has kindly offered me a lightly used set of Rotosound Solo Bass Compression Wound 45-105 strings, Hopefully giving a nice smooth, warm and sweet grown-up tone... will wait till they are on before fiddling with saddle hight and intonation tweeks...
  20. Marshall MB range... I have a MB15 - 2 Channel, Modern with Comp, Classic with Gain... Nice little practice amp. MB30 version is Channel foot switchable... and the 60, 150 and 300 have ECC83 Valve Pre.
  21. So much more paisley... is it the holes dont line up? Shame... could the be moved a little on the guard and a slightly larger counter sink applied to half split the difference?
  22. before ya spend.. check out CDGuitars. great service...
  23. Nice... I do likes the Ibby SRs...
  24. UPDATE: Ordred yesters at about half eleven... Arrived today! So looks like they aim to get letter size jiffys out in time for the afternoon post collection. Plastic Washers are proper 'All Parts' items, not some ill fitting odd thing and for less than some eBay stuff. Recommend Chas @ CDGuitars... Good price 'n great service...
  25. Thats green... things that green usually turn black... then drop off... reminds me of taking the felt bit out a felt tip pen!
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