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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Faceache and a Cheeky offer of £15... Took the front badge off 'cos it's mahoosive on such a diddy combo... I'm sure it was obstructing the speaker... and now looks all the sleeker. Had the driver out and stuck a bit of left over wadding in. Doubt the 8" driver is 5 String Friendly, Fine with a Four... Remarkably useable single Tone control... Quite Sweet-Sounding with the Fretless...
  2. If ya don't want the Outline Packing foam ;-).. I want some surrounds for my SR400 with Dimarzio 123's... Here is my SR300 Maida Vale Stacked J's...
  3. 0000 wire wool and lemon oil for a clean and condition... 0000 wire wool and furniture wax for a polish... Dremel and a mop with a dab of autosol if frets grained and grubby w/ fretboard guard shim to give the frets a go Then one of the 4 Sided Nail Polish bricks... down thru the graded sides. https://www.boots.com/boots-4-way-buffer-10278878 Then a light Microfiber clothing... An enjoyable hour with a pint or jack 'n coke...
  4. Whats local on faceache and gumtree?Squier P or J, Ibanez SR300, Tangle 4k Rebel... what sort of music or sound you after?
  5. That's a lot of $£€... Have you tried the Senni HD206 @ £20ish of the 'bay? Might be worth a look at the specs...
  6. West Berlin - Camel (Stationary Traveller)
  7. Light pressure, otherwise you get a little scallop between the frets...
  8. Reasonable Scratch and Control plates on Aliexpess if ya not in a rush for low £... just takes 2 - 3 wks These for my Aria Jazz P Modder...
  9. Aliexpress... Something like this... https://a.aliexpress.com/_mtflXLK Cheaper available.
  10. Wadded... @stevie advised to keep the wadding away from the port... All stapled up to prevent wafting...
  11. Corner Protectors Arrived... Similar, fitted. Wadding and a Stapler arrived... Might do the Wadding Stuffing tonight. @Ramsay777 There is a light crackle 'n hum thru the speakers when the Master is Wanged to and fro.. but no through signal sound. As no signal out the Tuner Out, going to start to look at the Input and Send Return Jack Sockets Fingers crossed something simple. @JohnDaBass I'd go Carpet Cleaner and a Hair Trimmer... Other is likely to result in a mess and possible regret... If it don't come up OK after a Wash and Short Back 'n Sides then go Plan B...
  12. Also like these for playing, sitting down... D'Addario Dual-Lock https://amzn.eu/d/fB2ly8m without a strap, as with most of mine... keeps the lead tucked aside...
  13. Just seen these... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284274593800? Think i'll go these at the bottom... also offer some fair protection! and a basschat washer on the horn!.. That way the strap can be undone if need be simply at one end...
  14. First try?... Adagio Nickel or Olympia Stainless... £15ish Offer via the 'bay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/332636490116 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/332486029353 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302719180784
  15. ^ Or the Adagio's... Olympia are Stainless Steel, Adagio's are Nickel.
  16. PaulThePlug


    Bright!.. Maybe more of a Jazz Thing?... What a coincidence.. about 5 hours ago mine went black... AliExpress £5
  17. Update: Squier P has been moaning that the Ibby's have been getting nice pickups and the like, and copt the hump... Little did it know that a BWB Scratchplate was winging its way from the Far East curtesy of Ali Express for £Fiver... Call it an early Christmas Pressie... and rather fine it looks too, way better than the single ply white
  18. Fingers crossed he gets accepted for the School's 6th form and Courses... 'prolly wait and see if he can take some kind of grade exams along with the Music students and whatever board the use.
  19. Nice... love the knot by the forearm contour... and dark go-faster stripe. So character in that there body. No plate holes, so a custom swoosh plate for pickup n controls... more wood! Bargain, But I'd get told off...
  20. No, Doesn't need the cert for the course... just looking to substantiate his efforts... Looks like they are legit.
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